Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3073

Chapter 3073

Two days have passed, and the news about that battle is still circulating among the crowd.

However, they are all secretly discussed.

Because the Great Sun Dynasty and Tianwu War King, after being happy, people obviously realized the seriousness of the matter, and they all looked panic-stricken.

Fortunately, the Flying Tiger Army was the same as before, which made them more stable.

"Young Master, the news has been blocked, and the subordinates who were present that day have also strictly ordered them not to spread it. Outsiders only know that the Flying Tiger Army has fought, but they don't know the reason. Maybe they can hide it."

In the main hall, Lin Zhonghu bowed and said.

The son of Tianwu Zhanwang and a legendary Nine Realm were killed, such a shocking act, once spread to the Great Sun Dynasty, the fate of the New Moon Territory would be known without even thinking about it, it must be extremely miserable.

Therefore, he blocked the entire planet as soon as the battle ended.

I just hope to be able to hide from the sky.

"Do you think it's useful? There were so many people present that day." Fang Yi said indifferently. In the past two days, if it is said that he is the calmest person, it must be him.

Just like a normal person, it is hard for people who don't know to believe that he just killed the son of the Tianwu War King two days ago.

You know, the Tianwu War King is one of the four great war kings of the Great Sun Dynasty, a legendary powerhouse in the Dao realm, who can turn clouds and rain with his hands, and rule life and death.

Even his son dared to kill, it was scary to think about it.


When Lin Zhonghu heard the words, he couldn't help but a look of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

He naturally knew that it was impossible to hide it from the Great Sun Dynasty, and at most he could only hide it for a while.

It's just that things have come to this, there is no other way.

Wu Yue is also aware of this point, with a trace of unwillingness on his face, fists clenched tightly.

"What? Are you scared now?" Fang Yi smiled playfully, as if nothing happened, and asked, "How is the matter you asked to investigate?"

If it is said that Fang Yi is not afraid of a strong person in the Dao realm, it is obviously impossible.

But if Fang Yi is afraid, that's impossible. Today, he really wants to experience the power of a powerful person in the Dao realm. Although he may not be an opponent, he still has the confidence to protect himself.

No matter how bad it is, there is also the water temple.

Moreover, having seen the top [-] strong men on the legend list, he has almost no interest in the legendary realm, but the great realm, which makes him a little eager to try.

Of course, thinking about it, since he decided to establish his own power, he couldn't do it rashly.

At the very least, he couldn't let those who followed him die in vain.

Therefore, he must also be prepared.

"My son, I only know that the south of the Great Sun Dynasty, that is, the direction where my New Moon Territory is located, was developed by the Tianwu Zhanwang, and the son of the Tianwu Zhanwang was originally not a messenger. The only emissary was the purple-robed man. , he suddenly came too."

"It should be just passing by, and his destination, if nothing else, should be a forgotten place."

"Our people found out that the Tianwu Warlord secretly opened up fertile land, and he seemed to be in trouble in the Forgotten Land. His two pioneers, General Thunder and General Undead, both appeared in the Forgotten Land. It is very likely that the Tianwu Warlord is also there. Forgotten place."

Lin Zhonghu didn't dare to be negligent, and said in a straightforward manner, but there was a slight doubt between his brows.

Fang Yi couldn't help but frown.

Because from the information given by the Dark Moon Building, he also has a little understanding of the whole Mochizuki Bend, and he has no impression of the forgotten place at all.

There is no doubt that it must be inconspicuous, and there are no powerful warriors.

really!Lin Zhonghu's subsequent words confirmed this point.

"The strange thing is that the Forgotten Land's reputation is not obvious, and its strength is very sparse. It is inferior to my New Moon Territory. It stands to reason that it should not cause trouble for the Tianwu War King."

"Not bad!" Wu Yue also interjected at this time.

"The most famous place in the Forgotten Land is the Abyss of Forgotten. According to legend, people who enter it don't know what they have experienced in it, how they got in, and how they got out, as if that memory didn't exist at all."

"The Abyss of Forgotten is also named after this."

"However, although the Forgotten Abyss is weird, it's not too dangerous. I haven't heard of many people falling into it."


Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his eyes, there is such a place?

But thinking about it, it's not impossible. Perhaps, it may also contain the way of forgetting in the Three Thousand Ways. The vast Three Realms are full of wonders, and he has long been familiar with them.

"Is that all?" Fang Yi nodded, the so-called knowing yourself and knowing the enemy will win every battle.

Originally, he wanted to know more about the Heavenly Martial Kings, but he never wanted to...

I don't blame Lin Zhonghu and the others, after all, the Heavenly Martial King is an existence in the Great Dao Realm, and based on their news, it is not bad to be able to detect these.

"Meet the son, Commander!"

At this time, outside the main hall, a soldier came in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Lin Zhonghu questioned with a vague premonition.

"Return to Commander, there is news that the Black Mountain Territory has assembled a large number of soldiers and is heading towards my New Moon Territory."


Lin Zhonghu couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he heard the words. Besides, he was still at a loss. The sudden attack by the Black Mountain leader at this time undoubtedly surprised him and made him a little confused.

Do not understand the other party's purpose.

Could it be that things have been brought to light?The Black Mountain collar is a dog of the Great Sun Dynasty. This dog's sudden attack is definitely not a good sign.

Wuyue's expression was also obviously tense, but more of it was anger, because the Black Mountain Territory also had a share in killing her father.

"There's no need to make a fuss, it's probably because the news of the Tian Ant Demon King's fall has spread, and the Black Mountain old demon wants to take this opportunity to eat away at the New Moon Collar."

Fang Yi said indifferently, as if he knew everything.

When Lin Zhonghu heard the words, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face, no, this possibility is the greatest.

The former Tian Ant Demon King was also a dog of the Great Sun Dynasty, so the Black Mountain Old Demon would naturally not make a move, but now, the Tian Ant Demon King is dead, which is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for him.

An opportunity to annex the Crescent Territory while growing yourself.

As long as the Flying Dragon Army can be taken down, the Great Sun Dynasty may directly attribute the entire New Moon Territory to him, and it is not necessarily true.

Moreover, in the process, he also made contributions to the Great Sun Dynasty, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

"What a treacherous Montenegrin old demon!"

Knowing all this, Lin Zhonghu couldn't help showing a cold look in his eyes, Wu Yue even gritted his silver teeth.

"Young master, can the Feilong army resist? Do you need your subordinates to take action?" Lin Zhonghu asked Ying. If he was still a little bit dissatisfied with Fang Yi before, after what happened two days ago, that emotion has long since disappeared.

Moreover, also because of that incident, the Flying Tiger Army had no way out, and neither did he, so...

"No need! Commander Yun is enough! Moreover, since the old Black Mountain demon has come, I'm afraid that other forces will not miss this opportunity."

"Just right! I am worried that no one will hit the bullet hole."

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of evil.


(End of this chapter)

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