Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3142

Chapter 3142

"What's going on? These spirits of plants and trees?"

Everyone in Mingyue Pavilion above the void was no exception at this moment, dumbfounded.

The same is true for Lan Lingyue, her bright eyes are bright.

The spirit of grass and trees is extremely rare, because the cultivation of grass and trees is far more difficult than that of humans and monsters, and it takes endless years and a lot of resources.

It is not easy to give birth to a single plant, let alone so many in front of you.

However, they don't know that for Fang Yi who owns the time fragment, time is not a problem at all. After the fusion of the time fragment, the flow rate of time in the water temple has increased from ten times to a hundred times, and it is still going on. increase.

Once it is fully integrated, it may increase several times.

And Ziran, for those spirits of plants and trees, the Water God Temple is the biggest resource, the best resource.

What's more, Fang Yi still owns the wood temple, and the aura of green wood has rapidly accelerated the growth of those spirits of vegetation, so there is a scene in front of him.

In fact, these spirits of grass and trees are only a part, and they are a relatively weak part of them. Those powerful ones have already been dispatched by him, and they are already lurking in various places in Wangyue Bay. And for one.

Of course, this is something.

But in front of them, the army of the Great Sun Dynasty was suddenly hit hard, and the spirit of vegetation attacked them strangely and variedly, which immediately caught them off guard.

Countless casualties.

The scene was like a hell on earth, with all kinds of shrill howls, heart-piercing.

Those who waited and watched all stared wide-eyed, and a ray of hope reappeared in the originally regretful pupils.

However, no matter what reactions they had on the surface, they were all filled with the same question in their hearts, that is, where did these spirits of vegetation come from?

Why help Crescent Collar.

Could it be that they are also part of the Crescent Collar?

However, who would cultivate such a magnificent army of plants and trees?Couldn't the Lord of the New Moon also be a spirit of plants and trees?

While the crowd was thinking wildly, Lan Lingyue was also full of doubts. However, this is always a good thing. Fang Yi's strength is undoubtedly what Mingyue Pavilion is happy to see, at least for now. As for the future...

"Kill kill kill!!"

The killing cries of the sky engulfed the surroundings like a tide, and the army of the Great Sun Dynasty was retreating steadily under the double impact of the strange attack of the spirit of grass and trees and the double impact of the army of the New Moon Leader.

"My lord, it's not good! These spirits of vegetation..."

In the other part of the void, behind the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, Tian Zhan had a gloomy face, as if he could drip water.

And beside him, there are several powerful generals, and they didn't make a move at the moment.

But seeing this scene, all of them showed eagerness.

"Damn! Where did these spirits of vegetation come from? Who is the so-called new leader? Could it be that they all came from the abyss of oblivion?"

Fang Yi is likely to be related to the Forgotten Abyss, and it has already been heard by some generals from the mouth of the Tianwu War King.

Of course, this is just speculation.

But now seeing so many spirits of plants and trees, these speculations undoubtedly seem much more real.

Because no one has entered the Abyss of Forgotten for tens of thousands of years, perhaps no one has been able to come out of it, what is inside, the world knows nothing, and apart from the Abyss of Forgotten, let alone Moon Bay, even the entire I have never heard of so many spirits of vegetation in Shenmo Mountain.

Therefore, this guess seems to be more real.

"Whatever the abyss of oblivion, anyone who dares to offend our Great Sun Dynasty will be wiped out."

"Yes! My lord, it's time for us to act, otherwise, the soldiers below may really be unable to hold on."

Several generals are extremely strong, as the guarantee of this war.

Originally, according to their expectations, there was no need to make a move. A mere crescent leader is not qualified enough for so many of their generals to fight together.

Unless, the New Moon Lord personally takes action, but if that is the case, someone will deal with the New Moon Lord.

In fact, they have already received the news that the New Moon Lord has never left the New Moon Lord Star, let alone fought in person, so this battle seems to them to be a sure thing.

However, the sudden appearance of these spirits of vegetation undoubtedly disrupted their plans and made them angry.

Especially when he saw the retreating army, he became even more outrageous.

Tian Zhan is no exception.

As the deputy commander of the Tianwu army, the commander in chief of this battle, seeing the army he led being gradually defeated, the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching a few times, with a murderous intent.

"Whether the army of the new moon or the spirit of the grass and trees will die today!"

"Kill them!!"

Tian Zhan's eyes turned cold, and he shouted loudly.

The loud sound was like rolling thunder, exploding in the entire void, creating layers of ripples, sweeping away like huge waves.

What?The Great Sun Dynasty still needs strong support?Did they finally couldn't help but want to make a move?

At this moment, the crowd all looked up at the void with shock on their faces.

The same is true for Lan Lingyue, her bright eyes are all dignified, especially seeing Tian Zhan and his party stepping out, rolling up the huge waves, her handsome face can't help showing a touch of paleness.

Not to mention Yun Zhonglong and others.

Although Tian Zhan is not as famous as Tianwu Zhanwang and others, but he can become the deputy commander of Tianwu Army, second only to Tianwu Zhanwang, his strength can be imagined.

Even if he didn't reach the Great Dao Realm, it wouldn't be much worse if he thought about it, at least, it was far from what he and others could compete with.

What's more, there are so many powerful generals around the opponent, each of them is like a god of war. At first glance, they are peerless generals who are invincible in the world. Such a character, they may not be able to deal with one of them, and at this moment...

Is it really going to lose?

Yun Zhonglong, Lin Zhonghu and the others looked at each other, and they both saw unwillingness in each other's eyes.

If it is said that the Black Mountain Old Demon and the Luoyue Sect are still a little obedient, then Yun Zhonglong and Lin Zhonghu are undoubtedly even more dedicated, because the New Moon Collar is their home.

Seeing that the Xinyue army was powerless to resist at this moment, I felt extremely sad in my heart.

But when things come to an end, no matter how weak they are, they have no choice but to fight to the death.

"Fight them!"

Hearing Yun Zhonglong's loud shout, his huge figure flew up into the sky, facing Tian Zhan and his party.

Lin Zhonghu followed closely behind.

"Hmph! Fluorescent light dares to compete with Haoyue, it's beyond self-control." Tian Zhan and others looked at them with disdain, as if they were looking at a dead person.

It's no wonder that the cultivation of both of them is only at the eighth level of legend, and the weakest generals of that group have also reached the eighth level of legend, and most of them have reached the ninth level of legend. .

Such a group of characters, the two of them can't even fit their teeth, how can they see it.

"What a Great Sun Dynasty, is this forcing me to take action?"

Lan Lingyue's bright eyes turned cold, her white teeth clucked, and her whole body's breath rose sharply, as if she couldn't hold it anymore.

The war seemed imminent.


(End of this chapter)

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