Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3085

Chapter 3085

"This one……"

Wang Dong paused, and then said: "To be honest with the lord Fang, Wang is not sure whether the Tianwu War King has arrived, it is just a rumor, at least Wang has not seen it, and the other soldiers are similar, Wang just listened The lord mentioned it, saying that the Tianwu War King entered the Abyss of Oblivion."


Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten, it seems that the root of everything is still in the abyss of forgetting.

Otherwise, why would the Tianwu Warlord enter the Abyss of Oblivion?

Wouldn't it be enough to just suppress the Forgotten Lord?

Do not!If it's just about forgetting the lord, there's no need for the Tianwu War King to take action at all. There must be something hidden behind it.

Is it Mingyue Pavilion?

Seeing that Wang Dong also looked dazed, Fang Yi didn't bother to ask, the other party probably didn't know much about it.

I'm afraid only the Forgotten Lord knows best, but the latter obviously won't say anything, and, judging from the other party's appearance, it seems that he is not too confident in the forces behind him. Otherwise, he would not think about uniting himself.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it is to deal with these soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty.

For the Forgotten Lord, these are undoubtedly the most fatal, but superpowers like the Tianwu War King are simply not something he can compete with.

"As for General Lei Ting and others, they seem to have been greatly affected. Your lord can remain invincible in the face of them."

After a pause, Wang Dong continued.

Looking at his appearance, his eyes were still full of disbelief.

The same is true for Fang Yi. Although he has never met the so-called General Thunder, he knows that the other party is an existence that ranks more than 200 on the legend list, similar to the Red Scaled Flood Dragon King and the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider.

With such strength, suppressing the Forgotten Lord can be said to be a piece of cake.

But the results are comparable, the impact in the middle can be imagined.

Fang Yi had to be surprised that even the legendary Nine Realms peak powerhouses were affected so much.

What is in the Abyss of Forgotten?

Can't even resist them?

"By the way! I don't know where General Lei Ting and the army of the Great Sun Dynasty are at the moment?" Fang Yi couldn't figure it out, so he had to give up for the time being. At present, the most important thing is to stop General Lei Ting.

Otherwise, when they really arrive at the New Moon Territory, it will definitely be a big trouble.

Although he is not afraid, it is undoubtedly better to be able to kill the threat in the cradle.

Wang Dong knew everything, so he even gave the general situation.

It turned out that the Great Sun Dynasty was surprisingly calm during this period, and did not launch an attack on the Abyss of Forgotten, but just guarded a certain edge of the Abyss of Forgotten, watching the changes.

It was as if he was waiting for the return of the Tianwu Warlord.

As for the Forgotten Lord and others, naturally they dare not offend easily.

Of course, there was no major battle, but small conflicts were inevitable. Wang Dong and his party were like this before, spying on each other.

"Lord Fang, look! This road, if General Lei Ting is really going to conquer the New Moon Territory, this is the place he must pass through."

A star map appeared in front of Wang Dong, and he pointed to one of the routes.

"It's just a pity that this route is quite far from the Abyss of Forgotten, and it's terrifying to stop them..." Wang Dong looked at Fang Yi, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

The Forgotten Lord said that the Forgotten Army can only lurk near the Forgotten Abyss, and can enter the Forgotten Abyss at any time. Otherwise, if one thing goes wrong, the entire army will be wiped out, so...

Wang Dong also looked helpless.

Fang Yi didn't respond at all, borrowing troops was just a casual remark, it's good if he can help, but it doesn't matter if he can't help, it's not difficult for a mere General Thunder to take down the opponent in the army.

Not to mention killing, defeating is naturally easy.

"Unless...unless they can be brought here." Wang Dong said with a slight frown.

He was quite dedicated.

Fang Yi didn't care about it at first, but now when he heard the words, his eyes lit up.

Subconsciously, he couldn't help but think of the silver-armored general he had captured, and the jade slip that the other party was about to rescue.

"How about this?" Fang Yi took out the jade slip, and a look of amusement appeared on Fang Yi's face.

Wang Dong's eyes couldn't help but brighten, and he was a little apprehensive, and asked, "This, won't it attract the Heavenly Martial King?"

"Didn't you say that the Tianwu Warlord has entered the Abyss of Oblivion? How could he take action because of a trivial matter? Moreover, how can a mere general move to the Tianwu Warlord directly?"

"If nothing else happens, it should be the two generals who received the news."

Hearing this, Wang Dong subconsciously nodded.

"Not bad! You can try it!"

Immediately, the two discussed the specific implementation method.


Looking at the endless void like a black hole, Fang Yi's eyes were full of curiosity.

What is it that makes Tianwu Zhanwang couldn't help but enter to find out?

And the Forgotten Lord, what is he relying on?Mingyue Pavilion?Do not!During the conversation with Wang Dong, he had tried it out, but as a result, Mingyue Pavilion never appeared.

Not surprisingly, if Mingyue Pavilion really appeared, the Forgotten Lord would not expect to ally with himself.

That's all!Wait until the matter here is resolved, and then go find out!


In the vast void, a majestic army is like galloping lightning. Wherever it passes, monstrous evil spirits permeate the world, giving people a sense of suffocation.

They are well-trained, and all of them are murderous, like an army of gods and demons.

Especially their leader, dressed in golden armor, has a huge body like an iron tower, and his eyes are like bright moons, shining with thunder.

The same is true around him, the thunderbolts are looming, setting him off like a god of thunder.

"What a powerful General Thunder, he is indeed one of the three generals under the command of the Tianwu War King."

At this moment, above this huge army, two figures in black robes are witnessing all this, their eyes are full of horror.

It was the woman among the two who spoke.

At this moment, she had a dignified face, staring at the army coldly.

"No matter how powerful you are, you can't compare to Master Lan." At this time, another black-robed man complimented, "But! That kid is miserable, let him still be rampant, dare to look at no one, this is enough for him to drink a pot, maybe , the New Moon Territory will also be destroyed because of this.”

It turned out that these two people were exactly the two men in black robes who passed by the New Moon Collar back then.

Listening to their words, I already have an insight into the whereabouts of the army in front of me.

Especially the man in black robe seemed a little bit aggrieved.

The woman shook her head instead, and said: "That's not necessarily the case, since he can subdue Heishan Lao Yao and others, just being a general Lei Ting may not be enough."

The man in black paused for a moment, seemingly disapproving.

But at this moment, General Lei Ting's pupils shrank, and the light in his eyes was like a sharp sword, sweeping towards a certain direction.

"What happened? How did they change their route?"

The man in black looked puzzled.

The woman was the same, said: "Go and see!"

Immediately, the two chased after each other.

However, they didn't know that in the higher void, there was another figure who was also witnessing everything, and murmured: "It's really useful!"


(End of this chapter)

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