Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3082 Abyss Of Forgotten

Chapter 3082 Abyss Of Forgotten

The Forgotten Land is not far from the Crescent Territory.

Of course, compared to a superpower like Fang Yi, there is undoubtedly a world of difference for ordinary warriors.

In just a few days, Fang Yi was already above the vast void.

The divine sense spread out, and everything within a radius of tens of thousands of miles was in the induction.


so calm?Doesn't it look like a big war happened?

A blank look flashed across Fang Yi's face. This place is already the territory of the Forgotten Land, but the surrounding star field is peaceful, and it doesn't seem like there has been any war at all.

Immediately, he headed for the nearest living planet.

"You say, how long can the Abyss of Oblivion last?"

"I'm afraid it's not good. I heard that the King of Heavenly Martial War is coming, and the lord has no choice but to retreat into the abyss of oblivion. If this continues, I'm afraid..."

"Thanks to the kindness of the lord, it is inevitable that the land of oblivion will be ruined, and he did not fight the Great Sun Dynasty to death, otherwise we will be in trouble."

"Whoever says it's not, the wolf ambition of the Great Sun Dynasty is simply an unforgivable crime."


Fang Yi's spiritual thoughts covered the entire planet, and all kinds of words fell into his ears verbatim.

From this speech, he learned that when the Great Sun Dynasty came, the Forgotten Lord did not resist, but chose to back down and hand over the entire Forgotten Land.

He led his subordinates back to a planet on the edge of the Abyss of Forgotten.

The Great Sun Dynasty could have taken the Forgotten Land easily, but for some reason, maybe it was because of the concession of the Forgotten Lord, or maybe the Great Sun Dynasty has always been so domineering. Planet, take down the Forgotten Lords.

Therefore, a great battle ensues.

What no one expected was that the Forgotten Land, which was thought to be vulnerable, miraculously defeated the army of the Great Sun Dynasty led by the Undead General under the leadership of the Forgotten Lord.

And it caused heavy losses to the army of the Great Sun Dynasty.

Fang Yi didn't know what the battle was like, and the crowd spread rumors.

But there is no doubt that it must be a thrilling battle, and it is a great miracle, so that people on this planet will look forward to that battle.

Even Fang Yi's eyes were full of curiosity.

In the past few days, he has deliberately learned about the strength of the Forgotten Land. The Forgotten Lord's cultivation level is not even as good as that of the Black Mountain Demon and Luoyue Sect Master, and is similar to Yun Zhonglong and Lin Zhonghu.

With such a cultivation base, it is a wise choice to give up resistance directly and retreat to a corner.

Especially his opponent is the undead general, who is the pinnacle powerhouse on the legend list.

But in the end, such a reversal made Fang Yi curious.

Immediately, Fang Yi didn't need to stay anymore. Now that he knew the general situation, he went directly to the abyss of oblivion.

The so-called Abyss of Forgotten is actually an endless void, that void is extremely mysterious, densely covered with planets and meteorites of various sizes, like a stone forest full of strange rocks.

What's even more weird is that according to legend, the warriors who stepped into it didn't know anything about it when they came out.

It's as if the memory is lost.

Therefore, no one knows what it looks like inside.

And the Forgotten Abyss and even the Forgotten Land are named after this.

Fang Yi knew this a long time ago, and he was not too surprised, because in his mind, at most, it contained the rules of the way of forgetting in the Three Thousand Ways.

This is naturally miraculous to ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning to a strong man like Fang Yi.


The Abyss of Oblivion, seen from a distance, looks like a huge black hole, devouring everything around it wantonly, which makes one's heart palpitate.

At this moment, on its periphery, a fight is going on.

On one side is a powerful army with distinctive armor and a round of golden scorching sun printed on the back, while on the other side is a group of soldiers in black inner armor.

In contrast, the latter is obviously not as well-trained as the former, and his momentum is also much weaker.

The scene is naturally conceivable.

Undoubtedly, that powerful army belonged to the Great Sun Dynasty, and the group of black-armored soldiers, no accident, naturally came from the land of oblivion.

Fang Yi watched all this indifferently, so he was not in a hurry to make a move.

This was the first time he met the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, and sure enough, it was much stronger than the Flying Tiger Army.

It seems that there is no easy person who can dominate the Mochizuki.

As for the other group of people...

Subconsciously, Fang Yi couldn't help but shook his head. This was obviously much worse than the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty, and the overall quality was not the same at all.

If it weren't for the fact that the two teams were not too many, with only 30 people, the gap would not be apparent.

In addition, the strength of the leader of the black armored soldiers is good, I am afraid that these people have already been defeated.

However, even so, these people may not last long.

"Kill it out!"

Among the black-armored soldiers, the leader had a resolute face, and he obviously saw this, and with a loud shout, he wanted to break out of the encirclement.

This is the outskirts of the Abyss of Forgotten. Regardless of the gap between the two, the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for them.

Reinforcements from the Great Sun Dynasty may come at any time, so...

"Just relying on you? It's wishful thinking! A bunch of chickens and dogs."

"Kill! Not one left!"

The leading silver-armored general of the Great Sun Dynasty turned cold, his murderous intent burst forth instantly, and the halberd in his hand shot like a sharp arrow. The space seemed to be pierced through, and there were bursts of thunder.

For a while, the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty were all murderous, like an army of gods and demons.

However, there are only 30 to [-] people, but they are like thousands of troops.

In contrast, the black-armored soldiers were obviously inferior, their faces were all pale, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Even the resolute middle-aged leader is no exception. His personal strength is good, but that's all. If he wants to turn the tide, he is obviously not good enough.

That's it!

Fang Yi shook his head, and immediately had no intention of reading any further.

It's just that I was a little curious in my heart, could the Forgotten Land stop the Great Sun Dynasty with such an army?

That would be too incredible.

"Hahaha!! A bunch of trash, you're nothing out of the Abyss of Oblivion, you're going to die!" The silver-armored general shouted loudly, sweeping away with his halberd like the whip of a god of death.

In an instant, several black-armored soldiers fell down.

Seeing that the black armor soldiers are about to collapse.

At this moment, the world sank slightly, bang bang!There was a muffled sound, and the space seemed to be frozen, and everything seemed to be frozen, unable to move.

Only the expressions of the people became terrified.

The soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty exploded without any warning, like blossoming fireworks.


Seeing this scene, the expression of the leading silver-armored general changed drastically, full of fear.

Naturally, all the black-armored soldiers were no exception, and they couldn't help looking at the white-haired and blue-robed figure who was slowly stepping forward.


(End of this chapter)

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