Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3131 You are finally here

Chapter 3131 You are finally here

Boom! !

The world collapsed in an instant, and the horror of this palm was unparalleled.

The King of Heavenly Martial Arts, a majestic generation of Dao Realm powerhouses, has been held back for so long by a legendary Ninth Realm martial idiot, which is already intolerable for him.

Therefore, vowing to suppress Wu Chi on the spot, this blow can be imagined.

People on the planet are all desperate.

Even if they hid far away, the crowd of Mingyue Pavilion, Lan Lingyue and others who were watching this scene were no different.

The Great Sun Dynasty made waves in Wangyue Bay and ran amok. It has already violated the bottom line of Mingyu Pavilion, but unfortunately, this is an internal matter of Wangyue Bay after all. However, the purpose of Mingyue Pavilion at the beginning of its establishment is somewhat contrary. Therefore, They have no better excuse to shoot.

Moreover, many forces in Mingyu Pavilion have already been bribed, so...

However, it is obviously extremely unwilling for Mingyu Pavilion to sit back and watch the Great Sun Dynasty rule the entire Mochizuki Bay.

Now, the appearance of the New Moon Collar undoubtedly gave them some hope, but this hope was about to be shattered, so how could the group be in no hurry.

"Why hasn't it appeared yet?"

Lan Lingyue's pretty face was pale, and her brows were full of doubts.

With the strength shown by Wu Chi, if you add Fang Yi, the two join forces, maybe they can compete with the Tianwu War King for a while.

But at this critical moment, Fang Yi did not show up for a long time, which undoubtedly made him full of confusion.

Is it because the opponent knows that he is invincible and chooses to be a turtle?Or are you full of confidence and don't even bother to join forces?

If it is the former, it seems unlikely, because if this is the case, why bother to confront the Great Sun Dynasty?Moreover, General Thunder and General Undead died tragically one after another. This is basically a dead end, and there is no end to death.

But if it's the latter, it seems even more impossible. Facing a strong man in the Dao realm, you are full of confidence?

Are you sure this isn't a joke?

Countless thoughts flashed through Lan Lingyue's mind, and above the void, that huge hand was about to fall down.

Seeing that Wu Chi was about to be caught.

The crowd is no better than falling into the abyss.

However, at this moment, somewhere on the planet, a bright cyan sword light suddenly appeared, like an aurora soaring into the sky, splitting the sky and the earth, and heading towards that huge hand.

brush! !

The void was split into two in an instant, dragging a long crack and spreading towards the giant palm.

This is? ?

The already desperate faces of the crowd couldn't help being startled when they saw such a bright blue sword light.

The same is true for Lan Lingyue, there is still a hint of excitement in her beautiful eyes.

Just, fleeting.

Maybe she felt that she was thinking too much, even if Fang Yi made a move at this time, what could be changed?If you want to make a move, you should take advantage of it before, and join hands in two to have a chance, but now...


The Tianwu Zhanwang was also obviously shocked, and a look of surprise flashed in his fierce eyes.

The whole planet was under his induction. Just a moment ago, there was no powerful aura on the planet that was stronger than Wu Chi, so much so that they mistakenly thought that Wu Chi was the New Moon Lord.

But now, this bright cyan sword light was obviously stronger than Wu Chi's, which made his face darken, his pupils shrink, and his killing intent was revealed.

"Hmph! Where are the people who hide their heads and show their tails, get out!"

As soon as the scrolling words came out, that huge hand became more and more terrifying, and the majestic energy roared like a big wave, sweeping towards the blue sword light.

However, in the face of such terrifying power, the cyan sword light seemed to be invisible, without any hindrance, cutting mountains and mountains all the way, piercing the endless waves, just like a giant cyan dragon, soaring through the world.

what? ?

At this moment, Rao even the Tianwu Zhanwang's pupils also had an inconceivable look.

At the same time, a broad avenue condensed in an instant, crushed by endless divine power, and the sky and earth burst in an instant.

Boom! !

Loud noises could be heard endlessly, and the entire planet was on the verge of collapse, as if the end was approaching. If it wasn't for the faint cover of runes, it might have been destroyed.

Even so, the entire planet has been greatly impacted, and countless people have been affected.

The turbulent air wave slowly dissipated, and two figures also emerged, one of which was naturally the Tianwu War King. At this moment, his face was serious, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

The other one with white hair and blue robe is naturally Fang Yi.

His expression was indifferent, and there was no strange expression on his face, as if what he was facing at this moment was not a great realm at all, but just an ordinary person.

But everything that came before said it all.

"It finally appeared! He..."

Lan Lingyue's beautiful eyes were also bright, her expression was a little excited, and there was a hint of excitement.

For some reason, the moment she saw Fang Yi, she seemed to regain a certain confidence. This was a wonderful feeling, as if as long as Fang Yi was there, no matter how difficult it was, this feeling came from Inexplicable, but so firm.

"Legendary Eight Realms?"

The scene was a bit weird, and everyone dared not even vent their breath.

Tianwu Zhanwang had a gloomy expression on his face, as if he could drip water.

After passing through Wu Chi, the person hidden behind him is naturally better than Wu Chi in his thinking, in fact, the same is true of the sword just now.

However, he never dreamed that the person standing in front of him at this moment turned out to be a legendary eighth realm.


Immediately, he laughed wantonly, leaning forward and backward, laughing extremely ironically.

"This king thought that Mingyue Pavilion could finally hold back, but I didn't expect..., mere legendary eighth realm, boy, who gave you the courage to stand in front of this king?"

The laughter stopped abruptly, and the thunderous voice of Tianwu Zhanwang also exploded, causing the void to tremble.

A huge coercion also swept over.

If this is replaced by the general Legendary Eight Realm, it will be wiped out in an instant.

Just kidding, the terrifying coercion from the powerful Daoist, the absolute suppression of divine power, is not something a legendary warrior can bear.

However, how could Fang Yi be comparable to ordinary warriors?

His physical body and soul, after the fusion of Primal Chaos Qi, have become stronger than ever before, so...

Facing this terrifying coercion, Fang Yi still acted like a normal person, calm and calm.

"I didn't expect your broken arm to be connected. You just came now, a few days later than I expected. It seems that your strength is far worse than I expected." The indifferent voice spread lightly and fell into the ears of the crowd. , undoubtedly made the crowd startled, inexplicable.

Yes!How could the crowd understand the meaning of this sentence.

However, the Tianwu Battle King changed his face instantly.

He didn't even know the reason why he lost his arm, because he didn't have the slightest impression of everything in the abandoned city.

All he knew was that he had broken his arm after he came out, and it took him a lot of time to dispel the terrifying sense of destruction on the wound.

And he told no one about all this.

Just kidding, how could he say such a thing?As soon as he came out, he immediately chose to retreat and recuperate.

But now, a Legendary Eight Realm seems to have seen everything, how can he not be surprised?


(End of this chapter)

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