Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3140 It's Your Time to Take Action

Chapter 3140 It's Your Time to Take Action

"My lord, it''s him!"

As the Taoist said, he quickly took out a shadow stone, and the shadow stone burst open, revealing the grace of that sword.

It reappeared before the eyes of the Taoists.

"It really is!"

The gloomy young man's eyes brightened, full of greed.

A group of Taoists were similar to him, all of them showed eagerness. Outsiders may not know the power of the Four Great Immortal Swords, because the age is too long, and the Four Great Immortal Swords have long since disappeared.

However, as members of Tongtian Temple, they naturally know more about these four swords than outsiders.

Especially looking at the scene in front of him, the demeanor of that sword became more and more eager.

"Where is it? Tell me!!"

The gloomy young man couldn't help asking anxiously.


At the same time, in Mochizuki Bay far away from here, another battle is going on, or it may be said that it has been going on for a while.

Needless to say, the two warring parties are the New Moon Territory and the Great Sun Dynasty.

Numerous forces in the entire Mochizuki Bay are waiting for this moment. The Tianwu Warlord and the Great Sun Dynasty have suffered such a big loss. It is absolutely impossible for the Great Sun Dynasty to let it go. This battle was already expected.

However, unexpectedly, the Great Sun Dynasty did not directly attack the main star of the New Moon Territory, but invaded with a large army, pressing harder and harder.

It seems that they have no intention of taking the crescent collar directly.

"What's going on? The Great Sun Dynasty has always taken revenge overnight, why didn't it act in a hurry this time, but slowly suppressed the situation?"

"Who knows, could it be that the Lord of the New Moon is really so powerful that even the Great Sun Dynasty is afraid?"

"Cut! How is it possible? In my opinion, it is the Great Sun Dynasty that wants to wipe out the Crescent Territory completely, leaving no one behind, so they use this kind of carpet attack. Otherwise, if the Emperor of the Great Sun comes in person, even if there are ten new moon collars." The lord is not enough to watch."

"That's not necessarily the case. The Lord of the New Moon can defeat the Heavenly Martial King. He is so powerful that the Great Sun Emperor may not be able to do anything to him."

"That's right, and don't forget that there is Mingyue Pavilion. I heard that Mingyue Pavilion has long been dissatisfied with the Great Sun Dynasty. Maybe..."


Various speculations filled the entire Moon Bay, and the crowd was a little puzzled by the actions of the Great Sun Dynasty.

At the same time, he was also a little worried about the future situation in the Crescent Territory.

Because they all know that the Great Sun Dynasty will inevitably launch the most violent retaliation against the New Moon Territory, and if the New Moon Territory cannot hold on, then everything before will be in vain, otherwise, the prestige of the Great Sun Dynasty will be severely damaged.

At that time, it will be almost impossible for the Great Sun Dynasty to unify Mochizuki Bay.

Because other major forces will inevitably rise up to resist, this is the power of the leader in the herd.

Therefore, this battle is very important.

Of course, the Great Sun Dynasty still has a lot of great masters who have yet to appear. It is still too early to say what will happen.

However, this does not hinder the nervous and eager hearts of the crowd.

In contrast, Yun Zhonglong, Lin Zhonghu and others were full of worries.

Because the Great Sun Dynasty is invincible and has dominated the entire Mochizuki Bay for countless years, and they do have such strength. With the New Moon Territory in its infancy, against such a behemoth, the result can be imagined.

In fact, they had already realized this in the last confrontation.

There is still a huge gap between the Crescent Territory and the Great Sun Dynasty

The gap between heaven and earth.

If the entire New Moon Territory can't compete with the Tianwu Army, how can it compete with the entire Great Sun Dynasty?

The reason why they were lucky to win the last time was because many generals of the Great Sun Dynasty were assassinated, and the Tianwu War King was defeated, which caused the morale of the Tianwu army to drop, and they had no intention of fighting again.

That's why they were barely evenly matched.

But this time, Lord Tianwu held back all his energy, wanting to get rid of his past shame, and everyone was full of murderous intent, as one can imagine.

The entire Tianwu army, like a flood of beasts, was wiped out wherever it passed.

The army of the New Moon Leader was also pressed on every step of the way, and the situation could be described as extremely dangerous.

"It seems that the New Moon Territory's defeat is inevitable."

The news spread like the wind, and the Tianwu army pushed all the way, causing all the forces that were about to make a move to lie dormant, and no one dared to show up again.

Of course, no one succumbs so easily, and they are all waiting to see what happens.

I want to see what new moves the New Moon Collar has, and what attitude the Mingyue Pavilion has.

"Young Master, the situation is probably like this. Let it go on. I am afraid that the morale we have just built will plummet. Please tell me, what should we do next?"

In the main hall, Wu Yue bowed to ask for instructions.

Her pretty face was slightly pale, obviously feeling powerless against the invasion of the Great Sun Dynasty, and there was still a trace of anger in her eyes.

He was looking at Fang Yi eagerly.

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help raising his head, looked at Wuyue, and asked, "Where is Mingyue Pavilion? Didn't they say they want to cooperate with us? So far, I haven't seen any action from them."

A hint of sarcasm flashed across Fang Yi's eyes, but fortunately, he didn't pin his hopes on Mingyue Pavilion at all.

"Back to your son, Miss Lan has news that Mingyue Pavilion can only restrain the Emperor Da Ri and prevent him from taking action."

"As for the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, we still need to deal with it ourselves."

Fifth month replied.

"Oh?" Fang Yi couldn't help being stunned by these words. Being able to restrain the Emperor of the Great Sun is already considered the greatest help.

As for the army of the Great Sun Dynasty...

"In addition, Mingyue Pavilion can also incite some forces that are firmly opposed to the Great Sun Dynasty and join us in dealing with the Great Sun Dynasty, but the premise is that we must show enough strength to counter the Great Sun Dynasty."

The fifth month then added another sentence.

It seems that he is quite aggrieved.

Not surprising, if it can produce enough strength to counter the Great Sun Dynasty, how many other forces will help?

But if they can't get it out, these people will sit on the sidelines again. This is basically an endless loop.

Fang Yi was not surprised at all. The Great Sun Dynasty has been dominating for a long time, and the forces of Mochizuki Bay are extremely afraid of them. If the Crescent Moon Territory is not strong enough to contend, they will definitely not make a move, because it is likely to accompany their lives.

Although after the Great Sun Dynasty suppressed the New Moon Territory, they also could not escape death.

However, it is a few days to live a few more days, human nature is like this.

"So good!"

Fang Yi nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Go! There will be someone to resist the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, so there is no need to make a fuss."


Wu Yue's eyes were full of doubts, and he didn't understand where Fang Yi's self-confidence came from. You must know that it was the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, and it came with hatred.

But since Fang Yi said that, she didn't feel comfortable asking, so she just said: "My lord, I wonder if I can talk to Mr. Wu Chi? He has been on the front line according to your lord's order, but he never made a move. After several inquiries, he got The answer is that there is no one worthy of his shot."

"But...but my new moon army has retreated steadily."

Speaking of Wu Chi, Wu Yue also had a headache on his face.

Fang Yi also shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "No need, let him go! When it's time for him to make a move, he will naturally make a move."

"Yes!" Wu Yue had no choice but to back out.

In the main hall, Fang Yi raised his hand casually, and countless spirits of plants and trees appeared out of thin air. They all looked excited and eager to try.


(End of this chapter)

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