Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3088 1 sword cut off

Chapter 3088 Killing With One Sword

"How is it possible? He's only at the seventh level of legend, yet..."

Above the void, the man in black was also shocked.

Although the body of rules is not a sign of the Great Dao Realm, it is almost the same.

At least one has to reach the Ninth Legendary Realm to be able to condense, and there is no one in a million, and the difficulty of condensing is unimaginable.

Although the warriors of the Earth Temple can condense, but their method of condensing is different, they do not rely on themselves to condense, and with the help of special skills, the power is naturally not the same.

Like Fang Yi, they can be partially regularized and transformed freely, which is absolutely impossible for them.

This is the gap between the two.

How can the man in black not be surprised?

The woman's bright eyes were also bright, revealing an incredible light.

"Are you surprised?"

Fang Yi looked at General Lei Ting indifferently, and he was quite disapproving in his words. In fact, he didn't know what the body of rules meant.

This supernatural power is also condensed by the inspiration he received from the warriors of the Earth Temple.

Of course, the bigger reason is also the use of the water temple.

Otherwise, if he wants to condense the body of rules, it will definitely not be that easy, at least not in the seventh realm of legend, no!Strictly speaking, in the legendary sixth realm, he successfully condensed the body of rules.

"Who the hell are you? Do you think that if you do this, you can become an enemy of the Great Sun Dynasty?"

General Lei Ting's face was extremely gloomy at the moment, his eyes were like knives.

Although he said lightly, his expression was full of fear. Just kidding, the other party has condensed the body of rules, and it is undoubtedly difficult for him to defeat the other party.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, didn't seem to have the slightest sense of consciousness, and played around: "Who is this gentleman? Aren't you going to arrest this gentleman?"


As soon as these words came out, General Lei Ting's complexion couldn't help changing, becoming more and more gloomy.

"It's you!" He seemed to have understood something, and the aura in his body rose accordingly, like a steaming flame, which became more and more prosperous, and directly moved Jiutian Fengyun.

The huge battlefield was affected, and the crowd was all terrified.

However, in Fang Yi's eyes, this is nothing at all.

"That's all! Let me give you a ride!"

Fang Yi took a big step and lost his patience. His goal was the King of Heavenly Martial Arts, a mere General Thunderbolt, which no longer aroused his interest.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth trembled, and the waves surged.

With Fang Yi at the center, the frightening huge waves erupted instantly, like tornadoes, completely enveloping General Lei Ting in it.

General Lei Ting's expression changed drastically, because at this moment, he felt as if he was locked.

It's like facing death.

The feeling of palpitations made him feel chills all over his body, as if the person standing opposite him at this moment was not a legendary seven-level man at all, but a strong man at the great level.

"Impossible! You are only in the seventh realm of legend, why..." He shook his head desperately, as if he wanted to escape.

But he suddenly discovered that the surrounding space has been imprisoned, and it is impossible to escape

"Break it for me!!"

He roared, and thunderbolts tore through the sky, and the confined space seemed to be torn apart.

However, ripples swayed one after another, and each ripple was like a sky, containing the power of terrifying rules, blocking everything.

"No! Arrogant child, you are still far from killing me!"

General Lei Ting was furious.

As a legendary Nine Realm peak powerhouse, he has never been in such a mess like today, but even so, he doesn't think Fang Yi can kill him.

The same goes for the man in black above the void.

Just kidding, with such a level of strength, it is almost impossible to kill someone of the same rank.

Not to mention a leapfrog killing like Fang Yi's, which in his opinion is simply impossible, and he couldn't help saying: "What does he want to do? Kill General Thunder? It's so stupid."

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is the best choice to beat the army of the Great Sun Dynasty."

The man in black seemed to be in a hurry.

Because it seems like a waste of time to him.

The woman also looked stunned, she obviously didn't expect Fang Yi to be so domineering that she wanted to kill a legendary Nine Realm and a strong man on the legendary list.

However, what they didn't expect was yet to come.

"That's right! But I want to give it a try." Fang Yi sneered, and the sword blared loudly all over his body, and the three-color light burst out, making him seem to be transformed into a sword that shook the sky.


General Lei Ting was furious, with a hideous face, as if he had been greatly humiliated.

Kaka! !

A thunderbolt fell from the sky and the earth, and the surrounding space was wiped out inch by inch, just like his angry heart. The next moment, his whole body was full of light, and his whole body seemed to turn into a thunderbolt.

"The body of rules again? The body of thunder?"

The man in black was so shocked that his eyeballs seemed to fall out.

But the woman shook her head and said: "No! It's not yet the body of thunder, it's just a prototype, there is still a distance, but..."

The woman didn't continue, but her meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Although it is not the body of thunder, its power should not be underestimated.

And so it is!


I saw that where the thunder passed, everything in the space was turned into dust, exuding an endless breath of destruction, which made people shudder.

One of the three great generals under the command of the majestic Tianwu Zhanwang, his reputation is indeed well-deserved.

It's a pity that he met Fang Yi.

It's still Fang Yi who owns the Immortal Trapping Sword.

"Not bad! It looks good at last!" Fang Yi chuckled lightly, his eyes turned cold, and the next moment, a bright sword light came from nowhere, illuminating the entire void transparently, like the scorching sun in the sky.

Even the light of the thunder was covered up, making it appear eclipsed.

The next moment, the sword light fell, and the terrifying thunder was split into two under everyone's gaze.

That sword cut off Thunder suddenly.

what! !

The huge world seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence at this moment. Everyone's eyes widened, watching that scene in disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost.

yes!Who would have thought that the majestic General Lei Ting, the pinnacle powerhouse on the legendary list, would be killed by a single sword?

The sword light slashed across again and entered Fang Yi's body. The world returned to calm, as if nothing had happened, and they didn't even see what the sword light was.

All I saw was that General Lei Ting, who was extremely domineering, was split into two, with fear and despair still on his face.

The next moment, the two bodies were also annihilated inch by inch, leaving nothing behind.

Only the terrified expressions and trembling bodies of the crowd remained.

"Hahaha!! General Lei Ting is dead, kill them!!" Wang Dong's eyes were full of excitement at the moment, apart from being inconceivable, he was more excited.

How could he miss such an excellent opportunity, shouted loudly, and led the army of oblivion to sweep away.

The death of General Lei Ting was undoubtedly a devastating blow to the army of the Great Sun Dynasty. Under the large formation, they were already extremely reluctant. They thought they could still count on General Lei Ting to break the formation, but now...

After this back and forth, the morale can be imagined.

Immediately, the sound of killing cries filled the world, and a bloody massacre was staged.


(End of this chapter)

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