Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3101 Join

Chapter 3101 Join

"Do you think it's cruel?"

The old man in Tsing Yi spoke again, with a little helplessness in his tone.

" can you do this? Those are all fresh lives, and you just use them as bets?" Lan Lingyue looked a little excited, with a touch of blush on her fair face, showing a faint smile. anger.

The tone is also slightly questioning.

"Hmph! Otherwise?"

"Before the three major forces took shape, the entire Abandoned Star was in chaos, and everyone was living in fear. You are very lucky to see the peaceful appearance now."

Gu Qing snorted coldly.

Fang Yi didn't doubt what he said, because Fang Yi could imagine that kind of situation.

Everyone wants to escape from here. When there is no way, they can only improve their strength desperately, because the stronger the strength, the greater the hope of going out.

However, there is only such a planet here, and all kinds of resources are limited.

Killing is inevitable.

Without constraints, it's not hard to imagine what Forsaken once looked like.

Although the emergence of the three major forces has stabilized the chaotic situation, it is a pity that they cannot solve the fundamental problem. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a competition appears.

"Then... what about the losing side? Take the initiative to send the warriors below to the winning side?"

Lan Lingyue couldn't help asking.

"of course not!"

Gu Qing denied, "The winner will launch a surprise attack on the area designated by the loser in advance, and the strong on the losing side will skillfully avoid this battle."

The meaning is obvious, it is to designate a certain area to rule, and let the winning party slaughter.

In the eyes of the people below, this is just a battle between two major forces.

Apart from competitions, various small frictions between the major forces usually continue one after another, so it does not arouse suspicion, but it is far less tragic than such battles.

"So, you want him to help you participate in the competition?"

Lan Lingyue glanced at Fang Yi, then turned to the old man in Tsing Yi and asked.

The old man in Tsing Yi smiled, and did not reply directly, but said: "Just now this little friend said that he wants the old man to step aside. In fact, if the little friend can protect the safety of the people in Taisu Palace, I really don't mind." Make way."

"I don't know, does my little friend have such an interest?"

The old man in Tsing Yi looked at Fang Yi with deep meaning.

Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips. Naturally, he wasn't that interested, and that was just a casual remark.

Moreover, he didn't intend to stay here, so Dang even couldn't help asking: "There's no rush, Fang is a little curious, is it true that this place can't be left?"


Lan Lingyue also seemed to see some kind of hope, and said: "The Abandoned Star should not be as scary as you said. In the outside world, although there are not many people who can go out from here, they are not too few. Maybe we... ..."

"Stop daydreaming, those who were able to go out did not set foot on the Abandoned Star at all, they just walked around the periphery, with the strength of the two of you, can't you see it?" Gu Qing said between words Slightly sarcastic, Lan Lingyue's complexion froze and turned slightly pale.

In fact, how could she not see it, she just didn't want to believe it.

Fang Yi's eyes also became a little dignified, and he said, "Is there no other way?"

"Not without it!"

Gu Qing glanced at Fang Yi, and then said: "Legend, as long as you can break through the Forgotten Tower, you can leave here."

What?Forgotten Tower?

The eyes of the two couldn't help but brighten up.

Gu Qing obviously noticed the reaction of the two, and couldn't help sneering, saying: "Unfortunately, the Tower of Forgotten cannot be broken through at all, and the palace master is so powerful that he only broke through to the third floor."

"And the Forgotten Tower has nine floors!"


A tyrannical old man in Tsing Yi can only break into the third floor?

Although Fang Yi is full of confidence in his own strength, he has personally experienced the arrogance of the blue sword light, and the old man in green clothes said before that the sword was not even one percent of his strength, and the other party was so powerful. But if you break into the third floor, then you...

"Did you also break through?"

Fang Yi couldn't help looking at Gu Qing and asked.

Gu Qing obviously saw through Fang Yi's thoughts, and replied: "Not bad! But I didn't even pass the first floor, no! It should be said that I only persisted in ten moves."

He is a bachelor, and he is not afraid of shame, on the contrary, he looks a little proud.

Lan Lingyue, however, could not close her mouth from ear to ear in astonishment.

The strength of the two is similar, and the other party only persisted in ten moves, so she is naturally similar.

The strong man on the legendary list can only hold on to ten moves in the Tower of Forgotten. It has to be said that Fang Yi was extremely shocked, and he couldn't help but feel a little curious in his heart.

"Where is the Forgotten Tower?"

Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"Boy! Could it be that you really want to break through? It's okay to tell you, the Forgotten Tower is where the three major powers compete, the Forgotten City."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, everyone has only one chance, and once you pass through, you can't re-enter it. With your current strength, it's a complete waste."

"Of course, speaking of it, this is not an opportunity at all, because no one can break through."

Gu Qing has clearly decided.

In fact, it is not only him, but also the warriors in the abandoned land.

But he hadn't tried it before, and Fang Yi obviously wouldn't give up, "I can promise you to join Taisu Palace temporarily."

For the sake of these news, there is no need for Fang Yi to help these people.

By the way.

The most important thing is that this way, it saves a lot of trouble, at least you don't have to inquire about the news yourself.

You can even take the opportunity to get a lot of benefits.

Just kidding, how could it be possible for these people to show no sign of competing for these people, and it is easy for him to fight against the Legendary Realm, so why not do it?


"Palace Master, you are very arrogant, shouldn't there be any problems?"

In the main hall, Fang Yi and Lan Lingyue had retreated.

There was a hint of worry in Gu Qing's eyebrows.

"No!" The old man in Tsing Yi shook his head, "As long as he is willing, this competition will be sure."

"Really?" A look of disbelief appeared on Gu Qing's face, and he asked: "Why does the palace master like him so much? You must know that he is not in the seventh realm of legend after all."

The old man in Tsing Yi smiled without saying a word, and could only say, "You will know when the time comes."

"The only thing that makes this old man feel strange is why there is a familiar aura about him."

As the old man in Tsing Yi spoke, his brows could not help but frown.

After a while, he shook his head again, and said, "Forget it! Tell me! How about Shengguang City? Are there any powerful people from the Great Dao Realm?"

"Returning to the Palace Master, that's good! Not only that, the Dao Realm has joined the Holy Light City, which has greatly increased the strength of the Holy Light City. If they win this time, it will be fine. If they lose, I'm afraid..."


(End of this chapter)

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