Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3112 The Forgotten Tower

Chapter 3112 The Forgotten Tower

Another three days?

Looking at the pagoda, Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips.

That's all!After waiting for so long, I don't care about these three days.

"Palace Master, something has happened here, and Fang has also stepped down." Fang Yi has lost the slightest interest in the question of how to divide the resources of the three major forces.

For the sake of those news, he has already helped Taisu Palace win the competition, as for the rest, it is up to Taisu Palace to decide!

As he spoke, Fang Yi wanted to leave without waiting for Fifth Su to reply.

"Wait! What is that?"

At this time, Wu Chi suddenly spoke, and looked at Fang Yi directly.

The faces of the crowd couldn't help showing a hint of bewilderment, obviously not understanding why Wu Chi asked this question, but Fang Yi knew it in his heart, what the other party asked was nothing more than the air of chaos.

However, how could Fang Yi tell such a secretive person, and only said: "Want to know? Maybe there will be a chance in the future."

Leaving a playful look, Fang Yi drifted away.

"Palace Master, I am also stepping down!"

Seeing this, Lan Lingyue hurriedly followed.

In the same place, only the shocked faces of the people and the hearts that could not be calmed down for a long time remained.


"You really have the qualifications!"

In the main hall, Fang Yi returned to the place where he was staying, and Lan Lingyue came after him, looking at Fang Yi with deep eyes, and said something inexplicably.

"Huh?" Fang Yi looked up blankly, a little puzzled.

"You are qualified to receive the full support of Mingyue Pavilion to fight against the Great Sun Dynasty." Lan Lingyue added.

yes!If before, Fang Yi's admiration was only from her, then at this moment, she represented the entire Mingyue Pavilion, and all of this was naturally because of Fang Yi's performance that defied the sky.

With only the cultivation base of the eighth level of legend, he defeated Wu Chi, who was at the peak of the ninth level of legend, and that was the top [-] existence on the legend list.

So amazing, once the opponent breaks through to the legendary nine realms, they will even condense the Dao.

Lan Lingyue could imagine how amazing it would be.

If such a person cannot get the support of Mingyue Pavilion, who else can?

She even doubted whether Fang Yi had tried his best in the last palm, because that palm seemed too ordinary, as if it was thrown casually.

The fact is exactly as she expected.

That palm is naturally not Fang Yi's full strength, but it is not enough to say that it is a casual blow.

Although that palm seems simple, the mystery in it cannot be explained clearly in a few words. Of course, it is not that difficult to defeat Wu Chi.

Although Wu Chi is amazing, no!It should be said that he is very impressive, he is the most powerful legendary martial artist that Fang Yi has encountered so far.

Unfortunately, no matter how tyrannical Wu Chi is, there is still a certain gap between him and Fang Yi.

It's not a gap in comprehension of the rules, but a gap in energy levels.

The Qi of Primal Chaos is the source of all Qi, how can Wu Chi be able to compare it?Even if these things are not counted, the Immortal Immortal Sword is enough to suppress Wu Chi, so Wu Chi's loss is not wronged.

Of course, there is no doubt about Wu Chi's strength. The most important thing is that he is still trapped in this world and has achieved such strength.

If such a person can be used for himself, then...

Fang Yi felt a little anxious inside.

"Really? Let's talk about it after leaving here!" Fang Yi chuckled lightly, not taking it seriously at all.

It is good to have the support of Mingyue Pavilion, but what is the purpose of Mingyue Pavilion, he can clearly know that if he can fight against the Great Sun Dynasty today, if he intends to rule Mochizuki Wan tomorrow, they will also fight against him.

So, this is not something to be happy about.

"What? You don't have confidence in breaking into the tower in three days' time?" Lan Lingyue raised her eyebrows, slightly surprised, but after she finished speaking, her face became a little dignified.

Because if it is true as Palace Master Taisu said, then the success rate of breaking into the tower is almost zero.

"Could it be that you have confidence?"

Fang Yi smiled. Although he was confident, he was not so conceited that he thought that with his own strength, he could fight against Palace Master Taisu. He still vividly remembered the blue sword light at this moment.

Even Taisu Palace can only break into the third floor, so I...

"Actually, have you ever thought about it, maybe breaking into the Tower of Forgotten is not about being as strong as possible."

"Over the past countless years, there must have been people stronger than the Taisu Palace Master, but the Tower of Forgotten is still standing here, which shows that no one can control this tower."

"Assuming the rumors are true, what is the purpose of the Lord of Abandonment in placing this tower? To protect this space? Or maybe to wait for someone who is destined? If it is the latter, it may not require too strong strength."

Lan Lingyue pondered for a moment and said.

These words made Fang Yigao glance at her, and said: "I can't rule out this possibility. I'm afraid more than half of those who broke into the tower have this kind of mentality."

"What? Do you think so too? Are you planning to break into the tower?"

Fang Yi asked.

"Naturally!" Lan Lingyue nodded, "Even Palace Master Taisu can only break through to the third floor, and the little girl may not be able to reach the level of Palace Master Taisu in her life. If so, why not break through?"

That's the reason!

Fang Yi smiled and said: "However, you have overlooked a problem. Over the past countless years, it is said that there are definitely not only so few Dao realms here, so what about other Dao realms?"

"The Abandoned Star is a dead place, there is nowhere to go, the only possibility is the Forgotten Tower, maybe they died in it, maybe, they went out."

go out?

When Lan Lingyue heard this, her eyes lit up, a little inconceivable.

"That being the case, why is this tower still there?"

"Why can't it exist?" Fang Yi asked back, "Going out and controlling are two different things. If you break through every level, you can leave here, but the memory will be erased, and you can only control it after breaking through the ninth level. This setting is not Is it normal? If so, are you still going to break through?"

This!Lan Lingyue couldn't help but pause.

I have to say that this possibility is indeed extremely high. Of course, it is also possible that those who broke into the tower failed to come out in the end because they all died inside.

But compared to the latter, Lan Lingyue is more willing to believe in Fang Yi's guess.

Because although the Forgotten Abyss has always been extremely mysterious, no one has ever said that it is a Jedi.

Perhaps, this place is not dangerous, but full of unknowns.

"Fang Daoyou is not only powerful, but also has such a clear mind. Gu Qing admires it."

While the two were discussing, outside the main hall, Gu Qing's figure slowly stepped in.

At this moment, he looked at Fang Yi with piercing eyes, extremely complicated.

Fang Yi really shocked him too much. He originally thought that Fang Yi was just a great warrior, but the battle with Wu Chi made him deeply realize how great that is.

Such monstrosities, I'm afraid you won't be able to find many of them in the vast Three Realms, right?

But now, it has only been a few days since the other party came to the Abandoned Star, and it seems that he has an insight into this tower. How can he not be surprised?

"Two friends of wisdom, your speculation is extremely correct, this tower..."


(End of this chapter)

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