Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3130 Defeated

Chapter 3130 Defeated

The people on the planet are completely plunged into despair at this moment.

Seeing that terrifying palm, they closed their eyes in despair, waiting for the god of death to come.

However, there were bursts of shocking noises in my ears, but the imaginary things did not happen for a long time. Instead, everything gradually quieted down, which was surprisingly weird.

Involuntarily, they slowly opened their eyes.

In the sky, Wu Chi was like a ray of heaven, stretching between the heaven and the earth.

Around him, endless power of rules surged, surging.

But in front of him, stood another figure, that figure was more violent than Wu Chi, and the terrifying aura gathered around him like a tornado, like a peerless emperor who surpassed the three worlds, as mighty as a prison.

And that figure, at this moment, is looking at Wu Chi with a strange look.

Playful, playful, accidental...

Of course, more is contempt.

"The Lord of the New Moon?"

The figure said slowly, and then nodded again, "Not bad! Finally, I didn't disappoint this king too much, but unfortunately, you shouldn't seek your own death."

Needless to say, the figure was the Tianwu War King. At this moment, his severed arm had recovered to its original state, and his aura was even stronger.

The look of disdain in Wu Chi's eyes is also stronger.

He also doesn't remember everything that happened in the abandoned city, so naturally he can't recognize Wu Chi, and in his induction, the most powerful person on the entire planet is Wu Chi, so he naturally thinks Wu Chi is the new Moon Lord.

Wu Chi is not in the mood to care about these trivial matters, in his eyes he is just an opponent, with only the never-ending heart of martial arts.

Every powerful opponent is the target of his challenge, even the Heavenly Martial King of the Great Dao Realm is no exception.

Of course, he didn't dare to be careless when facing the Great Realm.

He was on guard all over his body, and all the hairs on his body seemed to stand on end.

shuttle! !

The next moment, he was like a thunderbolt rushing across the sky, heading towards Tianwu Zhanwang.

The endless void was cut out with a huge opening, as if it was divided into two, extending infinitely, as if to tear the Tianwu War King apart.

"The light of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon, it is beyond self-control!!"

Tianwu Zhanwang sneered, his eyes were full of contempt, and then his voice pierced the earth like a thunderbolt, "Here is the only fate for anyone who dares to be an enemy of our Great Sun Dynasty, death!"

As soon as the word "dead" came out, thunder rolled from the nine heavens, and endless power of rules swarmed in.

Like a surging torrent, converging into a river, a regular avenue condenses in an instant.


Seeing this regular avenue, everyone was shocked, one by one, like stone carvings.

They had thought that the Great Sun Dynasty would retaliate, and they also thought that the retaliation would be extremely violent, but they never expected that the Tianwu War King would come in person.

Who is the Tianwu War King?The dignified avenue, in the hearts of the world, is basically a god-like existence, omnipotent.

Stamp your feet, and the whole Mochizuki Bay will tremble three times.

And it was such a person who came to the New Moon Territory in person at this moment. The fear in the hearts of the crowd can be imagined, and the deepest despair, like a flood, completely engulfed them, as if they had fallen into a place of no return.

At this moment, they were all ashamed, and they knew in their hearts that there was no chance of luck.

Boom! !

Thunder rolls above the void, and the terrifying energy wipes out everything. It is said that it is the attack of the Tianwu Warlord, and the aftermath of the battle between the two is enough to destroy the entire planet.

Wu Chi is certainly powerful, but compared to the Heavenly Martial King, he is undoubtedly still a lot worse.

It is already extremely difficult to deal with it, and it is obviously impossible to protect these people on this planet.

Moreover, Wu Chi obviously doesn't care about the life and death of these people. In his eyes, fighting means everything, and the life and death of other people has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, the terrifying shock wave slammed into the entire planet wantonly.

On the planet, mountains and ground cracked and rivers flooded back, what a doomsday-like scene.

Endless howls and despair filled the entire land, making this land seem to have turned into a Shura hell.

Ahh! !

However, when the crowd was extremely desperate, mysterious runes suddenly appeared on the crumbling planet.

The rune became more and more prosperous, accompanied by the sound of swords, and finally, like a wave of light, it enveloped the entire planet, isolating all attacks, and the planet returned to a calm state.

This is? ?

The crowd who were originally desperate all looked up at the void at this moment, looking at the light wave, there was a kind of joy in their eyes that survived the catastrophe.

But it is fleeting, because the danger has not been lifted, and the Tianwu War King above the void is still there.

Moreover, it is getting stronger and stronger, as powerful as a Wu Chi, and has been retreating steadily under the rule of law.

"I fought you!!"

Wu Chi also had a dignified face at this moment, his eyes were like sharp knives, and he said something inexplicable.

Although he lost a lot of memory, Valkyrie's Exorcist remembered the various means and magical powers of each of his opponents.

Judging by the reaction of the Martial God's Exorcist at this moment, every attack of the Tianwu Warlord seems to be expected, but unfortunately, there is an irreparable gap between the two realms, otherwise, the consequences are still unknown.

The power of Valkyrie Drive can be seen from this.

Rao is the King of Heavenly Martial Arts, and his pupils are also inconceivable.

"Okay! Very good! You are the first one in the Ninth Realm of Legend, with such supernatural powers, that you can barely compete with this king."

The Tianwu Battle King shouted like thunder, obviously losing his patience.

The pupils shrank, and the killing intent also shot out.

And that ruled avenue also swept across the sky, as if it wanted to completely engulf Wu Chi in it.

The avenue of rules is the incarnation of rules, the incarnation of Tao, the pinnacle of every rule, if you step into it, you will be suppressed by a certain power of rules, and only the power of the same rules can resist, otherwise, you will only be beaten.

This is also the difference in energy level, which brings absolute crushing.

Even as strong as Wu Chi, he couldn't break through.

That is the real power of God.

The Valkyrie's Exorcism seemed to have absorbed the experience from the last time, and now it did not dare to invade it rashly.

But it's a pity that the terrifying divine power swept in like a prehistoric world, and Wu Chi had no way of avoiding it, so I'm afraid he went up angrily.

Boom! !

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and Wu Chi's huge body flew out like a kite of fallen leaves, and the War God's Drive also collapsed, shattered inch by inch.

Do not!Although the crowd had expected it long ago, when they actually saw this scene, they still felt as if they had fallen into an abyss, full of despair.

"Wu Zhidao is really extraordinary!"

The King of Tianwu Wars sounded like a bell, like a great emperor over all living beings, and the conversation suddenly changed, "Unfortunately, you have a bright future, but why did you want to die?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and when he stretched out his giant palm, his huge hand went straight towards Wu Chi.


(End of this chapter)

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