Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3127 Return to the original owner

Chapter 3127 Return to the original owner

"What? How could it be possible that the Great Sun Dynasty returned in a big defeat? The Forgotten Land has such a powerful strength?"

"Who says it's not! But I heard that the Forgotten Lord is also dead, and it was a mysterious strong man who helped him kill the Undead General."

"Yes! It looks like someone from the New Moon Lord."

"In other words, who is this new moon lord, who dares to be an enemy of the Great Sun Dynasty? It's like eating a bear's heart and leopard's guts."

"Now it's a good show. Offending the Great Sun Dynasty, the New Moon Territory and the Forgotten Land are in great trouble."


Everything that happened in the Forgotten Land spread all around in an instant, and even moved to more distant places.

While the crowd was surprised, they also secretly felt sorry for the two territories, because those who offended the Great Sun Dynasty in the past never ended well. What's more, just for this incident, the Great Sun Dynasty became even more famous and had no more scruples.

And this is undoubtedly a disaster for the land of the two territories.

At least in the eyes of the world.

As for Fang Yi, after subduing Wang Dong, he had already returned to the New Moon Territory.

As for the Forgotten Land, he also temporarily handed it over to Wang Dong.

"I've seen your son!"

In the main hall, Yun Zhonglong, Lin Zhonghu, Heishan Old Demon, Sect Master Luoyue, and Wu Yue all looked a little excited.

Looking at Fang Yi respectfully, everything that happened in the Forgotten Land has already been reported. General Thunder and General Undead were defeated and fell one after another. thing.

If they hadn't seen Fang Yi intact at this moment, they might still have some doubts about the authenticity of the incident.

Of course, what surprised them even more was the Tianwu Battle King. ,

"My lord, isn't the Heavenly Martial King in the Forgotten Land? Why didn't he show up?" Lin Zhonghu couldn't help asking.

The others also looked at Fang Yi with puzzled faces.


Fang Yi smiled contemptuously and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to come anytime soon."


Several people couldn't help looking at each other when they heard the words, seeing that Fang Yi didn't intend to continue, and didn't continue to ask, but their hearts were full of doubts.

However, they would have never imagined that the majestic Heavenly Martial King had already had his arm cut off and was eroded by the terrifying intent of destruction. It would not be so easy to return to his heyday in a short time.

"Okay! Don't worry, the Great Sun Dynasty is nothing more than that. It's fine if the Tianwu War King doesn't come. If he comes, I can deal with him."

"Taking advantage of this period of time, hurry up and expand, and take over all the surrounding forces."

Fang Yi's shocking words made everyone look at each other in blank dismay.

"Is that so blatant?"

Yun Zhonglong couldn't help asking.

You know, the Great Sun Dynasty wanted to fight for hegemony, but they didn't dare to make a big show of it, because there was Mingyue Pavilion behind them, and Mingyue Pavilion would not allow them to be so presumptuous.

But now, Fang Yi unexpectedly...

"Of course, what else?" Fang Yi didn't care, and continued: "You can do it freely, and I will handle it at Mingyue Pavilion."

"Besides, my New Moon Territory is not the Great Sun Dynasty, and the Mingyue Pavilion will not sit back and watch the Great Sun Dynasty ignore it, but it will not do anything to us. On the contrary, they should be very happy to see us grow. In this way, the Great Sun Dynasty The Japanese Dynasty has an opponent, doesn't it?"

None of them were stupid, and they immediately understood the mystery when they heard the words.

"If there is any enemy that can't be dealt with, find him." Fang Yi then pointed to Wu Chi and said.

Wu Chi was in the hall from the beginning to the end, but he didn't say a word, and closed his eyes to rest, obviously not interested in these things.

However, as soon as he heard that there was a strong man he couldn't deal with, he suddenly opened his eyes, like sharp knives, with peerless sharpness.

It made several people startled, and their faces changed slightly.

The look at Wu Chi also became a little apprehensive.

Just kidding, this is the existence of the general who kills the undead with one strike. They have known about it for a long time, but they don't understand where Fang Yi found such a helper.

"Yes! Then there will be Mr. Lao Wu." Yun Zhonglong didn't dare to neglect, and quickly complimented him.

But Wu Chi said with a blank face: "Don't be too weak, I won't take action against trash like before."


The majestic undead general, the existence on the legendary list, turned out to be a trash in the opponent's mouth?

Several people couldn't help twitching when they heard the words, as if they had been slapped severely, but no, even the general of the undead is trash, so what are they?Isn't it worse than trash?

"Okay! That's it, let's all go down! Hurry up and expand. If it is not expected, once the Tianwu War King recovers from his injury, he will definitely visit the New Moon Territory. Taking advantage of this time, I, the New Moon Territory, will take the initiative to attack. "

recover from injury?Several people heard the words and looked at each other again.

The Tianwu War King was actually injured?

The existence of a strong man in the Great Dao Realm, who had reached the top, was actually injured, and Fang Yi knew it so clearly?Is it possible...


A few people were thinking about it, but they all shook their heads subconsciously. No wonder they were like this. After all, it was said that a legendary eighth realm severely damaged the great realm, and it was them who would not believe it.


Several people took orders immediately and retreated.

"Fifth month, you stay!"

Hearing this, Wu Yue was a little stunned and looked at Fang Yi puzzled.

"I'll leave this to you, practice hard." As he spoke, a flash of light flashed in Fang Yi's hand, and a Jade Jianjian fell into Fifth Yue's hand.

With doubts in Wu Yue, he probed a little with his divine sense, and the next moment, his face suddenly changed, full of excitement and disbelief.

"Fifth Sword Code! How is it possible!! Young Master, you..."

It's no wonder why Wuyue looks like this. For this sword code, her father and the whole family have searched for countless years, but they found nothing. In the end, they even incurred the disaster of killing themselves, and the fifth clan was almost extinct.

But now, Fang Yi took it out so easily and returned it to her, how could she believe it?

"The power of this sword code is really good. If you understand it carefully, it will be easy to break through the Dao realm."

"As for its origin, there is no need to ask about it for the time being, maybe one day you will know."

Fang Yi didn't need to explain, he didn't have that leisure time.

Although Wu Yue was curious, relatively speaking, the joy and excitement of obtaining the Fifth Sword Code had already surpassed others, so naturally she didn't care.

He hurriedly said: "Yes! The little girl will definitely not let the young master down, but the young master will do his best and die."

Wu Yue saluted respectfully, and then withdrew with great excitement and excitement.

Tat for tat is considered a consummation of merit and virtue.

Fang Yi smiled knowingly. Since Wu Su was not stingy with this exercise, he would not be stingy either.

Of course, to what extent one can cultivate depends on Wu Yue's own good fortune.

And he also needs to practice, this sword manual is amazing, comprehending it will be a great killer move, right now there is a Wu Chi sitting in the town, it is a good opportunity, take advantage of this time to enter the water temple to learn, it is not too late .


(End of this chapter)

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