Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3081 Situation

Chapter 3081 Situation


When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

All of them looked at each other in dismay, their eyes full of disbelief, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

Because once this is the case, it is tantamount to confronting the Great Sun Dynasty.

All along, they have succumbed to the majesty of the Great Sun Dynasty, but now, Fang Yi is going to face the Great Sun Dynasty directly, how can they not be surprised?

"Young Master, are you sure? Although our strength is not weak, if..."

Lin Zhonghu couldn't help asking.

The Great Sun Dynasty was majestic all over the world, and the Four Great War Kings suppressed the Quartet. All the major forces were frightened by the news. Relying on the strength of the new moon alone is tantamount to striking a stone with an egg.

However, Fang Yi didn't realize it, and said directly: "Of course!"

"Why? Could it be that you are afraid?"

Fang Yi naturally saw through the fear in the group of people, and said again: "Although the Great Sun Dynasty is great, each of the Four Great War Kings will be able to defend against the Heavenly Martial King, and as long as we are together, the Great Sun Dynasty All major forces in the four directions will inevitably respond, and no one is willing to submit to their coercion."

Although Fang Yi's words made some sense, it was obviously not enough to listen to the ears of several people.

Not to mention anything else, just resisting the Heavenly Martial King is impossible.

And once the New Moon Territory loses, it will inevitably bring about an extremely tragic end. At that time, it is unknown whether several people here can save their lives.

However, Fang Yi had made up his mind, and they had no way to refute it.

"I know you are worried."

Fang Yi's eyes swept over the crowd, and then said again: "However, I will not fight uncertain battles. The Great Sun Dynasty is not terrible. Let's talk about it if they are so good. There will be trouble in the Forgotten Lands."

"Besides, I also believe that Mingyue Pavilion will never sit idly by. Forgetting may be a contest between the two sides."

This is not without purpose.

In the past few days, Fang Yi has been learning about the situation of the Forgotten Land. It stands to reason that the Forgotten Land is not worth mentioning at all.

There is no possibility of stopping the Tianwu Battle King at all, but the fact...

So he believed that it must not be simple, and this was also one of the reasons why he decided to go to find out. As for other reasons, he naturally wanted to meet the legendary King of Heavenly Martial Arts, a strong man in the Dao Realm.

At the same time, the battlefield does not need to be set in the Crescent Territory, so why not do it?

"Master, don't you want to unite with the Forgotten Land?"

Yun Zhonglong's eyes lit up, as if he saw some kind of possibility.

If the Tianwu War King is really blocked by the Forgotten Land, and there is the shadow of Mingyue Pavilion behind him, then combining these two forces, plus himself and others, may not be able to fight the Great Sun Dynasty.

Of course, the most important thing is Mingyue Pavilion. As long as Mingyue Pavilion secretly supports it, then everything is possible.

Several people also looked at each other, and they all saw some kind of hopeful light in each other's eyes.

Fang Yi ignored a few people, and didn't bother to answer, and cooperated with the Forgotten Land?It is not impossible to arrive early, but after that...

As for Mingyue Pavilion...

If a few people know that Fang Yi's ambition is no less than that of the Great Sun Dynasty, I don't know how they will feel.

"Okay! That's it, let's get back!"


Several people retreated one after another, with extremely complicated emotions, fear?disturbed?In addition, deep down in his heart, he was still faintly excited, just about to move.

"Sir, I..."

In the main hall, Fifth Moon did not retreat, looked at Fang Yi, hesitated to speak.

"What? I'm afraid I won't be able to restrain the Black Mountain old demon and the others?" Fang Yi glanced at Wu Yue lightly, and then said: "Don't worry! I give you a dragon shadow, and you can control their lives."

groan! !

As he said that, a dragon chant suddenly sounded, and from Fang Yi's body, the three-color dragon roared out, and then sank straight into Wu Yue's body.

"My lord's kindness, the little girl must be repaid by the fountain, but this trip is dangerous, why not..."

Wu Yue looked solicitous, as if she wanted to go with Fang Yi.

"No need!"

How could Fang Yi not see it, and directly refused: "The New Moon collar is the foundation, and this is the territory of your fifth clan, and I will return it to the fifth clan in the future, so take good command of these clans. People, don’t let me down.”


Seeing this in Wu Yue, she had no choice but to give up, but there was still a trace of worry in her eyes.


"Hmph! That kid is simply too crazy, why should Lord Lan talk nonsense with him?"

In a certain void, the two men in black robes who had left before, the woman, turned her head and glanced at the crescent moon collar, with a little complicated color in her bright eyes.

As for the other person, he was still somewhat resentful.

"Don't you think it's very interesting? A mere legendary peak of the Seventh Realm dared to offend the Great Sun Dynasty, and those people even surrendered to him."

The woman called Master Lan was full of curiosity in her words.

"Hmph! I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!" The black-robed man said contemptuously, but thinking of the surrender of the old demon of Montenegro and others, as well as the terrifying coercion emanating from Fang Yi, his face could not help but change, and he said: "It's just Relying on just one formation, the real strength may not be much."

"If it wasn't for the battle king of Tianwu who couldn't get away, just rely on him? I'm afraid there won't be any scum left!"

"No! There is no need for a Heavenly Martial Warlord at all. General Thunderbolt and Undead General alone are enough to suppress the entire New Moon Territory on the spot."

The man in black sneered.

When the woman heard about these people, a hint of fear flashed in her eyes.

"It's strange to say that a small forgotten place can actually stop the Tianwu War King's footsteps. The master of the pavilion is very curious about this."

"It's really weird, and I don't know what's going on."

Both of them were full of suspicion.

Especially that woman, apart from being puzzled, she also had a hint of expectation, "I hope someone can really stop the Great Sun Dynasty, otherwise, Wangyuewan may be in danger."

"Where did Master Lan say that?"

The black-robed man seemed a little confused, and said again: "The Pavilion Master's strength is as high as the sky, as long as he raises his arms and shouts, all the forces in Mochiyuewan will definitely respond. At that time, no matter how powerful the Great Sun Dynasty is, it will definitely be defeated."

Mentioning the so-called pavilion master, the man in black looked adored.

But the woman shook her head and said: "Today's Mochizuki Wan is no longer what it used to be. The Great Sun Dynasty is expanding wantonly. Have you ever seen other forces dare to stand up and resist?"

"No! Because they either succumbed to the majesty of the Great Sun Dynasty, or were bought."

"It is almost impossible for Mingyue Pavilion to reach any agreement. Moreover, the Great Sun Dynasty has not expanded with great fanfare. If this continues..."

When the woman said this, she didn't continue talking.

But the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

The face of the man in black couldn't help turning slightly pale, as if he couldn't believe it.

"The Forgotten Land, I hope you don't disappoint me, let's go!" The woman then turned her head to look in the direction of the Forgotten Land, murmured, and disappeared into the sky as an afterimage.


(End of this chapter)

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