Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3141

Chapter 3141

kill! !

On the frontier of the New Moon Territory, somewhere on the battlefield, the shouts of killing rose to the skies.

Countless soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty swarmed towards the New Moon Territory like a flood of beasts, swallowing everything.

Although the army of the New Moon Leaders is strong, it is a pity that they are obviously powerless in the face of the more domineering army of the Great Sun Dynasty that dominates Mochizuki Bay.

In addition, there was already a huge gap in strength between the two, and the army of the Great Sun Dynasty was determined to kill them, intending to avenge their shame. As can be imagined, the New Moon Territory side almost retreated steadily.

Of course, the Black Mountain Territory, the Luoyue Sect, and other forces are also indispensable for this.

These forces have just joined the New Moon Territory and surrendered to Fang Yi.

It is obviously impossible to say how loyal they are. If the New Moon Leader and Fang Yi have a smooth journey, they will naturally not have the slightest disagreement.

On the contrary, he will work extra hard and win a meritorious service from the dragon.

However, once Fang Yi is in trouble, especially with a powerful force like the Great Sun Dynasty, even if they don't dare to disagree on the surface, they will definitely not do their best behind the scenes, because their subordinates will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

In the unlikely event that New Moon Territory and Fang Yi were defeated, they would have no room to maneuver.

Therefore, they can only deal with one or two symbolically, so as to leave a way out for themselves, even if they have no way out at all, but what about the others?

It was also because of this that the army of the New Moon Leader appeared so unbearable and retreated steadily.

"The New Moon Territory is completely over now. The army of the Great Sun Dynasty is as powerful as a bamboo. I am afraid that it will not be long before the New Moon Territory will cease to exist."

"Who says it's not! However, if you want to blame, you can only blame them. Even the Great Sun Dynasty dared to provoke them, and they were looking for a dead end, especially the so-called Lord of the New Moon, who even dared to look down on the Tianwu War King. Ah!!"

In the void outside the battlefield, there are countless warriors watching all this, spies from various forces, curious warriors and so on.

They all talked a lot and looked at the army of the New Moon with a look of regret.

Especially above the endless void, Lan Lingyue is also witnessing all this at this moment, with a hint of eagerness in her eyes.

"Master Lan, the New Moon Collar may not be able to hold on anymore."

At this time, a follower beside Lan Lingyue said regretfully.

"What about those people? Didn't they say they would make a move before? Why is there still no movement?" Lan Lingyue asked, with a hint of anger in her tone.

"My lord, they are all smarter than monkeys. They definitely won't make a move at this time. Since ancient times, there have been many icing on the cake, but there are very few people who really help." The entourage continued.

Hearing this, Lan Lingyue couldn't help flashing anger in her eyes.

"These perfidious things, the perfidious ones, every good thing."

Seeing that Lan Lingyue was so angry, the attendant was a little surprised, and said: "My lord, why should you be as knowledgeable as them, they are just a piece of grass, wherever the wind blows, they will fall. I haven't made a move in Mingyue Pavilion, they are absolutely not Will do it."

"Furthermore, the decision to support the New Moon Lord's Pavilion Master has not yet been finalized, and it depends on their performance this time."

"These people know this, so they won't make a move."

How could Lan Lingyue not understand this truth.

The Great Sun Dynasty is powerful, without the support of Mingyue Pavilion, there is no force in the entire Moon Bay that dares to confront them head-on.

Although Lan Lingyue claimed that Mingyue Pavilion supported the new moon collar, everything was not affirmed by the master of Mingyue Pavilion, and there was no actual performance.

Coupled with the strength of the Great Sun Dynasty itself, who would dare to make a mistake?

Lan Lingyue naturally understands this, and also knows that sitting on the sidelines is the best choice right now.

But for some reason, she was always a little inexplicably irritated in her heart, fearing that the New Moon Territory would lose, maybe it was because she hated the Great Sun Dynasty, or maybe it was because of other things, in short, he always felt that he should do something.

"Okay! Don't these people want the attitude of Mingyue Pavilion? I will give it to them."

Saying that, Lan Lingyue's eyes turned cold, as if she was about to make a move.

"Master Lan, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing this, the entourage behind Lan Lingyue hurriedly dissuaded her, "My lord has not issued a clear order. If Mr. Lan acted rashly, I'm afraid there would be something wrong. Please think again."

When Lan Lingyue heard this, she clenched her teeth tightly, as if she was about to bleed.

But in the end he held back.

And on the battlefield, the army of the New Moon Leader has also retreated steadily, and it seems that it has been defeated.

The big defeat is just a matter of time.

The crowd also expressed regret. Although all of this was expected, they undoubtedly still hope that Mochizuki Bay can have a force that can compete with the Great Sun Dynasty, so as to prevent one family from becoming bigger.

It's a pity that the Crescent collar obviously doesn't have such strength, at least the current performance is far from enough.

kill kill kill! !

The killing cries soaring into the sky filled the sky and the earth, and the endless army of the Great Sun Dynasty came rolling in like an overwhelming mountain, smashing everything.

Seeing that the army of the New Moon Territory is about to be defeated.

Suddenly, at this moment, huge vines came out of nowhere, like huge nets, enveloping the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, poisonous thorns, piranhas, etc. In an instant, the whole world changed dramatically.

Numerous spirits of vegetation appeared out of thin air, covering the entire battlefield.

The poisonous mist also filled the air, exuding a stench, and the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty died when they touched it, and there were no bones left.

"This... what's going on here?? Why are there so many spirits of vegetation??"

At this moment, not to mention the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty, even those watching crowd were completely stunned, their eyes full of shock.

Not to mention the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty who were in it, their faces were as white as paper.

What's more terrible is that those spirits of plants and trees seem to appear out of thin air, emerging from the ground, probing from the void, strange and powerful at the same time, and various methods emerge in endlessly, which is not the way of ordinary practitioners at all. It is hard to guard against.

For a while, all kinds of miserable howls came, endlessly.

The crescent led the army to turn the corner.


Seeing this, Yun Zhonglong didn't understand why, but how could he miss this opportunity.

Hearing a loud shout, he fought towards the army of the Great Sun Dynasty like a giant dragon soaring into the sky.

The army of New Moon Leaders is no exception. This is an excellent opportunity, who would let it go?

Even the Black Mountain Old Demon and Luoyue Sect Master had no choice but to bite the bullet and go up again at this moment. For a while, the shouts of killing were soaring, and the morale of the New Moon Leader's army also increased.

Ahh! !

There were shrill howls, and with the appearance of countless grass spirits, the situation on the field quickly turned around.

The army of the Crescent Army, which had been retreating steadily, now had a rising morale and was out of control.

On the contrary, the army of the Great Sun Dynasty was obviously killed by surprise, and the scene took a sharp turn. The crowd around them were also completely stunned, and their faces were full of horror.


(End of this chapter)

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