Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3126 Conquering the Forgotten Land

Chapter 3126 Conquering the Forgotten Land

A generation of legendary Nine Realm powerhouses, imposing undead generals, and existences on the legendary list were killed by someone with a single blow.

The huge crowd fell into a deathly silence.

The expression that looked at that streamer was also full of fear.

It turned out that the morale of the army of the Great Sun Dynasty was so high that it looked like an army of gods and demons, but now the morale had fallen to dust, and everyone was terrified.

Like the Forgotten Army, no one dared to make the slightest change, looking at the streamer in fear.

Until the streamer condensed, Wu Chi's figure emerged.

The look of fear on their faces also turned into blankness, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

"you you……"

Someone couldn't help but wanted to ask.

At this time, Fang Yi has already stepped forward, like a great emperor walking in the void, dominating the world.

"It's Fang... Fellow Daoist Fang!!" A look of horror and ecstasy flashed across Wang Dong's face. Although he didn't recognize Wu Chi in front of him, the situation was already obvious.

On the other hand, the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty seemed to realize something. A silver-armored general was pale, but he still stepped out, pointed at Fang Yi and shouted, " are the Lord of the New Moon? The son of Lord Tianwu was beheaded by you!" kill?"

"Good! Very good! Lord Tianwu has now come out of the Abyss of Forgotten. This general advises you to be obedient and capture him with nothing, otherwise..."

Although Wang Dong and the rest of the Forgotten Army knew that Fang Yi was great, they didn't know that Fang Yi was so bold that he even dared to kill the son of Tianwu Zhanwang.

Suddenly, everyone was full of horror.

There is still a hint of admiration faintly.


Fang Yi glanced at the silver-armored general indifferently, and said: "I really want to learn the methods of Tianwu Zhanwang, go back and tell him, I am waiting for you at any time."

The second half of the sentence was not addressed to the silver-armored general, but to all the army of the Great Sun Dynasty.

Because it's very simple, he didn't give the silver-armored general a chance to survive.

When the words fell, a cyan sword light also cut down, like thunder from nine heavens, and the silver-armored general didn't even have time to react, so he lay dead on the spot.

This resplendent sword light was even stronger than Wu Chi's blow, and was as fast as thunder.

So much so that everyone didn't react, they were dumbstruck.

"General Wang, what are you waiting for!"

Wang Dong naturally did the same, until Fang Yi's voice came from his ear, he just woke up like a dream, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

"Kill them!!" He understood, and instantly understood Fang Yi's meaning. Such an excellent opportunity was a good time to severely damage the army of the Great Sun Dynasty.

kill kill kill! !

As soon as he gave an order, the army of oblivion came like a tide.

Especially those soldiers who had followed Fang Yi to defeat General Lei Ting, the moment they saw Fang Yi, they seemed to have found their backbone.

That feeling can't be described in words, Fang Yi's existence seems to have given them great confidence.

It also makes their morale high at this moment, like a huge wave that engulfs everything.

On the contrary, in the situation where the undead general and the silver armor general were killed after leading the way, the morale of the army of the Great Sun Dynasty had already dropped to the bottom.

For a time, the army was defeated like a mountain, and howled miserably.

The huge world seemed to have turned into a Shura hell.

Fang Yi just watched all this quietly, and didn't help, because to boost the confidence of these people, they had to defeat their opponents by themselves.

Only in this way can they completely eliminate their fear of the army of the Great Sun Dynasty.

Fearless, nature is invincible.

As for the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, it is impossible to win the victory without a leader in such a situation. Naturally, such an opportunity must be seized, and even some sacrifices are worthwhile.

This has been verified from the more passionate fighting spirit of the Forgotten Army at this moment.

Lan Lingyue's bright eyes were full of splendor.

Looking at this scene, she seemed to see some kind of hope. From the initial astonishment, the corners of her lips raised slightly at this moment, showing a happy look.

As for Wu Chi, after that blow, he acted like a spectator and never made another move.

Do not!Maybe he can't be regarded as a qualified spectator, because he doesn't hide the contempt in his eyes.

It seemed that such a fight was an insult to his eyes.

The battle didn't last long. The army of the Great Sun Dynasty didn't want to fight any more, they only wanted to escape, and Fang Yi didn't try to stop it. It was obviously not easy to stop it with the Forgotten Army alone.

However, the Forgotten Army did not disappoint Fang Yi.

Perhaps, these people knew that their fate would be closely related to the white-haired and blue-robed man in front of them, so they played their best in front of Fang Yi, which really caused a lot of impact on the army of the Great Sun Dynasty.

The damage was not small, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as corpses strewn across the field.

"Win! We won!!"

Looking at the army of the Great Sun Dynasty fleeing like a bereaved dog, cheers like a mountain torrent erupted in the Forgotten Army.

Compared with the battle of General Lei Ting, Fang Yi's formation was used more.

But today, they rely on their own strength.

The joy in my heart is naturally incomparable. The whole army seems to have regained their confidence, injected their souls, and become a truly fearless army.

Fang Yi nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Wang Dong signaled that the huge army fell silent immediately, and everyone's eyes couldn't help looking at Fang Yi, with adoring light.

"Everyone, in today's battle, I forgot that the Great Army and the Great Sun Dynasty have completely forged a life-and-death enmity."

Wang Dong first bowed to Fang Yi, then turned to the crowd and said loudly.

Everyone is well aware of the current situation. After this battle, there is no room for the two major forces to relax at all, and it can be said that they will never stop.

Even if they disband on the spot, I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape the pursuit of the Great Sun Dynasty.

"And with the strength of my forgotten land, it is obviously not enough to fight against the Great Sun Dynasty. Now that the lord is dead, Mr. Fang is avenging us. Why don't we follow Mr. Fang's lead and fight against the Great Sun Dynasty to the end."

Only Wang Dong continued to speak, his voice was like thunder.

Obviously, he was trying to please.

Of course, he is also well aware of the current situation in the Forgotten Land. Once a strong backer cannot be found, the biggest possibility is to fall apart.

And right now, the only backer that the Forgotten Land can find is Fang Yi, so...

Fang Yi didn't expect Wang Dong to be so proactive.

He originally planned to suppress it forcefully.

That being the case, there is no need for it.

The Forgotten Army is also aware of the current situation. Although Fang Yi may not be the best choice in their hearts, it is the only choice.

And for some people with malicious intentions, they can also temporarily push Fang Yi to the forefront, and hide themselves behind their backs. It will not be too late after this level is over, depending on the situation.

Therefore, no one dared to refute this decision. Just kidding, no one dared to have an opinion even if they watched Wu Chi stand aside.

"May I follow Mr. Fang's lead!!"

For a time, the Forgotten army bowed down one after another, and the Forgotten Land fell into Fang Yi's control.


(End of this chapter)

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