Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3123 The first opponent

Chapter 3123 The First Opponent

"Where is this?"

In the vast void, Lan Lingyue looked around blankly, her bright eyes full of horror.

The same goes for Wu Chi, with a more vigilant expression, looking at Fang Yi and Lan Lingyue, besides, behind this vigilance, there is a kind of ignorance unique to young men.

right!Just ignorant, like a half-grown child.

"Who are you? Why do you appear here?" Lan Lingyue's bright eyes also swept towards Wu Chi. Although Wu Chi's demeanor was a little weird, but the aura was deep, which gave her a sense of terror.

Wu Chi didn't answer, but the vigilant light in his eyes became more and more intense.

Fang Yi just watched this scene indifferently.

I wanted to find some clues from the eyes of the two, but unfortunately, I found nothing.

Could it be that he really lost his memory?

But what about myself?Why is it not affected at all?

Fang Yi frowned tightly. He started talking about stepping out of the Tower of Forgotten. When the three of them left, there was nothing unusual and everything was calm.

Fang Yi even paid close attention to every move around him.

But, the result is still the same.

However, when they passed through the exit and arrived here, the two of them seemed to have changed suddenly, and they didn't remember anything, just like this moment.

"What the hell is going on? Why are we here?"

Although she lost the memory of the Abandoned Star, Lan Lingyue obviously recognized Fang Yi and asked quickly.

However, as soon as she said this, she seemed to think of something, and a daze appeared on her smooth jade face, and she said, "It's the abyss of oblivion! Have we entered the abyss of oblivion?"

Seeing her astonished expression, Fang Yi finally confirmed that the other party had indeed lost his memory.

Just in the process...

It seems that everything is due to the Forgotten Tower.

"Maybe!" Fang Yi responded casually, and then he couldn't help looking at Wu Chi, with a complicated expression on his face.

It was hard to persuade the other party to follow me, and the result was good.

"Wu Chi, do you still remember me?"

Fang Yi asked directly.

"Wu Chi?" Wu Chi was a little suspicious, looked at Fang Yi vigilantly, and asked, "Are you calling me?"

Fang Yi was taken aback by this question. He even forgot his name?

This is too incredible.

and many more!

Suddenly, Fang Yi couldn't help but think of the confession of the Abandoned City Lord. The other party once said that Wu Chi's memory will have problems because he is the original resident of the Abandoned Star.

So, he forgot everything about Abandoned Planet?

including name?What about the exercises?

"Of course! Your name is Wu Chi, and you come from a mysterious place. You said that you want to follow me to retrieve your own memories..." Fang Yi deliberately guided.

The vigilance in Wu Chi's eyes gradually faded a lot, but there was still some uncertainty on his face.

However, when it came to the body of the Valkyrie, he seemed to react instinctively, and instantly condensed the body of the Valkyrie.

It seems that the exercises have not been forgotten.

Or maybe it's because these skills are already his instinct, and he no longer needs to rely on memory, so...

If this is the case, then yourself?

Thinking of a certain possibility, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move, and a trace of chaotic air instantly dispersed, enveloping Wu Chi.

Sensing this aura, Wu Chi's pupils changed drastically, and there was still a hint of excitement, "I seem to remember this aura, do I really know you?"

Wu Chi's eyes brightened, and he looked at Fang Yi in a daze.

Fang Yi couldn't help being overjoyed. As expected, Wu Chi was indeed a Wu Chi. He forgot about the others, but his instinct for martial arts had already been engraved into his soul.

And the Qi of Chaos brought him his first defeat, and left an indelible impression in his mind.

Therefore, there is a feeling of deja vu.


Fang Yi said with a smile, "Not only do you know each other, you also said that you want to follow me and meet all the powerful people in the world."

"Really? Including you?" Wu Chi is still that Wu Chi. Although he has lost his memory, he can't help but feel the domineering energy of chaos.

Fang Yi knew it in his heart, and said with a light smile, "It's all right!"

Before he finished speaking, Wu Chi's figure suddenly moved, like thunder falling from the nine heavens, attacking with an unrivaled aura.

The void seemed to be torn apart, leaving a huge hole.


Lan Lingyue's complexion also changed drastically. This scene happened so suddenly that she wasn't even mentally prepared for it.

In addition, Wu Chi's shot is extremely fast, even she is far inferior, seeing the opponent's sudden attack at this moment, how can I not be surprised?

But Fang Yi naturally had expected it a long time ago, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he pushed out a palm.

This palm seems ordinary, but not everyone can resist the aura of chaos, even the Tianwu War King would not dare to take it.

Naturally, Wu Chi was also the same, his pupils changed drastically, and a look of astonishment flashed across his face.

"I'm not your opponent!"

After the blow, Wu Chi flew out, Fang Yi's eyes looked at Fang Yi not only did not have the slightest loss as a loser, but became more and more bright, like two balls of flames.

"I trust you, but you can't interfere with my freedom, I can leave at any time."

Wu Chi finally said, as if asking for a condition.

"Okay!" Fang Yi smiled lightly, naturally he didn't care, he never thought of restricting the other party's freedom.

Moreover, from Wu Chi's eyes, he was convinced that as long as he didn't defeat him for a day, Wu Chi would not be able to drive him away even if he dared. This is the pursuit of being a Wu Chi.

Among those at the same level, the more powerful opponents are their targets.

What's more, Fang Yi's cultivation base is one level lower than his.

"Who is he? Have we really entered the abyss of oblivion? Why do I feel..." Lan Lingyue was a little absent-minded at the moment, looking straight at Fang Yi. She was not stupid, so she naturally noticed something different.

For example, when three people suddenly appeared here, she and the other person seemed to have forgotten something.

But only Fang Yi didn't seem to be affected.

Unfortunately, Fang Yi naturally wouldn't explain it to her. In fact, Fang Yi himself didn't know what was going on, so he couldn't explain it.

In his mind, it might have something to do with his breaking into the eighth floor of the Forgotten Tower.

But, can that be considered breaking through?

It's just water.

However, this is even more intriguing. Why is he not affected at all, why is there an army of nothingness in that tower, and why the army of nothingness salutes him when they see him?

All of this is full of mysteries.

And to figure out these mysteries, it seems that it is not possible at the moment, so we can only leave it for later.

That's it!

Fang Yi sighed, turned to look at Wu Chi, and said, "Let's go! Go with me to meet our first opponent."

As he said that, Fang Yi couldn't help turning his eyes to the outer edge of the Forgotten Abyss, the planet where the Forgotten Lord was stationed.

Now that he has come and decided to make a difference in Mochizuki Bend, then the Forgotten Land cannot be let go, and for nothing else, the Forsaken Star must also win the Forgotten Land.


(End of this chapter)

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