Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3149 God Demon Race

Chapter 3149 God Demon Race

"What? The Great Sun Dynasty was defeated again? How is it possible?"

"Who says it's not! The Great Sun Dynasty is invincible, has dominated Wangyue Bay for countless years, and it has been defeated by the New Moon Territory again and again. This is simply..."

"Could it be a mistake?"

Word spread like the wind.

About that battle, spread throughout Mochizuki Bay within a few days.

"You don't know this. The reason why the New Moon Leader was able to defeat the Great Sun Dynasty again was thanks to a mysterious strongman. The generals of the New Moon Leader called him Lord Wu Chi. He used his own strength to resist countless strong men. Those who are extremely overbearing, even Tian Zhan and others are no match for him."

"Really? So amazing? Could it be that he is a strong man in the Dao realm?"

"Of course not. If so, it wouldn't be surprising. He is also at the Ninth Legendary Realm, but his strength is almost no less than that at the Great Dao Realm."


Wu Chi can also be regarded as famous in one battle.

The entire Moon-Watching Bay was full of talk about that battle, and the martial arts demeanor was spread all over Moon-Watching Bay.

Just kidding, with his own strength, he fought against so many late legendary experts, including Tian Zhan, and another Leng Feng who was even better than Tian Zhan. One can imagine the sensation it caused.

Of course, these are limited to the mouths of some idle warriors.

As far as the forces in Mochizuki Bay are concerned, they are undoubtedly more concerned about another matter, that is, the collusion between the Great Sun Dynasty and the Gods and Demons.

So arrogant, the Great Sun Dynasty, which dominates Wangyue Bay, actually colluded with the gods and demons?

This point, even if everyone dreamed of it.

Of course, it is not difficult for anyone with a discerning eye to see the problem, but no one said anything about it. Instead, they denounced the matter in a very tacit understanding.

One by one, they looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

Because the Great Sun Dynasty is used to dominating, and the other forces are almost breathless. They are naturally happy to see such an excellent opportunity, and they are happy to see the Great Sun Dynasty suffer from the enemy.

In this way, at least the expansion of the Great Sun Dynasty will be much slower.

It might even be possible...

"What? The Great Sun Dynasty provoked the gods and demons? It is an unforgivable crime."

"I'll just say it! Why is the Great Sun Dynasty so powerful? It's no wonder they have been helped by the gods and demons."

"It's true! No wonder they are so eager to expand and want to unify Mochizuki Bay. This may be the conspiracy of the gods and demons. The Great Sun Dynasty is just a cover."

"Never mind, there are nine out of ten chances, what a gods and demons, and the Great Sun Dynasty, they are simply wolfish ambitions, and they must not be allowed to succeed."

"That's right! We can't let them succeed, otherwise we will have nowhere to stand."

Under the guidance of people with good intentions, the Great Sun Dynasty has become the target of public criticism.

Of course, the reason is because of Mingyue Pavilion's intervention, because Mingyue Pavilion has already made a move, these people no longer have any scruples, and all kinds of voices of crusade are everywhere.

As for what the truth is, it doesn't matter at all, ordinary people will just follow blindly.

Those who were thinking clearly and eager to see this scene, the result was self-evident.

For a moment, the entire Moon Bay was filled with voices of crusade, and countless forces clamored for an explanation from the Great Sun Dynasty, and Mingyue Pavilion was justifiably pushed to the front.


"Your Majesty, this... this subordinate deserves death."

In the luxurious hall, Tian Zhan was trembling, the bean-sized sweat dripped from his forehead, and his whole face became extremely pale.

Beside him, the Tianwu War King also stood cautiously, with a solemn expression.

As for the Great Sun Emperor above, his face was gloomy, which made people a little scared and shuddering.

"This is a conspiracy at all. Those warriors from the gods and demons are not ours at all. Afterwards, my subordinates have investigated them. They simply mixed into my army during the war. Please learn from your majesty."

Tian Zhan prostrated himself in the hall, not daring to move.

Because he understands what will happen once he has a relationship with the gods and demons, let alone something like this.

"Second investigation?"

The Great Sun Emperor sneered, his words full of irony.

"What about that person? Have you ever caught him?" After a pause, the Great Sun Emperor asked again.

"This!!" Tian Zhan choked, not knowing how to reply. During the great battle, those warriors from the gods and demons had long since disappeared, and there was no way to catch them.


Seeing this, the Great Sun Emperor immediately scolded angrily, and a huge coercion followed him, making Tian Zhan breathless and trembling all over.

"What do you think?" Emperor Da Ri asked with his icy eyes sweeping across Tian Zhan, and finally falling on Tian Wu Zhan Wang.

When Tianwu Zhanwang asked, he paused, and said: "It seems that there is indeed someone colluding with the gods and demons. Otherwise, why did it happen so coincidentally? To solve the current predicament, we only need to find the boy and the gods and demons. If you have a relationship, you can turn the tables."

"That's right!!" Tian Zhan also quickly echoed at this time, "It must be a conspiracy by the New Moon Territories. They are the ones who really colluded with the gods and demons."

"As long as we make the truth public, we will be able to reveal their true colors."

This sounds easy to say, but empty words are obviously not enough.

In particular, the forces of all parties are happy to see the Great Sun Dynasty facing the enemy. Without conclusive evidence, the Great Sun Dynasty will only backfire if it wants to fight back.

"The truth? Hmph! Do you think those people really care about the truth? What they want is to stop my Great Sun Dynasty. The truth doesn't matter at all."

The Great Sun Emperor gritted his teeth, his eyes gloomy and terrifying.

Naturally, Tian Zhan also understood this truth. Hearing this, his expression became even more ugly, because this sentence was equivalent to his death sentence, which was irreversible.

"It's not necessarily true. If there is conclusive evidence, it may not be possible to reverse."

At this moment, the Tianwu Battle King interjected.

"Oh? You have a solution?" The Emperor Da Ri turned his head in surprise, looked at the Tianwu War King and asked.

"Not necessarily, but you can try it. I have found some clues. Moreover, in the current situation, I can only try it. If it doesn't work, it's not too late to argue with Mingyue Pavilion."

Tianwu Zhanwang paused, and said again: "Perhaps, Mingyue Pavilion only needs a step, a concession, I don't believe it, they really dare to confront our Great Sun Dynasty head-on, aren't they afraid that the lives of Wangyue Bay will be ruined?"

The Tianwu Zhanwang looked confident, as if he had decided on Mingyue Pavilion.

The Emperor Da Ri didn't say anything else, he glanced at the Tianwu Zhanwang, and then slowly said: "Just do as you say! First check the relationship between that kid and the gods and demons, I would like to know, what is behind him? Who is there?"

"Yes!" Tianwu Zhan Wang took the order, agreed, and led Tian Zhan to retreat together.

In the luxurious palace, only Emperor Da Ri was left.

His pupils constricted sharply, a trace of anger burst out, and there was a faint flash of divine and demonic aura.


(End of this chapter)

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