Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3100 The So-Called Resources

Chapter 3100 The So-Called Resources

"Fang Yi!"

Lan Lingyue was obviously worried, and there was uncertainty in her bright eyes.

That is a strong man in the Great Dao Realm, no one can tell what will happen once he enters that palace, so...

However, Fang Yi just glanced at her, and then walked towards the palace without looking back.

Seeing this, Lan Lingyue bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, and followed.

Tai Su Palace!

In the huge palace, these three big characters are engraved on the plaque at the top. The characters are elegant and formed in one go, like a dancing sword. In it, Fang Yi faintly felt the rhythm of the blue sword light.

It was as if from the endless darkness, he saw the blue sword light.

"What a strange sword intent!"

Fang Yi couldn't help sighing secretly, looking into the depths of the palace, his eyes became deeper and deeper, like an endless abyss.

Then, stride forward.

Compared with Fang Yi's free and easy, Lan Lingyue seemed a little cautious, her bright eyes swept around vigilantly, but unexpectedly, this place was not a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair, it was surprisingly calm anyway.

There was not even half a person along the way.

It wasn't until they entered the depths of the palace, in the largest hall, that the figure of an old man in blue appeared in front of the two of them.

The old man was dressed in plain clothes and looked ordinary. With his eyes slightly closed, he couldn't feel the slightest breath fluctuations all over his body, just like a statue.

If it wasn't for the previous sword strike, Lan Lingyue might really have regarded him as a statue.

But at this moment, the statue moved, and the corners of its mouth raised slightly, revealing a kind smile.

Then, he opened his eyes again.

His eyes were all gray and white, a bit scary, like a chaos, the chaos slowly turning, forming a vortex, people looked at it, and then fell into it unconsciously, unable to extricate themselves.

However, it is not sharp, but extremely gentle.


The old man in Tsing Yi looked at the two, subconsciously nodded again, "Not bad! Very good!!"

His demeanor seemed gentle, and there was a faint feeling of kindness.

"Senior is the master of Taisu Palace?" Lan Lingyue seemed a little surprised, it might be different from what she imagined, but it's not important, the important thing is...

She quickly took out a token, and continued: "Little girl, the envoy of Mingyue Pavilion, has met senior."

"Mingyue Pavilion?"

The old man in Tsing Yi was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said: "Girl, you are in such a hurry to reveal your identity, is it because you are afraid that the old man will embarrass you?"

Lan Lingyue was a little embarrassed to be pointed out by the old man in Tsing Yi.

Facing such a strong man, she naturally did not dare to neglect, hoping to use Mingyue Pavilion to make the other party feel scruples, but unfortunately...

"This is the Abandoned Star. Maybe you have already learned about the general situation here, but you have never experienced it after all. Mingyue Pavilion here has no meaning at all."

But no, people here cannot go out.

Man said it was the Mingyue Pavilion, no matter how powerful it was, it would not have the slightest deterrent effect here.

"Besides, if I really want to attack you, do I need to wait until I enter Taisu Palace?" The old man in Tsing Yi continued, a little intriguing.

"Yes! You won't, because you need us!"

Fang Yi interjected.

Hearing the words, the old man in Tsing Yi couldn't help but glanced at Fang Yi, and asked a little playfully, "What do you think? Seeing that Tai Su Palace offered to invite you, so you feel that this old man urgently needs a strong helping hand?"

"If the old man told you that the sword just now was less than one percent of the power of the old man, would you still think so?"


With these words, Fang Yi couldn't help subconsciously taking two steps back.

Such a frightening strike is even less than one percent of the opponent's strength, how is this possible?

However, looking at the calm eyes of the old man in Tsing Yi, for some reason, Fang Yi couldn't have a trace of doubt, but his back felt a little chilly.

"Of course not!" He said, staring at the old man in Tsing Yi.

yes!If what the other party said is true, then no matter how many Legendary Nine Realms are in front of the other party, it doesn't matter if there are more or less.

"Don't be nervous." The old man in Tsing Yi smiled, "Actually, what you said is right, Taisu Palace really needs you."

The old man didn't say he needed it, but Taisu Palace, the difference between them is obviously different.

"What do you mean senior? Please explain clearly."

Lan Lingyue interjected.

Facing such a strong man, she can be said to be respectful, not as casual as Fang Yi.

Although Fang Yi was shocked by the opponent's strength, that's all. With the water temple, he has great confidence to face any strong man.

However, he was also a little curious about what the other party said, so he listened patiently.

"You should tell them!"

As if in response to the words of the old man in Tsing Yi, Gu Qing's figure appeared out of thin air at this moment, "Yes!" He bowed to the old man in Tsing Yi, and then looked at Fang Yi and the two.

"Although the Abandoned Star is huge, there are many strong people, and warriors from the outside world enter from time to time. Over time..."

What Gu Qing said, is nothing more than the fact that Abandoned Star is short of resources, which is not enough for these strong people to consume.

So, here is full of killing and looting.

However, the Abandoned Star is the only shelter for everyone, and the battle that is too terrifying will undoubtedly affect the entire planet. Once the Abandoned Star collapses, everyone will be wandering in the void.

And this space is so strange that no one can get out, if this is the case, it will undoubtedly be a nightmare.

However, with limited resources, competition is inevitable.

As a result, the three major forces reached an agreement, and every once in a while, there will be a competition, and the distribution of resources will be completed based on the results of the competition.

The cultivation bases of both parties in the competition are limited to those below the Great Dao Realm.

Because the destructive power of the Great Dao Realm is too great, in fact, the destructive power of the Legendary Nine Realm is also extremely huge, but there is no way, we can't let a group of weak warriors decide the distribution of resources.

That is not a manifestation of the strength of the major forces at all, so...

When Fang Yi heard this, he knew it in his heart.

But after thinking about it, I seemed to feel that something was wrong. Before I defeated Gu Qing, with such strength, those people must be extremely eager, but their demeanor is not like that. On the contrary, they want to cut themselves into pieces. ...

"By the way! I forgot to mention that the so-called Ziran, in addition to the real Ziran, also includes those warriors belonging to the major forces."

"The loser will be slaughtered by countless warriors with acquiescing. They are also part of the capital, and at the same time, they can also reduce consumption. Therefore, only the high-level officials of the major forces know about the competition. The people below are not I don't know."

what!As soon as these words came out, even Fang Yi couldn't calm down anymore, and his face changed slightly.

Not to mention Lan Lingyue, her pretty face was pale.

For the vast starry sky, when warriors are strong, they can go to other places to explore, but here, they have nowhere to go. Moreover, warriors have a long lifespan and consume a lot of energy. Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat, so...


(End of this chapter)

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