Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3099 Give me your seat

Chapter 3099 Give me your seat

brush! !

The world was torn apart in an instant, splitting into two.

The cyan sword light is like the only existence in this world, and everything in front of it is like a illusory bubble, annihilated one after another.

Even Fang Yi's terrifying energy was no exception. It was cut through by a sword, like a piece of paper.

How can it be?

Fang Yi's pupils shrank sharply, filled with horror.

Although he had expected the power of a strong man in the Great Dao Realm, this sword undoubtedly far exceeded his expectations. What surprised him the most was that this sword did not seem to contain the power of rules , It was like an ordinary sword, but it was such a sword, so overbearing.

It seems that nothing in the world can resist it.

Neither can Fang Yi.

No matter how hard he tried, there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, this sword is as strong as it is strong, but it does not have much killing intent. Of course, even if Fang Yi loses, it is not too difficult to avoid it.

However, he did not retreat, and the three-color sword light roared out, wanting to compete with the blue sword light.

Regrettably, under the cyan sword light, everything is like a void, and the three-color sword lights are also annihilated one after another, and Fang Yi's figure also flies out.

Once again, the world fell into dead silence.

However, unlike before, this time, it was Fang Yi and Lan Lingyue who turned extremely ugly.

As for the people in the city below, they all looked at the sword light with fanaticism and admiration.

"It's the palace lord! Hmph! No matter how powerful this kid is, he's no match for the palace lord."

"That's needless to say! However, it is extremely rare for the palace lord to make a move in the mere legendary seventh realm, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, tsk tsk, it is really unbelievable."

"Cut! Isn't it because the Palace Master keeps his hand, or is it up to him?"

"That's right! There are two great powers in the Temple of War God, and they can't compete with the Palace Master, let alone this kid."


The expressions of the people below were extremely excited, one by one, looking at the deep palace, like devout believers.

On the contrary, Lan Lingyue stared at the palace closely with fear on her face.

The same is true for Fang Yi. Such a domineering strike really exceeded his expectations. What's even more incredible is that he couldn't sense the fluctuation of the rules.

It's like a sword cut out casually.

But if this is the case, what would happen if the opponent hit with all his strength?

Can the Immortal Sword be able to compete?At this moment, even he is a little convinced that even if he can take it, it will never be easy to see.

Fang Yi dared to face the Dao Realm directly, relying on the Immortal Immortal Sword and the chaotic energy in his body.

However, facing it for real finally made him realize that the gap in realm is far from that simple, especially between the Legendary Realm and the Great Dao Realm, there is a world of difference between the two.

"That's right! With your cultivation at the seventh level of legend, you are the first one who can receive this sword from the old man."

The old voice sounded again, showing a little appreciation.

Just like what Fang Yi said about Gu Qing before.

This somewhat made Fang Yi feel a little ironic.

However, the opponent was really strong, so he naturally didn't care about it, and said: "Taisu Palace really deserves its reputation, and this sword is written down by the Lord."

Fang Yi's eyes were sharp, and his face became a little gloomy.

"Hmph! I don't know what to say, but to dare to be so rampant in front of the palace lord, I really don't know how to write death."

"That's right! Just wait and see the good show!"

Fang Yi's performance undoubtedly made everyone very dissatisfied. In their hearts, Palace Master Taisu was like a god, and they all admired him.

But Fang Yi was so good that he still looked a little unconvinced, which naturally made everyone unhappy.

However, that old voice didn't seem to be aware of it, and said indifferently: "Little friend is new here, I'm afraid you don't know much about Abandoned Star?"

"Taisu Palace has no ill intentions towards you."

The gentle voice surprised both the crowd and Fang Yi.

No one seemed to have expected that the owner of the voice would be so gentle, which was not in line with his usual style.

As for Fang Yi, although he doesn't know the person behind this, there is no doubt that the other party is a real strong man. Such a strong man, facing a slightly provocative self, can still remain so calm, which really makes him a little Accident.

But he said in his mouth: "That's right! If you don't join it, you will take action to suppress it. Isn't this considered malicious?"


The old voice sighed slightly, and continued: "The old man is a little curious, why did my little friend refuse?"

"Simple! Because I'm not used to being under others, it's fine if you want me to join, and I will give you your seat." Fang Yi's tone seemed extremely domineering.

As soon as these words came out, the whole city boiled, and there was a sound of shouting and cursing.

It seemed that they wanted to cut Fang Yi into pieces.

Gu Qing was furious as well, and sternly shouted: "Bold, arrogant person, how can Taisu Palace allow you to be presumptuous and take my life..."

Gu Qing said that he was about to kill him.

Lan Ling'er was also secretly anxious. Although he knew that Fang Yi was domineering, he dared to provoke him in front of a strong Daoist. Isn't this courting death?

Of course Fang Yi will not court death, let alone his strength, the person behind him is powerful but not enough to kill him.

Just the attitude of the other party has already explained some problems.

The other party seemed to be thirsty for the strong.

And from the very beginning, there was no killing intent in the opponent's sword, maybe there was no killing intent, or maybe he was not sure about killing, if a strong man like Fang Yi was not sure about killing, then the best way is undoubtedly not to offend .

Otherwise, the people behind will be fine, but the rest of Taisu Palace will be in trouble.

In fact, Gu Qing was also very annoyed at the moment.

He originally thought that the other party was only at the seventh level of legend, and he would just subdue him after a lesson, but he didn't want to... Now that he is riding a tiger, he can do it if he doesn't make a move.


However, just as he was about to make a move, the old voice came again, and the sound of laughter echoed throughout the world.

"If you have that ability, it's all right!" The laughter faded away, and there was still a hint of anticipation in the old voice.

Fang Yi couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Naturally, he said casually, he was not interested in the Palace Master Taisu.

However, the old voice became more energetic, and continued: "Before that, I will see if you have the courage. The old man will wait for you to come and talk in Taisu Palace."

The voice faded away, as if it had never appeared before.

Gu Qing's complexion also became a little weird. After taking a deep look at Fang Yi, he turned to look at the crowd and said, "Okay! Get back!"

After speaking, he also drifted away.

In the huge world, it seemed that there were only Fang Yi and Lan Lingyue left.

"Interesting!" The two looked at each other, Fang Yi turned his attention to the palace again, and then walked away.


(End of this chapter)

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