Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3124

Chapter 3124

"How about it?"

In the main hall, the Forgotten Lord asked eagerly.

An hour ago, there was news from the front that the army of the Great Sun Dynasty had changed and was approaching the periphery of the Abyss of Forgotten.

Although, relying on the Phantom of the Tower of Forgotten under its control, it can keep the army under it from being affected by the rules of Forgotten.

However, that was the army of the Great Sun Dynasty. It is obviously impossible to say that the Forgotten Lord is not afraid.

Especially after Tianwu Zhanwang came personally, he escaped into the abyss of oblivion and didn't dare to show himself at all.

He didn't dare to show his face until he heard that the Tianwu Battle King had entered the Abyss of Oblivion.

"Returning to the lord, there are rumors that the Tianwu War King came out of the Abyss of Forgotten, so the army of the Great Sun Dynasty was mobilized."

The person below replied.

"What?" As soon as these words came out, the Forgotten Lord's face changed drastically, and it turned completely white in a flash.

Both legs seemed to be shaking.

Just kidding, that is the King of Heavenly Martial Arts, the legendary strongman in the Dao Realm, who can kill him with a flick of a finger, how can he not panic for such a character?

In fact, the reason why he dared to contend against the Great Sun Dynasty was not because he had much backbone.

And because in his mind, the Tianwu War King would definitely not come in person for a forgotten place.

Moreover, at the very beginning, he never thought of making an enemy of the Great Sun Dynasty, but chose to retreat, retreating to the outskirts of the Abyss of Oblivion, in order to avoid the Great Sun Dynasty army.

Unexpectedly, the army of the Great Sun Dynasty was chasing after him, and at this time, Wang Dong presented the road map in a timely manner.

Therefore, he decided to hide in the abyss of oblivion.

But who would have thought that the army of the Great Sun Dynasty would chase after them, and by coincidence, he inexplicably controlled the phantom of the Forgotten Tower. Won.

This win naturally made him ecstatic.

Even a little swollen.

But after hearing that the Tianwu Zhanwang came, he also woke up instantly, knowing what kind of existence he had offended.

What's more terrible, because that battle caused a lot of damage to the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, so that he had no chance to surrender.And at this time, Fang Yi arrived just in time, making him seem to have grasped at straws.

Unexpectedly, Fang Yi actually offered to borrow troops.

He really didn't want to go against the Great Sun Dynasty anymore.

But after thinking about it, don't take this opportunity to push everything on Fang Yi's head, and finally, take action to suppress Fang Yi by yourself. In this way, there may not be no room for relaxation.

It's just that he didn't calculate after all his calculations, Fang Yi actually wiped out the entire army of the Great Sun Dynasty.

Even General Lei Ting was beheaded on the spot.

Now, the Tianwu War King came out of the Abyss of Forgotten, so it is self-evident what is waiting for him, how can he not panic?

"Is the news accurate? Hurry up! Send the order down, let the army of oblivion gather, and be ready to retreat into the abyss of oblivion at any time."

The Forgotten Lord hurriedly shouted, unable to sit still any longer, he rushed out of the hall in three steps at a time.

But at this moment, above the nine heavens, a thunderous voice filled the heaven and earth.

"Forget the lord, don't come out quickly to lead the death!"

The voice was so loud, like rolling thunder, that the eardrums of everyone in the crowd tingled, even the Forgotten Lord was no exception, his face turned completely white, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

"Dead...Undead General!!"

The tongue also seemed to be knotted, and he could not speak clearly.

And along with this voice, nine days away, a stalwart figure slowly emerged, his body was filled with a thick death breath, like a hell king.

Behind him, there is a powerful warrior, above the void, like an army of gods and demons.

The entire planet is under siege.

what? ?

Seeing this scene, at this moment, on this huge planet, people all showed expressions of despair.

People on this planet know about the invasion of the Great Sun Dynasty army. However, under the intentional guidance of the Forgotten Lord, and the delay of the Great Sun Dynasty army's arrival, these people have already relaxed.

Seeing it now, he lost his senses and was terrified.

"No...impossible, Undead General, didn't you escort the Tianwu Battle King into the Abyss of Oblivion? Why..." The Forgotten Lord's eyes were full of disbelief, and his face was livid.

"Are you surprised? Forgotten lord."

The stalwart man known as the general of the undead, with a frosty face, glanced at the Forgotten Lord coldly, with a hint of disdain on his lips, "How domineering Lord Tianwu, why would he want someone to escort him?"

This is true, the Heavenly Martial Warlord is in the Great Dao Realm, even if he wants to be escorted, he doesn't need these ordinary soldiers.

The reason why the undead general has been silent is not some escort, but a guide.

Just in case you get lost in it.

However, just a few hours ago, he received a message from the Tianwu War King that the other party had come out safely, so he naturally didn't need to stay inside.

And the first thing he did when he came out was naturally to find out about General Lei Ting.

In that battle, although General Lei Ting and his men were completely annihilated, the Forgotten Army knew everything about it.

It is not difficult to find out this point, so the Undead General came here.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The Forgotten Lord's face was pale, his teeth chattering.

"Trash!" Seeing this, the undead general's eyes became more and more contemptuous, and he couldn't help shouting: "You did what happened to General Thunder?"

The undead general himself didn't believe this, but it was indeed the Forgotten Army that was present that day.

That's why he asked this question, and there was a strong killing intent in his tone.

"No! Not me!!"

The Forgotten Lord quickly shook his head, "It's the New Moon Lord, he did everything, and my Forgotten Army just happened to witness this cut."

With his life at stake, the Forgotten Lord obviously couldn't care less about anything.

Even with the gloomy faces of his subordinates.

And among them, Wang Dong is the worst. He has seen Fang Yi's demeanor, and compared with his own lord, not to mention Wang Dong, even the forgotten army is very frustrated.

"You don't even have that ability!" The Undead General sneered.

"New Moon Lord, very good!!"

He muttered, and then, his eyes suddenly turned cold, revealing his killing intent.

"Kill! Not one left!!"

The loud voice resounded throughout the entire planet, like the sentence of the god of death. Following his order, the countless army of the Great Sun Dynasty suddenly rushed in like a tide, engulfing the heaven and the earth.

The shouts of killing soared into the sky, making the huge planet seem to have turned into a Shura hell.

The Forgotten Lord's complexion also changed drastically, full of fear.

Want to escape!

But it's a pity that the undead general has already attacked first, and the halberd in his hand is like a peerless staff, heading towards the forgotten lord.

The long halberd splits the sky and the earth, and wherever it passes, the space collapses instantly, and nothing can stop it.

The tyrannical Forgotten Lord was no exception, he was pierced directly, and he was inserted into the hall behind him with a halberd.


(End of this chapter)

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