Fortune Shrine

chapter 3125

chapter 3125

Blood dripped down the halberd.

With just one blow, the Forgotten Lord was killed on the spot, with no strength left to resist.

The huge crowd seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

Boom! !

The next moment, the entire hall collapsed, and the halberd returned to the general of the undead like a shooting star.

"Waste is indeed waste, vulnerable!"

A look of contempt flashed across the eyes of the undead general, and he didn't take the Forgotten Lord seriously at all. It's no wonder that the two are not at the same level at all.

If it wasn't for his curiosity about the Forgotten Abyss, how could the Forgotten Lord survive until now?


Above the void, there was a shout of anger, and the endless army of the Great Sun Dynasty swarmed in an instant, wrapped in a murderous intent.

Wherever the army arrived, corpses littered the field.

All kinds of shrill and wailing sounds followed, heart-piercing.

Wang Dong's complexion also changed drastically, turning livid. Although his strength is not bad, but compared to ordinary soldiers, he is obviously nothing in front of the general of the undead.

However, after the Forgotten Lord was killed, he suddenly became the leader of the Forgotten Army.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, go out, at worst, you will die with them."

Wang Dong sternly shouted.

He was very clear about the situation at this moment, the Great Sun Dynasty wanted to completely suppress himself and others, whether it was killing chickens to make an example of monkeys or becoming angry from embarrassment, the result was the same, and the Great Sun Dynasty would never give them a chance to surrender.

There is only one road before them, and that is death!

But how to die, they can choose.

"Kill one to earn money, kill two to earn one, fight with them!"

All the officers and soldiers obviously knew it well, so they simply did not do anything and did not stop, and they were completely willing to go all out.

"It's a bit bloody!"

Fang Yi looked at all this indifferently and nodded.

"This is the opponent you mentioned?" Wu Chi remained expressionless, with a hint of disappointment flashing in the depths of his eyes. Obviously, these people were not in his eyes.

Even for the forgotten army, the tyrannical undead general is nothing.

Fang Yi naturally saw this, smiled wryly, and said, "Don't worry! This is just the first one, there will be more in the future."

In fact, in Fang Yi's plan, Wu Chi's first opponent is the Forgotten Lord.

It's just that I didn't expect that the undead general happened to catch up, that's okay!Otherwise, Wu Chi might not even take a look at the Forgotten Lord alone.

The Undead General is different. Although it is also weaker, it is still worth seeing.

"I hope so!"

Wu Chi muttered, and with a movement of his feet, he charged at the Undead General like a thunderbolt.

Lan Lingyue looked at the two of them, and then at Fang Yi. There was a trace of uncertainty on her white face, and she was still in a daze, as if she hadn't realized what happened.

You know, that is the Undead General, a strong man on the legendary list, who is as powerful as her.

Why did it seem so unbearable to the two of them?

However, everything below finally made her understand that the Undead General is really so vulnerable.

Tear! !

I saw Wu Chi's figure was like lightning, piercing the sky, like falling stars from the nine heavens.

Wherever it passed, the space instantly collapsed.

Under the night, a strong light illuminates the endless void, splits the void into two, and heads towards the undead general.

The undead general's reaction was swift, his pupils shrank, and the astonishing halberd rushed towards him in an instant.

He couldn't help shouting: "Where is the thief, dare to meddle in the general's business, die!"

As soon as the death word came out, the shocking halberd flew away, just as powerful as killing the forgotten lord before, even worse.

The crowd also reacted at this moment, with horror on their faces.

The Forgotten Lord was killed by this blow before, and now the Undead General's old tricks are repeated, and the crowd is not shocked now?Looking at the lasing streamer, there was also a hint of sympathy faintly.

Because they foresaw the fate of that figure, they would definitely be killed on the spot.

The facts seem to be going as they expected.

The Heaven-shocking Halberd did not receive any resistance, and directly sank into the streamer.

However, the stream of light did not dissipate, and it still fell sharply with an irreversible trend.

This is? ?

The crowd was at a loss, their faces full of disbelief.

The undead general's face changed drastically, because at that moment, he had lost contact with the long halberd, which was almost impossible for a warrior like him.

Fortunately, the next moment, he sensed his halberd again.

Just when he was overjoyed, he suddenly found that his halberd was coming towards him with a thunderous speed.

The speed is so fast that it is much faster than in his hands.

This? !

The undead general's eyes were full of disbelief, and he was about to take back the halberd, but what he never dreamed of was that the halberd was no longer under his control, and was heading towards him with an unrivaled aura.

"No! This is absolutely impossible!!"

The undead general shook his head desperately, perhaps because he panicked for a while, or because he was confident that he could control the halberd.

It's a pity that he couldn't control it at all. The shocking halberd pierced through with an irreversible trend, like a thunderbolt, which was thousands of miles away one moment, and arrived the next moment, piercing through the chest of the undead general without any hindrance.

In addition, the huge body of the undead general was also ruthlessly inserted into the planet below.


The planet trembled violently, cracking every inch of it, and almost shattered completely.

Where the halberd fell, the continuous mountains collapsed, and half of the entire planet disappeared. The terrifying atmosphere raged, and countless creatures were annihilated. It was a doomsday-like scene.

All kinds of wailing and desperate sounds filled every corner of the planet, piercing the heart.

Looking at this scene, Fang Yi couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Forgot to tell Wu Chi to be measured in his actions.

Fortunately, this planet has not been completely scrapped.

Compared with Fang Yi's calm appearance, Lan Lingyue was undoubtedly shocked from ear to ear, as if she had been electrocuted, her mouth was tongue-tied, and her pretty face was pale.

Just kidding, as powerful as an undead general, he was pierced by a single blow, and it was still pierced by his own halberd.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it even if she was killed, but the truth...

As for Wang Dong and the crowd, that's not to mention.

They were also shocked by the one-shot killing of the Forgotten Lord by the Undead General, but in just a few moments, the Undead General was also killed by a single blow, how dare they believe it?

And how strong is the strength of the coming person?

Subconsciously, everyone's eyes could not help but look at the streamer.

Dying, pierced by a halberd, the undead general who was thrusting into the abyss was the same, his face was full of despair and panic, "You, you..."

He seemed to want to say something, but unfortunately, he didn't say anything in the end, and his body disappeared like flying ash.


(End of this chapter)

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