Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3143

Chapter 3143

"Master Lan, please think again."

Seeing that Lan Lingyue couldn't bear it anymore, the attendants behind her quickly dissuaded her.

"Think again, if this continues, the New Moon Territory will undoubtedly be defeated. Once this happens, who else will be able to contend with the Great Sun Dynasty in the future?"

Lan Lingyue said angrily.

She has always been jealous and hates the Great Sun Dynasty, thinking that it was the Great Sun Dynasty that destroyed the peace of Mochizuki Bay. However, she was able to maintain her composure in the past, but for some reason today, she is always in a state of disarray.

As if the crescent collar had a great connection with her, this feeling was so inexplicable that she was a little confused.

Not to mention the few followers behind her, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

However, some people dissuaded him: "Although that is the case, Lord Pavilion Master did not issue an order. If you act rashly, it is tantamount to completely tearing the skin off with the Great Sun Dynasty, and it may disrupt the Pavilion Master's plan. Please also invite Lord Lan Restraint again."

Hearing about the Pavilion Master, Lan Lingyue had no choice but to take back the steps that Lan Lingyue had already taken.

The aura of rioting all over his body finally subsided.

It's just that the corners of his lips were biting tightly, as if blood was about to drip, and the corners of his eyes couldn't stop twitching, his anger couldn't be calmed down.

Boom! !

And in the void, following the arrival of Tian Zhan and his party, there was an endless sound of thunder, the sky and the earth trembled, and a terrifying aura rippling, like a roaring giant wave.

Wherever it passes, everything is wiped out inch by inch.

All the soldiers of the New Moon were greatly changed, and those who were a little careless were killed on the spot without even leaving their bodies.

Even those spirits of vegetation are hard to contend with.

Not surprisingly, the cultivation of the spirits of grass and trees is much more difficult than that of humans and monsters. However, their vitality is usually much stronger than that of humans and monsters, making them extremely difficult to deal with.

Right now, these spirits of plants and trees are only relatively weak ones in the water temple, and those powerful ones have already sneaked into various places in Wangyue Bay.

Therefore, facing Tian Zhan and his party, they are also somewhat inferior.

Fortunately, I have more than enough self-preservation.

But this alone is obviously not enough, defeat is only a matter of time, even if they can hold on, the New Moon Army can't hold on at all, and there is only one dead end.

Ahh! !

There was a piercing howl, heart-piercing.

The scene was like a piece of hell on earth, the blood mist was sprayed, it was horrible.

"Are you really going to lose?" Lan Lingyue's bright eyes were full of unwillingness, but she was helpless.


Suddenly, she seemed to have discovered something, and cast her bright eyes to a certain place in the void, where a group of powerful warriors in Taoist robes came quickly.

Those fighters are all powerful, the weakest one has reached the seventh level of legend, and the strongest one even makes her feel terrified. It is definitely on the legend list, and it may even be in the forefront, surpassing her .

Who are these people?

She stared brightly, full of doubts and vigilance.

And these people, needless to say, are the Taoists of Tongtianguan who came here after the news. The leading gloomy young man is named Leng Feng, known as the cold-faced Taoist. His cultivation has reached the peak of the legendary nine realms, and he is only one step away from stepping into the Dao realm.

Of course, it is one step, but the gap between them may be the difference between heaven and earth.

And he is also one of the top [-] fighters on the legendary list, with extraordinary strength and incomparable power.

At this moment, he was sweeping the entire battlefield coldly, not hiding his breath, because he came here for Fang Yi, for the trapping sword.

It's a pity that there will naturally be no Fang Yi here, and his face can't help but become more and more gloomy.

His eyes were even more filled with a strong anger.

Naturally, Tian Zhan and the others also noticed this scene, and when they looked up, there was a look of suspicion and a little fear in their eyes.

Just when he was about to ask.

Boom! !

At this time, the surrounding void suddenly burst into thunder, and the terrifying energy came from nowhere, covering the entire battlefield like a dark cloud.

what happened?

At this moment, not only the crowd, Tian Zhan and Leng Feng and his party all changed their faces greatly, because from the billowing energy, they all sensed an extremely terrifying aura, that aura made them tremble with fear, as if the god of death had come.

Lan Lingyue's bright eyes also shrank, full of disbelief and a hint of doubt.

But the next moment, that doubt turned into joy, because she saw a familiar figure.

That figure was not Fang Yi, but Wu Chi.

good!It is Wu Chi.

That day, the King of Tianwu Battle came to the New Moon Lord Star in person, and Wu Chi was the first to fight. Although Wu Chi was defeated in the end, Lan Lingyue knew very well that this was definitely a super strong man.

A legendary Nine Realm pinnacle who can barely compete with the strong Dao Realm.

With such a character coming, Tian Zhan will only be able to win if he wants to...

"It's Master Wu Chi!!"

When Yun Zhonglong and the others saw this, their eyes brightened, and they became ecstatic.

Although they have never seen Wu Chi make a move, and they don't even know where Wu Chi came from and why they followed Fang Yi, they all heard that Wu Chi is powerful in Wu Yue.

And Wu Chi's style.

"Did these people finally make Mr. Wu Chi think of making a move?" Lin Zhonghu also murmured softly.

It can be heard that his words are somewhat dissatisfied, and it should be said that he does not believe, does not believe in Wu Chi's so-called style.

Why is there no opponent worthy of the opponent's shot?how can that be?

Tian Zhan and his party are all super strong. Could it be that there is no opponent who can interest Master Wu Chi?

As if in response to his guess, Wu Chi's indifferent voice suddenly sounded at this moment, "One, two, three, four, five... Although the strength is a bit weaker, the victory lies in the large number, and finally we can fight."


What do you mean?

When the crowd heard this, they were all at a loss. You looked at me and I looked at you, with puzzled eyes.

It is the same for Tian Zhan, Leng Feng and others.

Lan Lingyue was stunned, and then a playful smile appeared on her face, because she was the only one present who had witnessed Wu Chi's attack, so...

"Presumptuous, who are you? You are also a traitor of the New Moon Territory?" On Tian Zhan's side, some generals couldn't bear it anymore and yelled.

Behind Leng Feng, a group of Taoists also sneered, looking at Wu Chi as if looking at an idiot.

Don't blame them, they don't know how good Wu Chi is. On the contrary, Leng Feng, who is known as a cold-faced Taoist, has killed countless people. Dare to utter wild words, isn't this courting death?

"Ignorant boy, you dare to be presumptuous in front of Senior Brother Leng, you just don't know what it means, so let me destroy you first."

Almost at the same time, one of Tian Zhan's and Leng Feng's entourages rushed out, and shot at Wu Chi like two lightning bolts.

Its speed is as fast as a frightened bird.

Two sword shadows also shot out, as if they wanted to completely suppress Wu Chi on the spot.


(End of this chapter)

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