Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3086 General Thunder

Chapter 3086 General Thunder

"Sir, they are here!"

At this moment, somewhere on the edge of the Abyss of Oblivion, Wang Dong's expression was tense, especially when he heard the report from his subordinates, he couldn't help becoming more nervous, and his palms were sweating.

Because it was he who crushed the jade slip.

Fang Yi handed the jade slip to him and let him crush it, but he didn't know where to go.

Now, General Lei Ting really came, but there was no sign of Fang Yi, so he was naturally extremely nervous.

In fact, even if Fang Yi was there, he wouldn't relax much. Just kidding, that's General Thunder, the wolf and tiger master of the Great Sun Dynasty.

"My lord, what are we going to do now? Escape into the abyss of oblivion?"

The others were obviously panicked too.

"Damn, that person won't run away?" Several generals who knew the situation complained.

Naturally, Fang Yi would not run away. He had been overlooking the army of the Great Sun Dynasty. It was not known whether the jade slip could attract General Lei Ting, so he had to make two preparations.

I never thought that it would be really useful, and General Lei Ting was indeed attracted.

Maybe the other party thinks that there is nothing to delay, so they decided to take a look, and the two are relatively close, so...

"Huh? The Forgotten Army, are you a bunch of trash?"

Just as Wang Dong was hesitating whether to retreat, the next moment, a thunderous voice sounded.

That voice sounded very far away at first, as if it was still tens of thousands of miles away, but when it fell, a thunder-like figure also fell.

He was dressed in golden armor, with thunder streaking across his body, condescending, like a god on high.

He was ignoring the people below with an incomparably cold gaze.

What?Come so fast?

Wang Dong and the others couldn't help but change their faces drastically.

Just how powerful General Lei Ting is, it is not clear at all based on their strength.

In fact, although the Forgotten Lord apparently agreed to borrow troops this time, the ones he sent were all ordinary soldiers. Except for Wang Dong, there were not a few generals who could take it.

Facing a strong man like General Lei Ting, one can imagine.

All of them were terrified like frightened quails, shivering.

"Is it the jade slip you crushed?"

General Lei Ting's eyes shone like torches, his pupils narrowed, and finally swept towards Wang Dong, as if he had sensed the aura of the jade slip on Wang Dong.

"I, I..." Wang Dong's face was pale, obviously out of order.

"Why did the jade slip fall into your hands? Court death!"

General Lei Ting's face darkened, and he stretched out his giant palm, and a huge hand instantly enveloped Wang Dong.

Wang Dong suddenly fell into an abyss, and secretly groaned in his heart. Why did Fang Yi not show up? Seeing that palm was about to fall, he was already ready to die.

But at this moment, a ripple swayed, and that terrifying palm seemed to be isolated, and it had nothing to do with him anymore.

At the same time, one after another faint figures also appeared.

I saw his figure wave his hand casually, and that terrifying palm dissipated invisible like smoke.


General Lei Ting's pupils shrank, and he shot like two sharp knives, landing on the light blue figure.

"How courageous! How dare you even meddle in the affairs of my Great Sun Dynasty? Who are you?"

It's been a while since they fought in the Forgotten Land, and General Lei Ting would naturally be familiar with some strong men in the Forgotten Land, but at this moment, he was naturally a little surprised that such a strong man suddenly appeared.

Even more unexpected than him, there is no doubt that there are two black-robed men above the void, who are overlooking all of this.

"It's him? He's here too? It's really daring. The Great Sun Dynasty didn't bother him, but instead he came to your door. It's really not life-or-death."

The eyeballs of the man in black seemed to be falling out, showing a trace of disdain.

The woman also had bright eyes.

Fang Yi's appearance undoubtedly exceeded their expectations.

"Who is this gentleman?" Fang Yi chuckled, and looked at General Lei Ting playfully, "It seems that the Great Sun Dynasty is really domineering! Didn't they even collect information?"

Fang Yi sneered again and again, revealing irony.

However, General Lei Ting's eyes sank, "Presumptuous! A mere legendary Seventh Realm dares to speak out loudly. I really don't know how to write the word dead?"

As he spoke, he didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he raised his hand and slapped it.

A legend of the Seventh Realm was obviously not taken seriously by him. Looking at his expression, it was as if he was facing an ant that was beheaded at will. He was overbearing, decisive, and fierce.

In fact, this palm is also really powerful. If it is replaced by an ordinary Legendary Seventh Realm, it is said to be resistance, and it is not bad if it can be avoided.

The black-robed man above the void couldn't help but sneer, as if he had foreseen Fang Yi's end.

He didn't know how strong Fang Yi was. Everything that day happened in the big formation.

In his eyes, Fang Yi is just relying on that big formation.

Leaving that great formation, I'm afraid there will be no difference from the general legendary seven realms.

In contrast, that woman was different, with a hint of expectation in her bright eyes.

"You are in a hurry!"

Fang Yi ignored the palm, and also punched out.

This punch seemed to be calm, but the power of life and death erupted instantly, starting from this punch, it swept away in all directions in an instant.

Immediately, the void collapsed inch by inch, everything died out, everything in the world was irresistible, and even the palm collapsed inch by inch.


General Lei Ting's pupils changed drastically, obviously unable to believe what he saw.

You know, he is the peak powerhouse of the Ninth Legendary Realm, and the existence on the Legendary list, like the Seventh Legendary Realm, is regarded as an ant-like existence by him, and he doesn't take it seriously at all.

But now, his palm was easily disintegrated, how could he not be surprised.

The same goes for the man in black above the void, his mouth shut in astonishment.

But that woman has bright eyes.

"You are General Thunder? It seems like that." There was a trace of contempt in Fang Yi's brows, not intentionally sarcastic. In fact, this strength is indeed somewhat unsatisfactory.

The feeling he gave was even worse than that of the Red Scaled Flood Dragon King and the others.

However, he ignored his own changes, especially when he entered the chaotic period, the physical body and the energy in his body changed, giving him a destructive power far exceeding that of the same level of powerhouse.

So much so that at this moment, I feel a little disapproving of General Lei Ting.

However, who is General Lei Ting, who has never been humiliated like this, suddenly, his whole body was full of anger, and his aura also rose steadily.

"How courageous! You are the first one who dares to despise this general, and you will die for this general!"

General Lei Ting let out a loud shout, and above the nine heavens, thunder and thunder streaked down, tearing apart the sky.

At this moment, he didn't hold back any more, and rushed towards Fang Yi with all his strength.

The terrifying thunder raged across the world, turning the surrounding void into a pool of thunder. Anyone who dared to step into it would be torn to pieces.

Wang Dong and the others were so frightened that their faces changed drastically, and they retreated violently.

kill kill kill! !

And at this time, the shouts of killing that soared into the sky in the distance also followed. It turned out that the army of the Great Sun Dynasty had already arrived.


(End of this chapter)

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