Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3111 I lost

Chapter 3111 I lost

What are you doing?

The crowd was at a loss. They said that there is nothing in the sky and nothing on the earth. They thought it was too much, but in the end, it was just such an ordinary palm?

The crowd was a little confused and looked at each other.

It's no wonder they are like this, because that palm seems to be too ordinary and calm.

Compared with the previous battle, it can be said to be completely insignificant, so that everyone was a little puzzled. Of course, although they were puzzled in their hearts, they refused to move their eyes away, and stared at the palm tightly.

The same is true for Wu Chi.

He was shocked at first, but after that, his expression became extremely dignified.

Because this palm seemed ordinary, but the energy contained in it completely overturned his cognition, and a prehistoric aura followed, making him seem to have traveled across time and space to the ancient times.

That aura was crushed together, so that he couldn't feel much resistance, and a feeling of insignificance also emerged spontaneously.

"what is this?"

His pupils narrowed sharply, and he was shocked inside, and couldn't help asking.

It's a pity, Fang Yi naturally won't tell him that this is the energy fused with the energy of chaos, which is the source of spiritual energy in the three realms, and it has an absolute suppressive effect on warriors, even if they are as tyrannical as martial idiots.

Of course, if he avoided it, it would not be that easy for Fang Yi to take him down.

However, a Wu Chi is a Wu Chi.

The air of chaos, such a pure energy, had already made him want to move, and his eyes were burning hot.

"Good time!" He roared, and then he embraced the mighty power, like a peerless God of War, and faced that palm head-on.

Boom! !

Before the two palms clashed, the void of thousands of miles had already collapsed inch by inch.

The outside world, the crystal-clear space, was also trembling violently, as if it couldn't bear the huge impact of the two of them, and it was shaking.

A look of horror flashed across the face of the abandoned city lord.

Because the standard of this space is the Great Dao Realm, the current situation means that the impact caused by the two has reached the Great Dao Realm.

Although there is only a thin line separating the Great Dao Realm from the peak of the Nine Legendary Realms, this line is very different.

However, today, the impact caused by these two people is no less than that of the Great Dao Realm, how can he not be surprised?

The same was true for the other people, all of them looked gloomy.

As for the crowd, although they didn't know what this meant, they subconsciously retreated, for fear of being affected by this terrifying power.

Thanks to this, because the next moment, the crystal clear barrier space burst open.

At the same time, Wu Chi's huge body also flew out like a kite with a broken string.

A bright red in the mouth could not help but spray out, blood staining the sky.

Boom! !

The huge shock wave also swept away. Fortunately, most of the energy was locked in the space, and several avenues reacted quickly, directly imprisoning the terrifying shock wave. Otherwise, the entire abandoned city would be destroyed. To be destroyed.

And the crowd, watching this scene, was completely stunned, each and every one of them was like stone sculptures.

Wu Chi actually lost?

And was it knocked into the air by a Legendary Eight Realm?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid they couldn't believe it no matter what. If so, they couldn't help wondering if they were wrong.

In fact, don't say it's them, why not a few Daojing people.

Fang Yi's last palm seemed ordinary, but it defeated Wu Chi with one blow. Even they were shocked by this power.

Unfortunately, this battle took place within the barrier, so they couldn't feel the difference between that palm.

Although I have seen everything, there may be a difference in quantity, but I need to experience it firsthand before I can perceive the difference.

Therefore, even they are a little unclear.

However, the facts in front of him have already explained everything.

"Win?" Gu Qing felt like he was in a dream at the moment, and his whole body fell into a state of unconsciousness, apart from being incredible, he was at a loss for what to do.

In contrast, Lan Lingyue's bright eyes were full of splendor, and her delicate body couldn't help trembling slightly.

Clearly excited.

There was no sound in the huge crowd, because everyone was immersed in shock, like stone sculptures.

"I lost!"

Wu Chi looked straight at Fang Yi, and his slightly lonely voice broke the silence between heaven and earth, and made the crowd explode like a dream.

"Tsk tsk! Am I dazzled, Wu Chi lost? This... How is this possible?"

"A miracle, what a miracle, with the cultivation of the eighth level of legend, he actually defeated Wu Chi, this is simply..., who is he?"

All kinds of voices of exclamation came one after another, and the eyes of the crowd looking at Fang Yi became completely different, worship?fear?envious?awe?Everything you need.

Even Wu Su's eyes, which were always dim, are bright at this moment.

Everyone else was different, but without exception, they were all shocked.

"Okay! That's great! Sure enough, there are talented people from generation to generation, and the blue is better than the blue." The abandoned city lord couldn't help admiring, not annoyed at the broken enchanted space.

Instead, he looked at Fang Yi's eyes, which were extremely hot.

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention for a while, the enchantment is broken, so what about the next competition? There is also the Holy Light City." Fang Yi coughed lightly and said apologetically, and then he couldn't help looking at Sheng Guangcheng and his party.

Sensing Fang Yi's gaze, the blue-robed man at the head of Shengguang City felt his legs go limp and almost knelt down.

Compare?How can this compare?Is there any more than that?

Isn't this bullying?

The man in the blue robe was about to cry, his legs were shaking uncontrollably, and his whole body was trembling.

"Little friend, you're joking. If the enchantment is broken, it will be broken. As for the competition, I don't think it's necessary?"

Seeing that the two were silent with gloomy faces, the abandoned city lord said again: "In this competition, Taisu Palace won, followed by Wushen Palace. I think everyone has no objections?"

Nonsense, Fang Yi defeated Wu Chi, who would dare to compare with Taisu Palace?

Although Wu Chi was defeated, his strength was beyond doubt, and the competition was completely unnecessary.

No matter how unwilling, the Lord of Shengguang City had no choice but to say: "I, Shengguang City, are willing to bet and admit defeat. If you lose, you lose. The strong should be respected by the application."

"However, I, the second city lord of the Holy Light City, just joined, this issue of distribution..."

The competition has been passed down for a long time, and the Lord of the Holy Light City would not deny this point. However, the addition of the Tianwu Battle King has greatly increased the strength of the Holy Light City, and some things should be re-divided.

Everyone in Taisu Palace was overjoyed at first, but when they heard this, their expressions couldn't help but change.

"Okay! This is a matter for your three major forces, and I will not participate." The abandoned city lord obviously had no interest in this, and he was about to leave after speaking.

"That's right! The Tower of Forgotten will open in three days, and come back three days after you want to break into the tower."

After speaking, the abandoned city lord drifted away.


(End of this chapter)

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