Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3148 The Dust Settles

Chapter 3148 The Dust Settles

kill kill kill! !

The scream of killing came from the sky, Lan Lingyue took the lead, and went straight to several gods and demons and the army of the Great Sun Dynasty.

The gods and demons are taboo in Wangyue Bay, they are the enemy of the entire Moon Bay, and the last shelter for everyone. The establishment of Mingyue Pavilion is precisely because of this. Now that the gods and demons appear, let alone Lan Lingyue, those people The strong men of Mingyue Pavilion stopped talking nonsense and attacked and killed one after another.

Even the crowd watching around couldn't hold back at this moment, they were shouting loudly.

"Kill them, Mochizuki Bay must not let the gods and demons get involved."

"Yes! Kill them together."

The crowd rose up and attacked, and at this time, they didn't care about the big Japanese dynasty or the big Japanese dynasty.

Moreover, with Mingyue Pavilion in front, why should they be afraid?

In fact, many of them have been dissatisfied with the Great Sun Dynasty for a long time, but because no one dared to stand up. Now, although the New Moon Territories have stood up, their strength is obviously not enough.

But if Mingyue Pavilion is added, it will be completely different.

Mingyue Pavilion represents the entire Mochizuki Bay, and even the Great Sun Dynasty cannot ignore their existence, especially when it comes to the gods and demons.

Once the fact that the Great Sun Dynasty colluded with the gods and demons is confirmed, it will inevitably attract the hostility of the entire Mochizuki Bay.

And now, it is an excellent opportunity to use this excuse to attack the Great Sun Dynasty.

How could Lan Lingyue let her go?

How can the crowd not see it?

All of a sudden, the shouts of killing rose to the sky, and several gods and demons hid themselves in the army of the Great Sun Dynasty. Undoubtedly, the entire army was hit and retreated in succession.

"No! How is it possible? How can there be gods and demons in the army?"

Tian Zhan was also completely stunned at this moment, and wanted to explain something, but unfortunately, Wu Chi didn't give him this chance at all, and the attack was like a storm, pouring towards him.

On the contrary, it was him who was distracted, and was immediately hurt again and again, and a blush could not help but spray out from his mouth.

On the other side, the army of the Great Japanese Dynasty was attacked from all directions, and it was even more dangerous.

All kinds of wailing were endless, and there were countless casualties.

A war that was bound to be won, that's it, because several gods and demons reversed in an instant.

Yun Zhonglong and the others seemed to be in a dream.


And the fifth month, who was thousands of miles away from here, was the same. The moment she received the news, she was stunned, and then she was filled with endless ecstasy.

"Young Master, we have won!! The Great Sun Dynasty returned home in a big defeat, we..."

The fifth month came in a hurry and reported excitedly.

Looking up at Fang Yi, he was full of excitement.

It's not surprising that the New Moon Territory can be regarded as the area once ruled by the Fifth Clan. Putting this aside, Fang Yi is also benevolent to the Fifth Clan. It was also unacceptable to her.

However, when she thought of the New Moon Territory's defeat of the Great Sun Dynasty's army, she was also a little dazed, as if she was dreaming.

As a member of the New Moon Territory, who has ruled the Crescent Territory for a long time, there are probably not many people in the entire New Moon Territory who know the strength of the Great Sun Dynasty better than her.

But the more so, the more shocked and unbelievable she was.

With the strength of the New Moon Territory, how could it be possible to defeat the Great Sun Dynasty, but the fact...


However, Fang Yi remained indifferent, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

But Wu Yue couldn't bear it anymore, paused, and finally said: "Master Hui, it is said that because of the gods and demons, the army of the Great Sun Dynasty colluded with the gods and demons. The purpose of Mingyue Pavilion is to resist the gods and demons. So they..."

Fifth month said while paying attention to Fang Yi's reaction, as if trying to see something from Fang Yi's expression.

But unfortunately, she didn't see anything on Fang Yi's face.

So he said again: "It's just strange, how could the Great Sun Dynasty collude with the gods and demons? Even if they colluded, how could they arrange for the gods and demons to join the army? Isn't this a deliberate exposure?"

Wu Yue was obviously not stupid, and immediately saw the crux of the problem.

Lan Lingyue is naturally the same, why doesn't she understand?

Even those onlookers also understand this point, but this is fundamentally important. The important thing is that Mingyue Pavilion needs a route, a high-sounding reason.

And for this reason, it is undoubtedly the best to use the gods and demons as an example.

Wu Yue couldn't help looking up at Fang Yi, remembering what Fang Yi said before, a strange light flashed in her eyes.

Naturally, this ray of light couldn't escape Fang Yi's eyes. He smiled slightly and said, "Are you afraid?"

These words are undoubtedly equivalent to telling Wuyue that those gods and demons were arranged by him, and Wuyue's expression can't help concentrating. Deep in her heart, she was shaken for a moment, but then shook her head firmly.

"No! The young lady's life is given by the young master, and the young lady will not object to anything the young master does."


Fang Yi smiled in surprise, looked up at Wuyue, and continued: "There is no need to be so nervous. Although I have an old relationship with the gods and demons, those gods and demons have nothing to do with them. I made people deliberately Those who are captured will be threatened with their lives, and let them mix into the army of the Great Sun Dynasty."

"As for Mochizuki Bay, it will always be Mochizuki Bay, and there will be no gods and demons to intervene, because I am also a human being."

This is like a guarantee, a guarantee for human beings, and a guarantee for other creatures except the gods and demons.

In Wu Yue's ears, it was a promise to her, which caused a ripple in her heart.

"Having said that, you still need to be careful, my lord. If this matter is known to outsiders, then my lord and New Moon Leader, I'm afraid..." Wu Yue hurriedly reminded.

Whether it is collusion or coercion, as long as it is related to the gods and demons, they are extremely sensitive.

"One more thing, the gods and demons appearing in the army of the Great Sun Dynasty so openly, I am afraid that everyone knows that there is something weird in it, and Mingyue Pavilion must also be able to see this. As long as the dynasty lasts, they will definitely make a comeback."

"Besides, because of this matter, they will definitely anger Young Master and New Moon Leader, then I'm afraid..."

Wu Yue's face is full of worry, her worry is naturally true.

Fang Yi naturally knew this, but remained indifferent, smiled and said: "It's okay, this time is enough, and the need for Mingyue Pavilion is just a reason, not the truth, do you understand?"

This! !

Wu Yue was taken aback for a moment, then a strange light flashed across her eyes.

"Okay! Let's go down! The war should be over, and it should be able to stop for a while. Let the people below take advantage of this time to practice well. A bigger crisis is yet to come."

Fang Yi waved his hand and ordered.

"Yes!" Wu Yue didn't dare to neglect, and after saluting, he withdrew.

In the hall, Fang Yi closed his eyes again, like a stone sculpture.


(End of this chapter)

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