Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3084 The Weird Abyss Of Forgotten

Chapter 3084 The Weird Abyss Of Forgotten

"Lord Fang is indeed a hero! He has been admiring him for a long time!!"

Inside a huge palace.

The middle-aged man at the top was dressed in a black robe, with an extraordinary aura, and his face was a little cold, but at the moment he was smiling all over his face, looking at Fang Yi below, with an eager expression.

There is no doubt that this person is the Forgotten Lord.

To be honest, Fang Yi was a little surprised to see the Forgotten Lord so easily.

It's not about how difficult it is to see the Forgotten Lord, but at such a moment, it stands to reason that the Forgotten Lord should be extra vigilant, but in fact, under Wang Dong's leadership, he saw the other party directly.

Of course, it could also be the identity of the New Moon Lord.

But the bigger reason, Fang Yi believes, is that the opponent has reached the point of desperation, hoping to seek help, so...

"The Forgotten Lord is being polite! The Forgotten Land does not submit to power, so Fang admires it."

Fang Yi also said politely.

The Lord of Forgotten heard the words, but just smiled awkwardly. That smile looked a little weird, bitter?have no choice?As a last resort?

Could it be that this was not his idea?

A strange thought flashed through Fang Yi's mind.

No wonder he thought so, because the Forgotten Lord was standing in front of him at this moment, and his cultivation was only at the peak of the eight legendary realms.

With this kind of strength, it is said that he is the King of Heavenly Martial Arts, and any legendary Nine Realm can suppress the scene, so what can he use to counter the army of the Great Sun Dynasty?

Could it be that the other party has a backer?Is it Mingyue Pavilion?

"Lord Fang is serious." Lord Forgotten didn't seem to want to get too entangled in this topic, and asked instead: "Lord Fang came all the way from a long distance, presumably also for the Great Sun Dynasty?"

"The Great Sun Dynasty is too prosperous to bully people. If you and I join forces, we may not be able to give them a head-on blow."

Before Fang Yi could speak, the Forgotten Lord couldn't wait to talk about the alliance.

Maybe he really can't wait.

Or, knowing that Fang Yi had no other choice, he even killed the son of the Tianwu War King as a joke.

However, this also proved his determination to resist the Great Sun Dynasty.

This involuntarily made Fang Yi even more curious.

If it were an ordinary force, if they knew they were invincible, they would have bowed their heads and surrendered. After all, nothing is more important than life.

But this Forgotten Lord, who obviously looks extremely scared, yet stubbornly resists, really makes people puzzled.

However, Fang Yidao did not refuse in a hurry, but said: "I originally just wanted to come and see how Master Forgotten resisted the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, so as to learn some experience."

Fang Yi's words obviously carried a hint of probing.

It is undoubtedly a bit offensive to directly ask the other party why they can resist the footsteps of the Great Sun Dynasty, so...

But I don’t think so, the Forgotten Lord didn’t mind at all, and said directly: “To be honest, Lord Fang, I have ruled the Forgotten Land for some years, and I also have some experience in the Forgotten Abyss. As long as the army of the Great Sun Dynasty dares to step into the Forgotten Abyss, I naturally have a way to restrain them."

The Forgotten Lord spoke with a smug look on the corner of his mouth.

Fang Yi was stunned.

Subconsciously, he couldn't help thinking that when the silver-armored generals fought with Wang Dong before, they satirized all the black-armored soldiers and said: They are a bunch of trash when they leave the abyss of oblivion.

It seems that the key lies in the abyss of oblivion.

Looking at the Forgotten Lord again, with an inscrutable look, it is obvious that he is not going to talk about it.

Fang Yi also had no need to ask.

Instead, he said: "I am naturally very happy to be able to unite with the Forgotten Land. However, I did not bring anyone with me on this trip, so I want to borrow some soldiers from Lord Forgotten. Is it possible?"

Lord Forgotten was obviously taken aback, looked at Fang Yi vigilantly, and asked, "Does Lord Fang want to block General Lei Ting?"

The Forgotten Lord is extremely shrewd.

He had already learned everything from Wang Dong's mouth, and Fang Yi wanted to borrow troops at this moment, so there was no doubt that he must have come for this matter.

"Not bad!" Fang Yi admitted generously, he would naturally not let General Lei Ting do what he wanted.

Going to the crescent collar?Then it depends on whether the other party has arrived.

The Forgotten Lord was obviously hesitant, not surprising, that was General Thunder, the army of the Great Sun Dynasty.

Although the Forgotten Land and the New Moon Territory seem to be grasshoppers on the same rope, but if he really wants to borrow troops, it will be the Forgotten Land that will lose.

However, Fang Yi has already opened his mouth, and he also hopes to attack the Great Sun Dynasty, so he pondered for a while before saying: "Lord Fang also knows the strength of the Great Sun Dynasty army, it's not that I don't want to, but I can't. Leader, you cannot watch them die in vain."

"However, since Lord Fang has already spoken, I naturally cannot be stingy."

"How about this! I can lend you someone, but they will all be lurking on the edge of the Abyss of Oblivion. Chief Fang mainly wants to stop the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, and it is best to be on the edge of the Abyss of Oblivion."

It can be seen that the Forgotten Lord is quite confident in the Forgotten Abyss.

This involuntarily made Fang Yi more curious.

"That's it! Then thank you, Mr. Forgotten." Fang Yi thanked immediately.

In fact, he was just casually saying that he had no hope of actually being able to borrow soldiers, and these ordinary soldiers would not be of much use to him at all.

For him, all he needed to do was defeat General Lei Ting. Without a leader, the army would naturally be unable to continue their expedition.


"Lord Fang, do you really want to stop General Lei Ting?"

After leaving the hall, Wang Dong looked at Fang Yi in disbelief.

Just kidding, who is General Lei Ting? He is a powerful figure at the peak of the Nine Realms of Legendary Realm, an existence on the legend list. Such a character, they usually only look up to.

But now, Fang Yi actually said that he wanted to stop them. More importantly, how could he not be surprised that his lord lent his army to the other party.

"What? Are you scared?" Fang Yi smiled playfully.

Wang Dong didn't make a sound, but from Fang Yi's confident smile, he seemed to see some kind of hope.

After all, this is the existence that can behead the son of the Tianwu War King and the envoy of the Great Sun Dynasty.

"Don't worry! According to what your lord said, you only need to lurk on the edge of the Abyss of Oblivion." Fang Yi said lightly, then glanced at Wang Dong, and said tentatively: "You seem to be quite confident in the Abyss of Forgotten ?”

Wang Dongdao didn't hide it, or he was a little fawning, and said directly: "It's nothing to hide from the lord Fang, but our lord seems to understand the mystery of the forgotten abyss, and the forgotten army will not get lost when entering it, nor will it Lost memory, but once the army of the Great Sun Dynasty entered it, they were like headless chickens, they didn’t even remember who they were, and they forgot all their skills, so we were able to defeat them.”


Hearing this, Fang Yi's expression couldn't help changing, he even forgot all the exercises?

This...this is also incredible.

"What about General Thunder and the others? There is also the King of Heavenly Martial Arts. Didn't you say that he is also here? It's rare that even he can't do it?" Fang Yi asked.


(End of this chapter)

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