Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3144

Chapter 3144

Haloxy! !

The space was cut through, dragging two long cracks, extending infinitely towards Wu Chi.

It seemed that Wu Chi would be torn into pieces in the next moment.

Some timid crowd couldn't help closing their eyes long ago, because the strength of these two people, in their view, Wu Chi's end was doomed, and they all seemed to have foreseen the bloody end.

However, Wu Chi didn't even lift his eyelids, and ignored the two of them and the two sword shadows.

There was still a hint of impatience in his eyes.

Boom! !

The next moment, two loud bangs came, shaking the world.

has it ended?

There was a look of regret on the faces of the crowd. From what they thought, Wu Chi had obviously been killed and submerged in the turbulent air waves.

It's no wonder they thought so, not only because of the strength of the two of them, but also because, from the beginning to the end, even in the face of those two unparalleled sword shadows, Wu Chi didn't move, as if he was frightened stupid.

But, will Wu Chi really be scared stupid?Obviously impossible, so...

After the turbulent air wave dissipated, the two majestic figures plummeted down like two meteorites, lifeless.

what? ?

The crowd were all stunned, as if they had seen a ghost, because Wu Chi was still standing intact, as if he hadn't moved from the beginning to the end.

However, those two powerful warriors were already dead and could not die anymore.

You must know that the two warriors are not ordinary people, and it should even be said that they are some extremely powerful warriors. Such warriors, even if they lose, it will not be too difficult to save their lives.

But at this moment, not only did they have no difficulty in saving their lives, but even how they died, the crowd didn't see it.

How can this not surprise everyone?One by one, their faces were pale and trembling with fear.

Rao Tian Zhan and Leng Feng are the same.

At this moment, the faces of both of them were already gloomy and terrifying, as if they could drip water.

In contrast, Lan Lingyue in the high sky has bright eyes that shine brightly.

"Bastard! Who are you? Anyone who dares to kill my Tongtianguan, court death!!"

Before Leng Feng could speak, other disciples beside him couldn't help but jumped out, and they all had murderous intent.

Just kidding, Tongtian Temple is an existence of the overlord level in Jiuchongtian, it is invincible, not to mention the New Moon Territory, even the Great Sun Dynasty is far behind, even the Temple of Gods and Demons can't compare, usually, anyone who sees them You're welcome?

Now that Wu Chi killed one of them without saying a word, this is undoubtedly slapping them in the face.

It is also getting through the face of Tianguan, absolutely unbearable.

Like them, Tian Zhan and his entourage were similar, each of them seemed to be about to burst into sparks.

However, when they heard that Leng Feng and his party had reported their identities, they were not in a hurry to make a move, but showed curiosity, obviously not understanding why Tongtian Temple came here.

As for Yun Zhonglong and a group of Xinyue soldiers, they naturally couldn't control so much. Seeing that Wu Chi was so powerful and killed the two of them calmly, they were already elated and their morale was high.

Especially Wu Chi's domineering voice made them fascinated and worshiped.

"This seat's time is limited, let's go together!"

Bang! !

As Wu Chi said, he took a big step, and the billowing air wave roared out instantly, like a sudden tsunami, sweeping all directions.

Wu Chi will not be polite to these people, let alone talk nonsense with these people. In his eyes, as long as the martial arts never ends, those powerful opponents are the targets of his challenges.

Especially after leaving the Abyss of Oblivion, all his memories and information, but his belief in the pursuit of martial arts became more and more intense. Those memories disappeared, which made him more focused.


Wu Chi's arrogance undoubtedly angered Leng Feng and his party.

Also in the Ninth Realm of Legend, although Wu Chi is very good, but he dared to speak wildly and asked everyone to join him, which is undoubtedly tantamount to slapping them in the face.

The arrogance is boundless.

You know, among other things, Leng Feng alone is a top-ranked powerhouse on the legend list. Besides him, Tongtianguan and his party have two other people who have reached the ninth stage of legend.

And Tian Zhan's side is similar, Tian Zhan is also a strong man at the peak of the legendary nine realms, not much different from General Thunder and General Undead, and also has a strength not weaker than that on the legendary list.

In addition to that group of generals, not to mention the legendary level, even if they are new to the Dao, they dare not say that they can completely suppress this group of people.

However, Wu Chi let out such wild words, how could everyone not be angry?

Even Lan Lingyue, who was high above the sky, seemed a little dazed. Is this a bit too exaggerated?

However, her question had just arisen, but Wu Chi was already a little impatient, with a big move, a terrifying giant palm, like the sky falling, crushed towards the group of people.


How dare you make a move?

The crowd all looked horrified, with one enemy against the crowd, this is simply...

As for Leng Feng and Tian Zhan and his party, they were naturally furious. Being so despised by others, they absolutely couldn't bear it as extremely strong people.

"Arrogant, you are looking for your own death, die!!"

A few people couldn't help but rushed to the sky, and the terrifying breath erupted from them, like an erupting volcano, moving straight into the sky.

However, no matter how majestic their breath was, they couldn't move that giant palm at all.

That giant palm is like an unshakable mountain, still crushing down with an unrivaled aura.

How could this be?

The faces of the group changed drastically, and their eyes showed shock. That palm seemed ordinary, so they never thought that it would be so terrifying and unshakable.

However, they didn't know that the target of this palm was Leng Feng and Tian Zhan, and the coercion felt by the others was less than one percent of that of the two, because the two were the strongest in the field.

Only when the two of them work together can Wu Chi become so interested, so...

Boom! !

The giant palm fell, the heavens and the earth collapsed one after another, and everything sank.

Those warriors who were the first to rise violently were no worse than being struck by lightning, and one by one, like falling stars, fell rapidly.

His expression was as if he had seen a ghost, no one thought that that palm was so unshakable.

Like the stubborn stone that opened the world, it is incomparable.

Leng Feng and Tian Zhan's complexion also changed drastically, his pupils were full of fear, and there was even a hint of fear.

Perhaps neither of the two thought that besides the Great Dao Realm, there was even a Legendary Ninth Realm that could give them such a feeling, which made them feel incomparably terrified.

Although there was Fang Yi before, the two of them had not fought against Fang Yi before. Moreover, in their thinking, Fang Yi's domineering was mostly due to that sword, but the person in front of him relied entirely on his own strength. incredible.

The fact that the legendary realm can be so strong almost overturned their cognition.

At this moment, the two had a tacit understanding and greeted the palm together.


(End of this chapter)

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