Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3177

Chapter 3177

There was a trace of arrogance on that figure's face, and he looked at Fang Yi with a suspicious look.

As if he didn't believe that the person in front of him was the supreme existence of the New Moon Lord who beheaded the Tianwu War King according to the outside rumors.

"You are the New Moon Lord?"

Finally, the figure couldn't help asking, with a questioning look on his face.

Fang Yi glanced at him slightly, and there was a icy light in his eyes, which made people shudder. Rao's figure, his figure couldn't help trembling slightly, as if he was shocked by this gaze, but soon, his figure He couldn't help but stand up, looking smug.

"It's you who killed the so-called Heavenly Martial King? Severely wounded the Liuhe Envoy?"

"It seems that what kind of Tianwu battle king is just a person with a false name, Daojing? Is it just spreading rumors?"

The figure looked suspicious.

It's not surprising that the rumored Tianwu Battle King is a powerful Daoist, and Fang Yi in front of him feels that he is from the Ninth Legendary Realm no matter how he looks at it, and he doesn't have the ability to kill Daoist Realm at all, because he himself is a A genuine legendary Nine Realm peak powerhouse.

He could even clearly feel that Fang Yi's aura was not as good as his.

Such a person, how could he kill the Heavenly Martial King of the Dao Realm?

Or, the rumors about that battle were wrong.

Or, the cultivation base of Tianwu Zhanwang has not reached the Dao realm at all, so he can't help but have doubts in his heart.

Fang Yi naturally wouldn't pay attention to him, but his eyes became more and more cold, "Gods and demons?"

He just said lightly.


The figure was a little surprised, he let out a surprise, looked at Fang Yi with a playful look, and said: "I can't tell, it's really a trick, and I can see through the identity of this seat at a glance, not bad!!"

The figure looked admiring, and was about to say something more.

Suddenly, he felt a majestic coercion coming from above, like a mountain, which was irresistible.

This is?

His face couldn't help changing, but he said with a sneer: "How dare you show off in front of me..."

As soon as the word "show off" was finished, his pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply, and he swallowed the words abruptly, because the terrifying coercion actually made him feel powerless. In comparison, it is so small.

At this moment, he finally realized what kind of strong man he was facing.

It's just a pity that it's too late for everything. The terrifying coercion is like mountains pressing down, making me completely out of breath.

Both are in the Ninth Realm of Legendary Realm, but their strengths are so vastly different.

"No! Mr. Fang calm down, this seat... I was sent by the son of the gods and demons."

The figure felt as if his physical body was about to explode, and under the lock of that powerful aura, there was nowhere to hide, so he had to beg for mercy quickly, and his whole face became extremely pale, even though he still had the prestige before.

"Son of gods and demons?"

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move. He really didn't know much about the changes in Shenmo Mountain during this period.

For one thing, he didn't have time. Except for the period of cultivation, he was dealing with the Great Sun Dynasty, and he still had time and mind to care about other things.

Secondly, he was not interested either. He didn't care about Shenmo Mountain at all.

"That's right!! It's the son of the gods and demons. He sent me...I came here just to send a letter to the young master."

The figure thought that his life would be saved by telling the son of the god and demon, so he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a pity that Fang Yi didn't know who the son of the gods and demons was, and he didn't care about it. The majestic coercion still fell in an irreversible trend, crushing everything.

"Do not!!"

The figure finally came to his senses, his expression changed drastically, and he howled quickly: "No! Mr. Fang spared his name, the younger one just passed a message to Master Gu Qianqiu, the son of the god and demon, please atone for your sin, Mr. Fang."

The figure's entire face was already ashen.

Bean-sized drops of sweat rolled down his forehead, and his back was soaked.

Fortunately, that majestic coercion was also suspended in the air at this time, and Fang Yi's surprised expression was also suspended at the same time.

"Gu Qianqiu? The son of gods and demons?"

He muttered in his mouth.

"That's right! It's Lord Gu Qianqiu, he is known as the son of gods and demons, and the younger one is here to deliver a letter to Young Master Fang under the orders of Lord Gu." The figure said quickly, not daring to be slighted anymore, respectfully Humble like a servant.


Fang Yi was naturally not interested in talking nonsense with him, but he was a little surprised that Gu Qianqiu came here suddenly.

For Gu Qianqiu, Fang Yi didn't have much liking or dislike for this person.

However, for the sake of the King of Time and Time, he doesn't mind being able to help the other party, so it doesn't hurt to listen.

"Yes yes!!" The figure finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but he didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, and hurriedly said: "I want to report to Mr. Fang, Master Gu asked the younger one to tell Mr. Fang that the army of the God and Demon Palace has already moved towards Wangyue Bay. come..."

Temple of Gods and Demons?

Was it really hit by the dark moon sage?

Fang Yi's eyes moved slightly, which was not too unexpected, because the Dark Moon Sage had expected it.

It's just that I didn't expect it to come so fast. This is what Wangyue Bay is determined to win, and I don't want to wait for a moment!

"Master Gu also asked the little one to tell Mr. Fang that because the barriers of the Gods and Demons Mountain are loose and cannot withstand too strong a blow, therefore, there will not be too many powerful people from the Gods and Demons Palace who are in the Great Dao Realm, and among them the leader It is none other than the Myriad Illusionary Gods and Demons, one of the Seven Great Gods and Demons in the Palace of Gods and Demons."

The figure continued, cautiously, for fear of offending Fang Yi, and a bad one would bring disaster.

Naturally, Fang Yi was not interested in paying attention to his reaction, but was a little curious about the so-called Myriad Illusory Gods and Demons in his mouth, and couldn't help looking.

The figure understood, and hurriedly said: "Young Master Hui Fang, there are seven great gods and demons in the Palace of Gods and Demons, each of whom is a powerful person in the Dao realm, and the Myriad Illusionary Gods and Demons are one of them, and they are also the most mysterious and strange ones, because they What is condensed is the Dao of Myriad Illusions, which can change thousands of times without seeing the slightest flaw."

"My lord Gu got the news that the Great Sun Emperor of the Great Sun Dynasty in Wangyue Bay is one of the myriad shadows of the myriad gods and demons."

The figure continued.


Hearing this, even Fang Yi's expression could not help but change. The Great Sun Emperor is actually a Myriad Illusionary God and Demon?

On top of that, what is Myriad Shadow?Is it equivalent to doppelganger?

"Young Master Huifang, it's somewhat similar to the avatar, but it's not quite the same. The Myriad Illusionary Avatar can obtain [-]% to [-]% of the strength of the Myriad Illusory God and Demon."

"Furthermore, in order to conceal one's own body of gods and demons, the strength will be further affected. All in all, the true strength of Myriad Illusions of Gods and Demons is far superior to the Great Sun Emperor. I am afraid that no one in Mochizuki Bay can match it."

"Master Gu specially asked the younger one to send a message, telling Mr. Fang to be careful, if you are really lost, you can temporarily avoid it, because at that time, Master Gu may also enter Moonwatching Bay."


(End of this chapter)

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