Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3145 Fierce Battle

Chapter 3145 Fierce Battle

Haloxy! !

The two people's figures were like lightning, piercing the sky, carrying an unrivaled aura, crushing towards Wu Chi.

Both of them are at the peak of the Ninth Legendary Realm, and they are well-known in the Legend Rankings. Not to mention that they are both in the Ninth Legendary Realm, even if they are facing the Great Dao Realm, they are not without the power to fight.

Coupled with that group of followers, I am afraid that even in the hands of Daojing, they can deal with it a little bit.

But at this moment, Wu Chi looked at the figures of the two rushing towards him, but he didn't even raise his eyebrows.

It seemed that in his eyes, the two of them were insignificant at all.

And this undoubtedly enraged the two of them completely, causing them to burst into anger, like two rampant ancient beasts, the monstrous and tyrannical aura swept away, destroying everything and leveling everything like a raging storm.

This! !

Seeing this, the faces of the people below all changed greatly, because the terrifying aura made them feel like falling into hell.

Heart trembling.

Lan Lingyue, who was high above the sky, couldn't help showing a look of horror in her bright eyes.

She is also at the peak of the legendary nine realms, and as long as she is the closest to the three of them in strength, she is the only one who can see the situation on the field the most clearly, and even she feels extremely frightened by the terrifying aura.

With her strength, she might be able to barely cope with one person, but against two people at the same time, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Not to mention, the two of them still have so many followers.

No matter how you look at it, this is a losing battle, at least, in her opinion.

But in fact, facing the ferocious attack of the two, Wu Chi's expression was indifferent, and even a hint of disappointment flashed faintly in his eyes.

The next moment, his body also changed, and the power of endless rules swarmed out, like mysterious runes, outlining a brand new body.

The body was exactly the same, only more indifferent, as if without a trace of human emotion, but a natural killing machine.

Born for martial arts, there are countless mysterious runes flowing all over his body, like villains, dancing all kinds of mysterious and mixed martial arts methods, giving people a feeling of mysterious and mysterious, mysterious and wonderful.

"This is?"

The crowd all looked up at the body, their eyes were full of astonishment and puzzlement.

Leng Feng's pupils also shrank, and the cold light overflowed, "No wonder you dare to be so rampant, so you have already condensed the body of rules, but, do you really think that only you can condense the body of rules? I don't know what it means."

Boom! !

Leng Feng gave a cold shout, and the muffled sound of thunder could not help coming from within his body.

The next moment, Wan Dao Jianguang burst out from his body, making him seem to turn into a round of scorching sun, reflecting the sky.

Countless sword lights gathered and merged into a body of sword lights, and thousands of sword shadows shrouded his body, making him seem to be a real sword god, with peerless sharpness.

what? ?

Another body of rules?And so fierce?

Ordinary people have no idea about the so-called body of rules, let alone what it means.

But Lan Lingyue was obviously different. At this moment, her complexion changed drastically, and her beautiful eyes were full of horror, because with her strength, she still couldn't completely condense the body of rules.

Of course, not being able to condense the body of rules does not mean that her combat power is not as good as the two, it can only be said that her understanding of the rules is not as deep as the two.

But other aspects may be able to make up for this.

Moreover, although the three thousand roads lead to the same goal, there are differences between them. The power of the rules that ranks higher is obviously not comparable to the power of the rules that ranks lower. itself.

Just like Fang Yi, the power of several rules he comprehended is extremely good, so he was able to leapfrog and fight many times.

Tian Zhan is the same at this moment.

Although he did not condense a regular body, the aura he exuded was not weaker than the two of them at all.

The three supreme powerhouses stood in the void like this, facing each other far away.

Nine days away, the wind and clouds are surging, the thunder is loud, and the three breaths are intertwined, as if the sky has been turned upside down, it is really frightening.

"Just look at me to see how good you are as a body of rules."

Leng Feng snorted coldly, his pupils shrank, that huge sword-light body, thousands of swords blared all over his body, one after another sword energy soared into the sky, and finally merged into one place, turning into a shocking sword shadow, slashing straight at Wu Chi. go.

Boom! !

When the sword came out, the heaven and earth collapsed, and everything fell, just like the end of the world.

A large area of ​​space collapsed, what a magnificent scene, which shocked the crowd.

That terrifying aura was even more like a storm, destroying everything in an instant, and not even scum was left among the crowd who couldn't escape.

The battlefield below seemed to have turned into a piece of hell.

In the face of such strong people, ordinary wars are useless, and the decisive factors are those strong people who stand at the top.

For example, Wu Chi and Leng Feng at the moment, and Tian Zhan.

"too strong!!"

At this moment, even Yun Zhonglong and the others had pale faces.

As tyrannical as they are, they are also vulnerable in front of such a strong man, and they can only wait for death.

Fortunately, the target of this blow was not them, and they couldn't help but look at Wu Chi together, only to see that Wu Chi was still indifferent, and there was no wave in his eyes.

If I had to say yes, there was an imperceptible hint of disappointment.

The next moment, the body of the Martial God brazenly greeted him.

The way of martial arts is perfectly combined with it, and any simple and ordinary martial arts and supernatural powers become extremely mysterious in his hands, which coincides with the way of heaven.

Compared with that sword, it was eclipsed by a lot.

Boom! !

A loud noise followed, and the two overbearing attacks intertwined together, and the sword also collapsed, annihilated inch by inch.

What? ?how can that be? ?

Before the crowd had time to be horrified, Leng Feng's pupils had already stared round, as if he had seen a ghost. Maybe he never dreamed that his shocking sword would be easily disintegrated by the other party. This is simply...

Tian Zhan's pupils shrank sharply, and his face was filled with horror.

Not to mention the crowd, dumbfounded.

But, before they could react, Wu Chi's mysterious martial god body had already attacked them like lightning.

Wu Chi was not a talkative person in the first place, especially after losing his memory, he would never use his mouth to solve the problem with his hands.

Just like at this moment, the mysterious body of the Martial God is transformed into thousands, sweeping towards the two with an unrivaled posture.

The faces of the two couldn't help changing, but they also went up to meet them, and they couldn't help shouting angrily: "Well done! If you dare to be an enemy of our Great Sun Dynasty, you will surely die."

Boom! !

The three supreme powerhouses collided with each other in an instant, the sky and the earth were shaken, and the sun and the moon were dimmed.

The entire space seemed to have turned into chaos, like the eye of a storm, everything became invisible, and the crowd looked at this scene blankly and nervously.


(End of this chapter)

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