Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3129 The Strong Enemy Attacks

Chapter 3129 The Strong Enemy Attacks

"How could it be the Dark Moon Tower? My lord, could it be a mistake?"

The generals below were stunned.

They are very clear about what kind of existence the Dark Moon Tower is. It is a place where murderers are bought and killed, and it is extremely hidden.

In fact, among the generals present, many of them may have taken over the task of Dark Moon Building.

It was a pure murderous organization, and it would never get involved in anything meaningless. Their first task was to keep it secret, because only in this way could they continue to operate more completely.

You know, in the past countless years, there are countless warriors slaughtered by the Dark Moon Building.

And there are some powerful forces among them. Once these people know the stronghold and secret base of the Dark Moon Tower, nothing good will happen to those who wait.

Therefore, if they can keep a low profile, they will never show off.

Of course, buying murder to kill is an exception, because that's what they do.

However, it has never happened before that they are asked to kill randomly and seize territory for no benefit.

"Could it be a task led by Xinyue?"

Someone asked suspiciously.

Tian Zhan was also full of doubts, shook his head and said: "It may not be the New Moon Collar, you and I both know that it will cost a lot to invite the Dark Moon Tower to kill people, let alone at such a moment, what can the New Moon Collar do?" Can you get it?"

"That's right! So what's going on? Could it be that the Dark Moon Tower has also been modified?"

"Hmph! Regardless of whether he is modified or not, as long as he dares to become an enemy of our Great Sun Dynasty, he will only die."

"Well said! Who cares about the Dark Moon Tower, just suppress it."

The crowd was outraged.

Tian Zhan frowned, suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly looked in another direction outside the hall, his expression slightly excited.

"Master Tianwu is out!!"


"Tsk tsk! This New Moon Territory should not be underestimated. In such a short period of time, it has taken over such a huge star field. It is simply unbelievable."

Lan Lingyue's subordinate, a black-robed man was holding the latest information in his hand, and he kept tsk-tsk in his mouth.

yes!In a short period of time, the various armies of the New Moon Territory swept down all the way, taking down the huge star field, which was expanded many times compared to the former New Moon Territory.

This made Lan Lingyue and the others amazed.

"What's even more incredible is that the Great Sun Dynasty didn't respond at all to this. This is too abnormal."

"What exactly is Tianwu Battle King planning?"

The man in black looked at Lan Lingyue suspiciously.

However, Lan Lingyue's heart was full of fog. After entering the Abyss of Oblivion, everything that happened inside was blank for her, so she naturally didn't know about the injury of the Tianwu War King.

She doesn't even know Wu Chi's origin.

The only thing she knew was that Fang Yi and Wu Chi were so powerful that they killed General Thunder and General Undead, two legends on the legend list.

However, whether he is qualified to fight against the Great Sun Dynasty depends on his performance against the Tianwu War King.

And this is also the key to gaining the support of Mingyue Pavilion.

But what she didn't expect, Tianwu Zhanwang didn't respond.

"Master Lan, it is widely rumored that the death of General Thunderbolt and General Undead is because I, Mingyu Pavilion, made a secret move. I don't know..."

At this time, the man in black made a tentative sentence.


Lan Lingyue snorted coldly, "It's all rumors. Whether Mingyu Pavilion will support it or not depends on their next performance. There is no one in the Dao realm, and they are against the Great Sun Dynasty!?"

Lan Lingyue's bright and clean face was filled with disbelief, faint, and somewhat expectant.

However, at this moment, another man in black came in a hurry.

"Master Lan, the latest news is that the Great Sun Dynasty has taken action, and the army is suppressing the territory and heading straight for the New Moon Territory."

"The leading commander is Tian Zhan, the deputy commander of the Tianwu army."

"Oh?" Lan Lingyue's bright eyes moved when she heard the words, and hurriedly asked, "Where is the King of Martial Arts that day?"

"Return to the adults, there is no news for the time being."

The man replied.

"No! Even General Lei Ting and Undead General have been beheaded one after another. Tian Zhan's going won't help. Tian Wu Zhan Wang may have already taken the first step." Lan Lingyue's expression changed when she figured out the key, and said anxiously: "Let's go! Let's go!" Go see it too."

As she said that, her figure was like lightning, and a stream of light flashed across the hall and disappeared.


"Have you heard that my New Moon Army has captured Tiger Mighty Mountain again?"

"Really? Tsk tsk, the lord is tyrannical. Since he took office, my New Moon Leader has been thriving, which is no longer comparable to what it used to be."

"That's right, all the surrounding forces have been subdued. If this continues, it won't be long before my New Moon Leader will..."

During this time, the entire Crescent Territory was plunged into an extremely jubilant atmosphere.

No one doesn't want to see the forces they belong to become stronger, because this is also of great benefit to them, not to mention the vanity and satisfaction in their hearts.

Therefore, the entire crescent collar is also completely new, from top to bottom, it is full of confidence and vitality.

However, on this day, under the calm sky, there was a sudden sound of rolling thunder.

Dark energy, like billowing dark clouds, swept from all directions. In an instant, the entire New Moon Lord star seemed to be doomsday.

"what happened?"

The faces of the originally jubilant crowd could not help but change slightly at this moment, and they looked up at the sky, full of bewilderment.

And Wu Chi, who had been sitting cross-legged in the hall like a statue, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and his eyes, which were looking towards the void, were filled with a strong fighting intent.

Boom! !

At this time, the sound of thunder became more and more loud, and the black cloud of billowing energy condensed instantly turned into a huge hand, pressing straight towards the planet.

what! !

The faces of the people on the planet suddenly changed drastically. This giant hand that appeared suddenly without warning, and the destructive aura that filled it made everyone feel like falling to hell.

The entire space also exploded inch by inch.

The giant hand fell with an irreversible trend, and nothing could stop it.

"Run away!!"

The planet trembled, as if it was about to explode, and it was on the verge of falling.

Landslides and landslides, seawater flooding back, the huge planet was like a dead place, the whole planet was plunged into an atmosphere of great panic, all kinds of miserable howls continued, heart-piercing.

Seeing that the entire planet is about to be destroyed.

shuttle! !

At this moment, a radiant figure soared into the sky, that figure was incomparably majestic, with endless runes wrapped around it, like a giant standing upright.

Facing the giant hand, he attacked it head-on.

Boom! !

At this moment, as if the sky had collapsed, the two energies converged, the void shook, and a terrifying shock wave swept all directions, sweeping away everything.

That majestic figure was like a ray of heaven, blocking all these violent storms from the planet.

And that figure needless to say, is Wu Chi.


(End of this chapter)

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