Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3089

Chapter 3089

Above the void, the man in black was completely stunned, his eyeballs seemed to fall out.

The majestic General Lei Ting, the strong man on the legendary list, was killed by a sword like this. If he saw it with his own eyes, even if he was killed, he would not believe it.

But the truth is right now.

Thinking of his previous contemptuous remarks, at this moment, he couldn't help but shiver all over, as if he had walked through hell.

The back is soaked.

And that woman, at this moment, also had a look of astonishment, revealing an incredible light.

However, after that, there was a gleam of splendor in his bright eyes, as if he had seen some kind of hope.

kill kill kill! !

As for the entire battlefield, it has now been turned into a slaughterhouse.

Although the army of the Great Sun Dynasty was tyrannical, its morale plummeted after the tragic death of the four sword formations and General Lei Ting. They had no intention of fighting any more and just wanted to escape.

However, this undoubtedly exacerbated their deaths, and a famous soldier fell.

On the contrary, the morale of the Forgotten Army is like a rainbow.

In the several confrontations between the armies of the Great Sun Dynasty, they had never imagined that they would be so happy at this moment.

The fear and anger in my heart also erupted completely, pouring towards the army of the Great Sun Dynasty.

The entire battlefield is like Shura hell, with all kinds of miserable howls, heart-piercing.

Fang Yi ignored all of this, like a high-ranking king.

He wanted to spread this battle all over the world, so he slowly unsealed the surrounding area, and a huge opening was opened in the formation. Seeing this, the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty rushed to the opening desperately, trying to escape. .

If it is said that before, they were trapped beasts, and the only way to survive was to fight to the death.

So at this moment, this guy undoubtedly gave them great hope.

It also makes them no longer want to fight, just want to escape.

In this way, their deaths were exacerbated even more.

In just a moment, the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, whose morale was as high as a rainbow and domineering before, had lost countless casualties in an instant, and mourned everywhere.

Fang Yi didn't make another move, just ignoring all this.

In fact, there is no need for him to make a move.

Under such circumstances, if the army of oblivion can't defeat it, then it is too inappropriate.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

A tyrannical army, under the cover of the four major sword arrays, suffered a crushing defeat, and very few escaped. This was done by Fang Yi on purpose, so that the news here would spread to Mochizuki, and the reputation of the Great Sun Dynasty would be greatly damaged. Huge hit.

"Win! We really won! Hahaha!!!"

The army of oblivion was jubilant, extremely excited, engulfing the world like a tide.

In addition, the gaze towards Fang Yi has become different, fiery and adoring.

The army of the Great Sun Dynasty is a nightmare for them, and they can only deal with it if they hide in the abyss of oblivion.

But now, they have defeated the army of the Great Sun Dynasty head-on, and one can imagine the excitement in their hearts.

Not to mention Wang Dong, his eyes were bright.

That look, like a devout believer.

"Okay! Let's all disperse! You have done a good job in this battle, and the army of oblivion will surely spread throughout Mochizuki."

Fang Yi praised that morale and confidence are established in this way. Although these people are indeed inferior to the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, after this battle, when they meet the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, they will definitely explode several times. Because the fear in my heart has been eliminated.

Fearless, naturally invincible.

"What? Haven't you seen enough excitement?"

Wang Dong led the Forgotten Army to quickly clean up the battlefield, reap the spoils, and then left triumphantly.

This time the ambush was a complete victory, which not only eliminated their sense of awe, but also gave them a lot of rewards, and they all returned with a full reward.

At this time, Fang Yi couldn't help but look up at the void.

The black-robed man's heart sank, and his face became a little ugly, as if he didn't expect Fang Yi to have discovered them long ago.

When it was the woman, she didn't react too much. Perhaps the moment Fang Yi killed General Lei Ting, she already knew that the two of them could not escape the other party's detection.

Just kidding, even General Thunder can beheaded, how could the two of us be able to hide it from each other?

"Fellow Daoist is really good at it, the little girl is really impressed!"

The next moment, the woman floated down.

The eyes of the man in black were full of fear, but he gritted his teeth and followed.

"I was passing by last time, so what about this time?" Fang Yi looked at the two playfully and asked with great interest.

Although Fang Yi's voice was extremely flat, the black-robed man had long since lost his previous arrogance. He stood behind the woman without saying a word, with a look of vigilance on his face.

"Of course I didn't pass by this time, but came here on purpose." The woman said with a smile.


Fang Yi glanced at her slightly, pretending to be listening attentively.

The woman pondered for a while, then took a deep look at Fang Yi, and then said: "Little girl Lan Lingyue, from Mingyue Pavilion, has met Lord New Moon Lord."

Saying that, Lan Lingyue gave a slight salute.

Mingyue Pavilion?

Finally couldn't bear it anymore?

There was a slight look of surprise in Fang Yi's eyes. He was not surprised. The Great Sun Dynasty expanded so much. If there was no movement in Mingyue Pavilion, it would be a little strange.

But, just these two people, what's going on?

"Is Mingyue Pavilion finally willing to come? Tell me! What are you doing? Are you going to stop the Great Sun Dynasty, or let it go?" Fang Yi asked casually.

In fact, he didn't have any hope for Mingyue Pavilion at all.

Not only because of the strength of the Great Sun Dynasty, but also because his purpose is similar to that of the Great Sun Dynasty.

If Mingyue Pavilion can stop the Great Sun Dynasty today, it will also stop itself one day, so...

"Young Master, you are joking. The purpose of Mingyue Pavilion is to maintain the stability of Mochizuki Wan. Any force that undermines the stability of Mochizuki Wan is the enemy of Mingyue Pavilion. The wanton expansion of the Great Sun Dynasty is no exception."

"It's just that they didn't make a big fuss, but operated secretly. The surface of the moon-watching bend is still calm."


"And what?" Lan Lingyue stopped, and Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"Furthermore, the Great Sun Dynasty is ultimately a force within Mochizuki Wan. Internal competition and the alternation of various forces can hardly be attributed to the destabilization of Mochizuki Wan."

The Mingyue Pavilion was established to fight against the gods and demons, and to allow the races, monsters, and other races to survive in this mountain of gods and demons.

The competition within Mochizuki is not the case at all.

At the beginning of its establishment, no one thought about whether the major forces in Mochizuki Wan would be unified, because there are so many races, unification is almost impossible.

In countless tens of thousands of years of history, there are also some powerful forces, but none of them succeeded.

And now, the Great Sun Dynasty is also one of them, and it is the most powerful one.

If it is allowed to develop, no one knows what Mochizuki will become. For this reason, there are also great differences within Mingyue Pavilion.

Therefore, there was no movement for a long time.

"Oh! So, is it laissez-faire?" Fang Yi's eyes moved, and he asked.


(End of this chapter)

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