Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3072 Killing

Chapter 3072 Killing

The huge crowd was completely stunned at this moment.

If it was said that Fang Yi was so domineering before, and they were extremely happy to take down the young man in Jinyi, then at this moment, besides the joy, there is also a faint trace of fear.

After all, he was the son of the Heavenly Martial King!

Who is the Tianwu War King?

One of the four Great War Kings of the Great Sun Dynasty, powerful, commanding thousands of soldiers, stomping his feet, the whole Mochizuki Bend trembled three times, but now, his son is just like this, don't kill him, how can the crowd not be afraid ?

As for the middle-aged man in Zipao, his canthus was about to burst, and his eyeballs seemed to burst out.

His whole body was trembling with anger.

"Good! Very good!! Boy, no one will be able to save you after going to heaven and earth. You and the countless souls in the New Moon Territory will surely be buried as the son of the Heavenly Martial King."

"Death to this seat!"

The middle-aged man in Zipao roared angrily, like rolling thunder, causing the world to turmoil.

While speaking, he no longer concealed the terrifying aura all over his body, and poured out with all his strength, like an erupting volcano, moving straight into the sky.

Immediately, dark clouds covered the sky, and terrifying energy swept across the world like a big wave, creating a scene like the end of the world.

The crowd fled in fright, howling in despair.

Just kidding, when the Legendary Nine Realms got angry, how could its power be something these ordinary people could bear, one blow was enough to wipe out a planet.

The breath of death and despair filled the world.

The ferocious and cruel look at the corner of the mouth of the middle-aged man in the purple robe was like a ghost from hell.

Not surprisingly, the son of the Tianwu Zhanwang was killed right under his nose, which undoubtedly tantamount to slapping him in the face. In front of the Tianwu Zhanwang, he could hardly absolve himself of the blame, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

He just wanted to make up for his mistakes and kill everyone in front of him to vent his hatred.

However, the next moment, he realized something was wrong.

Because another more terrifying aura enveloped him, all the mighty energy that he radiated was defeated, dissipated between heaven and earth, and became invisible.

The crowd obviously felt that the pressure had suddenly disappeared, and they all looked up at the void in puzzlement.

Looking at the light blue figure, stepping forward step by step, like a great emperor who gallops the world, his momentum is rising steadily, and in an instant, he seems to have turned into a giant of the world.


Lin Zhonghu's face was pale at first, and then looking at the figure, his pupils were filled with astonishment and incredulity.

Because Fang Yi gave him the feeling at this moment, like a god, he couldn't help but have the urge to worship.

Not to mention the crowd, all of them had blazing eyes.


The middle-aged man in Zipao was also shocked, and looked at Fang Yi in disbelief, "No wonder you dare to act recklessly, it seems that I have really underestimated you."

"However! In front of our Great Sun Dynasty, you are an ant after all, die!"

As soon as the word "death" came out, the middle-aged man in the purple robe slapped out a palm with all his strength. This palm was like a landslide and the ground was cracked, it was unstoppable, and most of the sky seemed to have collapsed.

But, suddenly, a shocking dragon chant sounded.

A huge real dragon's claw greeted that palm with an even more terrifying posture.


Immediately, there was a loud noise, and the huge body of the middle-aged man in the purple robe flew out like a shell, spraying blood mist.

What?The middle-aged man in the purple robe was actually knocked into the air?

The majestic legendary Nine Realm powerhouse, unexpectedly...

At this moment, the crowd was all stunned, Lin Zhonghu was the same, maybe even worse, because only he knew how domineering the Legendary Ninth Realm was, but that was the case, the middle-aged man in purple robe didn't even take a single blow, so he He was shot flying, and the person who shot him flying seemed to be no more than the peak of the legendary seven realms.

If he hadn't seen this with his own eyes, even if he was killed, he wouldn't dare to believe it, but the fact...

Naturally, the fifth month was the same, with a golden light shining in her beautiful eyes.

As for the middle-aged man in Zipao, his entire face had already turned extremely pale, and his eyes were full of disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

If it wasn't for the fact that the fishy sweetness in his mouth was so real, maybe he still couldn't believe it, he just thought that everything in front of him was an illusion, but the severe pain in his body and the blood overflowing from his mouth clearly told him that he was actually defeated by a In the hands of the Legendary Seven Realms.

"Okay! Boy! I remember you!!"

The middle-aged man in Zipao had blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. At this moment, instead of being angry, he became a little fanatical.

If Fang Yi's strength was mediocre, and the son of Tianwu Zhanwang died, he really didn't know how to deal with it, but now, he can rest assured.

"Just wait for me, when our Great Sun Dynasty soldiers come to the city, it will be your end."

The middle-aged man in Zipao let out an angry roar and wanted to leave.

Unfortunately, how could Fang Yi agree.

"Want to leave? Did I let you go?" The cold voice seemed to have no emotion, like a king's sentence.

The middle-aged man in Zipao laughed out of anger when he heard the words. Maybe he is not Fang Yi's opponent, but it is undoubtedly a big joke that a powerful legend of the Ninth Realm was threatened by a Legendary Seventh Realm to not leave.

At least that's how it seemed to him.

Lin Zhonghu also shook his head, obviously he didn't think Fang Yi was capable of keeping him.

Although Fang Yi is strong, defeating and staying are two completely different concepts. How can he be easily left behind when his strength reaches such a level?

However, just when the two of them disagreed, a bright sword shadow fell.

Along with that, there was a cold and supreme voice.

"My lord has said that even if you are the king of the Great Sun Dynasty, you can't do anything reckless in this lord's New Moon Territory, even more so!"

Tear! !

The radiant sword light fell across the sky and the earth, almost dividing the whole world into two.

The incomparable aura made the pupils of the middle-aged man in the purple robe change greatly, and his face was filled with horror, because from the sword light, he already felt the long-lost death-like aura.

At that moment, he just wanted to escape, but the space around him seemed to be imprisoned, and he suddenly realized that he couldn't move at all.


He howled unwillingly, his pupils gradually dilated as he looked at the radiant sword light.

Maybe he never dreamed that he would fall into such a little-known little place, in the hands of a legendary Seventh Realm.

Boom! !

The sword light fell and smashed everything, including the middle-aged man in purple robe who was as tyrannical as the legendary Ninth Realm. He was killed on the spot by a sword, his face was full of despair and disbelief.

It's just because, above the bright sword shadow, there is faintly the word trapping immortals.

At this moment, the huge crowd was completely stunned. They all looked up at the domineering figure, holding a long sword, like a peerless God of War, invincible.

The world was silent, there was no sound, and time seemed to have stopped.

It was not until a long time later that cheers like a mountain torrent sounded, and it lasted for a long time.


(End of this chapter)

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