Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3071

Chapter 3071


The giant palm covered the sky and the sun, exuding an unparalleled terrifying aura, as well as the monstrous anger of the tiger in the forest.

At this moment, the face of the extremely arrogant young man in brocade clothes became extremely pale, full of panic. Although his strength was good, he was only slightly better than Vice General Wang.

Compared with Lin Zhonghu, it is obviously far inferior.

Facing such a terrifying palm at this moment, how could he not panic, and quickly called for help, "Master Liu, help me!!"


Seeing that palm is about to fall, the young man in brocade clothes will be suppressed on the spot.

But at this moment, the thunderous voice sounded again, and then another giant palm appeared out of thin air, directly blocking the young man in brocade clothes.

Boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and the two giant palms met, shaking the world.

A large area of ​​space fell off, as if the doomsday had arrived.

A flash of unwillingness flashed in Lin Zhonghu's eyes, and his huge body retreated violently. The middle-aged man in the purple robe was like a heavenly bell, blocking the world.

"Bastard, do you want my master's life? Today, my master will tell you to live or die."

As soon as the young man in brocade clothes got out of trouble, his face immediately became ferocious, like a ghost from hell.

Just now, Lin Zhonghu made him show all his ugliness, which aroused the anger in his heart even more, and his murderous intent was so high that he wished to tear everyone present to pieces.

While speaking, the sharp sword in his hand was cut out.

"kill him!!"

A group of soldiers of the Flying Tiger Army couldn't care about anything else, and rushed away with killing intent.

"Looking for death!" Although the middle-aged man in Zipao felt helpless, he seemed to have lost interest. Whether it was for the Great Sun Dynasty or for him, Lin Zhonghu was just a puppet and could be replaced at any time, so...

His eyes darkened, his anger soared to the sky, and he immediately slapped it away with a giant palm.

Horrific coercion enveloped the entire city, and the crowd all showed despair, as did the soldiers of the Flying Tiger Army. Under such a powerful coercion, even they could only wait to die.

Even Lin Zhonghu couldn't protect these people at all, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Hahaha!!! Ants, are you afraid? If you dare to disrespect me, this is what will happen to you." The young man in brocade clothes laughed wantonly, extremely cruel.

The sharp sword in his hand was like the whip of the god of death, reaping wantonly.

However, just when he was extremely proud, suddenly, a sound of dragon chant came from nowhere, and a huge real dragon's claw appeared out of thin air, directly covering the sky above him.


His face suddenly changed, and his eyes were filled with fear.

Because of the power of the real dragon's claws, he felt as if he had fallen into hell.

Man said it was him, even the middle-aged man in the purple robe shrank his pupils sharply, his face was full of shock, this palm came so suddenly, as tyrannical as him, he didn't even notice it at all.

He wanted to make a move again, but it was too late, the giant palm was directly on the head of the young man in brocade clothes.

This scene undoubtedly alarmed everyone present. They all stopped and looked up at the real dragon's claw and the light blue figure of the owner of the giant palm.

With his white hair flying and his clothes fluttering, he looked like a peerless emperor who surpassed all living beings.

The young man in brocade clothes, who was extremely arrogant before, is like a weak chicken in his hands, crushing and killing at will!

"It's Miss Fifth, then he..." Someone recognized Wu Yue, looked at each other, and then seemed to recall the recent rumors, with a complex, weird and curious expression.

"Presumptuous! You are so brave!"

The face of the middle-aged man in Zipao is also very gloomy and terrifying at the moment, his eyes are like knives, as if he wants to pierce Fang Yi.

"Liu...Master Liu, save me!!"

As for the young man in Jin Yi, his face was pale with fright, his expression was like a bereaved dog, he was so embarrassed that he almost peed his pants.

"Bastard! If you don't let me go, who are you, dare to be an enemy of our Great Sun Dynasty?"

The middle-aged man in Zipao scolded angrily, if he hadn't cared about the young man in brocade clothes, he might have made a move long ago, but right now, he had to endure it for the time being.

"Who is this gentleman?"

Fang Yi sneered, "Standing on my territory, you dare to ask me who I am. The Great Sun Dynasty is indeed very powerful. Before the annexation, didn't you even do an investigation?"

"Since you want to know, I will tell you that I am the New Moon Lord."

What?Crescent Lord?

When the crowd heard the words, no one looked up at Fang Yi. Is this the new Crescent Lord that has been rumored recently?

For some reason, the Flying Tiger Army was a crowd, and there was some anticipation at this moment, just because the new Lord of the New Moon dared to face the Great Sun Dynasty directly, which was undoubtedly a domineering gesture.

"Lord of the New Moon?" The pupils of the middle-aged man in the purple robe also shrank, obviously a little confused.

But the next moment, Wu Yue had already answered the doubts in his heart, "Isn't it strange? Your puppet Tian Ant Demon King is dead."

The fifth month seems to be full of fun.

Her father Wu Wuqing was killed because he refused to submit to the Great Sun Dynasty.

If Fang Yi finally chooses to submit to the Great Sun Dynasty, then her heart can be imagined, even if she will not betray Fang Yi because of her vow, she will definitely feel that she has paid her life wrong.

But now, Fang Yi actually made a move, pinching the young man in brocade clothes, how could she not be excited?

"Good! Very good!!"

When the middle-aged man in Zipao heard the words, the corners of his eyes twitched, and his killing intent surged.

"This seat has underestimated you and the crescent collar, but, let me release people immediately, otherwise, this seat guarantees that the crescent collar will no longer exist, and people will suffer."

"Really!" Fang Yi said indifferently, his five fingers tightened slightly.

what! !

Suddenly, there was a heart-piercing howl, and the bones of the young man in brocade clothes burst every inch of his body, and his flesh and blood exploded.

"Presumptuous! How dare you!!" The purple-robed middle-aged Lei Ting was furious, "Ignorant boy, do you know who he is? He is the son of the Heavenly Martial King. If there is any damage, the New Moon Collar will be completely destroyed."

What?Tianwu Warlord?

Hearing this, even the faces of ordinary people changed drastically, let alone the Flying Tiger Army.

Lin Zhonghu's face was also pale.

Because the Tianwu War King was one of the six Great War Kings of the Great Sun Dynasty, he ruled countless soldiers, his strength was overwhelming, his reputation was illustrious, and the countless forces in Wangyuewan, big and small, were all terrified.

At the very least, compared with the strength of the Crescent Territory, it is completely an egg hitting a rock.

Wu Yue's originally excited expression seemed to be frozen at this moment, her pretty face turned pale.

At the scene, Fang Yi was the only one who didn't respond, and he said coldly: "So what? You can act recklessly in my new moon collar, even if you are the king of the Great Sun Dynasty!"

Bang! !

As if responding to his words, the body of the young man in brocade clothes burst open, turning into a cloud of blood mist, filling the space between the heaven and the earth, and then dissipating invisible.

The whole world seemed to have come to a standstill, dead silent.


(End of this chapter)

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