Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3128 Dark Moon Tower

Chapter 3128 Dark Moon Tower

"What? The New Moon Territory took over the Black Mountain Territory, the Fallen Moon Sect, and they are still expanding?"

"What? The reason why the Great Sun Dynasty in the Forgotten Land was defeated was because of the New Moon Territory? The New Moon Territory is going to compete with the Great Sun Dynasty in Wangyue Bay? How dare they?"

In a short period of time, the Xinyue army was in full swing, bringing the surrounding forces into its territory in one fell swoop.

Of course, the reason why it went so smoothly was naturally related to the early submission of the Black Mountain Old Demon, Luoyue Sect Master and others.

Right now it's just a show.

The real war has just begun.

However, what the world didn't expect was that the New Moon collar still showed an invincible attitude, sweeping all the way down, the army passed by, and took down the opponent almost effortlessly.

While this surprised everyone, it also filled Yun Zhonglong and the others with doubts.

Although the strength of the New Moon Territory can only be average, and the Black Mountain Territory and the Luoyue Sect are not particularly strong, it stands to reason that they would not have such a record. ,

But the truth...

"How? Have you ever found out the reason?"

In the main hall, Yun Zhonglong couldn't help asking when he saw the servants coming in a hurry.

"Returning to my lord, I have already found out that the reason why Sunset Cloud Valley was defeated like a mountain was because of their valley owner and several elders. Don't have an accident, dead dead, missing missing!"

The servant replied.


Yun Zhonglong was shocked. Those who could become the owner and elder of a valley were all top-notch people. How could they disappear and die for no reason?

There must be some unknown things in it.

Could it be that the son made the move?Or that Master Wu?

Yun Zhonglong was full of doubts.

Like him, there are Lin Zhonghu, Heishan Old Demon, and Sect Master Luoyue who fought in various battles, because they also encountered such strange things without exception.

Under such circumstances, the New Moon Army is naturally invincible.

The area ruled by the New Moon Territory is also rapidly expanding under such circumstances.

However, Fang Yi knew nothing about all this, because he was currently retreating in the water temple.

As for Wu Chi, naturally he doesn't know, he doesn't care about anything other than martial arts, so why would he take the initiative to deal with the leaders of those small forces?

Time passed quickly as the New Moon Army rapidly expanded.

And the whole Moon Bay can begin to be immersed in a strange atmosphere, unusually calm, like the eve of a storm.

All the forces are dormant, and they seem to want to see how the Great Sun Dynasty will deal with the New Moon Territory, this upstart who dares to break ground on Tai Sui and rises from Mochizuki Bay.

Everyone knows Sima Zhao's intentions in the Great Sun Dynasty. It is obviously impossible to say that the major forces have no desire to resist.

However, in the face of this behemoth, no one wants to be that early bird, so they can only choose to be patient.

But now that the early bird jumped out by itself, they were naturally happy to see it.

However, what they didn't expect was that the Great Sun Dynasty didn't respond immediately. Of course, perhaps compared to the Great Sun Dynasty, the Crescent Moon Spirit was too small to be worth mentioning.

After all, the New Moon Territory is just a small force in the south of the Great Sun Dynasty.

The Great Sun Dynasty fought in all directions, and a mere small twists and turns might not be enough to mobilize them.

However, the Tianwu War King guarding the south and the Tianwu army have not moved, which makes people a little puzzled.

Not only them, but also within the Tianwu army.

"Damn it! I can't take it anymore. A mere crescent collar dares to make a mistake. It's almost self-destruction."

"My lord, the last general asks for orders, and the last general will lead his troops to flatten the crescent moon."

A black-faced general with a burly figure and a violent breath faced Tian Zhan, the deputy commander of the Tianwu army, and asked Yingying.

The Tianwu army has a commander, who is the Tianwu War King, Tian Zhan, the deputy commander, and two generals, General Thunder and General Undead.

Now, General Lei Ting and General Undead have fallen one after another, and the King of Heavenly Martial Arts can't retreat after his return, so the decision-making falls on Tian Zhan, and this also makes him a little uncertain.

In fact, he usually sits in the base camp of the Tianwu army, and rarely takes action himself.

Firstly, it is not necessary, and secondly, he is better at strategy and real combat power, which is not much different from General Thunder and General Undead.

The two generals have fallen one after another, and the Tianwu Warlord can't retreat. How strong is the power of the New Moon Territory? He will definitely not think it is just an ordinary force like outsiders.

"How many times have I told you that Master Tianwu will temporarily stand still before leaving the customs."

Tian Zhan looked down at the black-faced general with a gloomy face and scolded.

The black-faced general was obviously not convinced.

The others were similar, and someone muttered: "Could it be possible that the New Moon Territory is allowed to act recklessly? This is a serious damage to the reputation of my Tianwu army, which cannot be repaired."

"Yes! You can't let these jumping clowns jump up and down, otherwise..."

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and all of them were murderous.

"Hmph! How can this commander not know?"

Tian Zhan shouted coldly when he heard the words, "A mere Crescent Landlord is of course not worth mentioning, but what if there is Mingyue Pavilion behind them? So what?"

This! !

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but stagnate, as if they still couldn't believe it.

Seeing this, Tian Zhan added: "If it wasn't for Mingyue Pavilion, a mere New Moon Leader, how could our Tianwu army suffer such heavy losses? He is simply their conspiracy. Maybe they are waiting for us to go at this moment."

"Damn! Doesn't it mean that Yuge won't make a move without the support of the major forces? What??"

"Hmph! It's shameless not to make a move openly, but to come secretly."

"Then what do we do now?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, obviously they all hated Mingyue Pavilion.

And just at this time, outside the main hall, a soldier rushed to report.

"My lord, it has been found out that where the New Moon Army passed by, those who dared to resist were assassinated in advance. Therefore, the New Moon Army can be invincible."

"What? Assassination? It's really despicable." A general scolded.

Tian Zhan also frowned.

"However, the strange thing is that the subordinates and others didn't notice the trace of the strong man of the New Moon Territory, and even they themselves were surprised." The soldier said again.

"How is it possible? Who else but themselves?" Someone asked.

"That's not necessarily the case." Tian Zhan paused, and said, "It's hard to forget what we just said?"

"Mingyue Pavilion?"

Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change when they heard the words.

"Returning to my lord, my subordinates and others also didn't notice the traces of Mingyue Pavilion. Instead, it was the Dark Moon Tower. We noticed the presence of killers from the Dark Moon Tower. Judging from the on-site observation, it is likely that they did it."

What?Dark Moon Tower? ?

This time not only everyone was stunned on the spot, even Tian Zhan was stunned.

The appearance of the Dark Moon Tower undoubtedly far exceeded his expectations.


(End of this chapter)

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