Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3178 Internal Disintegration

Chapter 3178 Internal Disintegration

Gu Qianqiu also wants to enter Moon Bay?

What is hidden in this Mochizuki Bay?At the beginning, the two places proposed by the other party, was Mochizuki Bay specially prepared for him?

Fang Yi was a little confused, and couldn't help asking, "What is he here for?"


The figure choked suddenly, and hurriedly replied: "The little one doesn't know very well, but he was just ordered to pass on a message. However, the Temple of Gods and Demons never forgets this, and Master Gu probably does it too."

to this end?For the things left by the so-called King of Time?

Fang Yi couldn't help sneering in his heart, and didn't intend to talk nonsense with a servant, so he waved his hand and dismissed him directly.

Seeing this, the figure immediately resigned and left as if he was about to receive an amnesty.

Just kidding, how can he be presumptuous for a strong man who can be suppressed by his breath alone.

It was also at this moment that he finally understood that the rumors were true, and that the existence of being able to kill the Heavenly Martial King could be understood by ordinary people. No wonder Master Gu told him to be respectful, otherwise...

Fortunately, all is well.

When the figure exited the hall, he realized that his entire back was soaked, as if he had walked through the gate of hell.

In the hall, Fang Yi closed his eyes again, and there was a faint golden light in the aura surging around him.


"Did you hear that? The army of the Temple of Gods and Demons has already come to Wangyue Bay, saying that they want to completely wipe out my Wangyue Bay."

"What? These gods and demons are simply ambitious. The huge gods and demons mountain are actually unwilling to leave us with such a little place to live?"

"It's disgusting, fight with them."

"Everyone, don't worry. Mingyue Pavilion and his party don't care about world affairs. If they come forward so suddenly, they must be aware of it. If Mingyue Pavilion comes forward, the gods and demons will definitely not get any benefits. Everyone can wait with peace of mind."

The news of the invasion of the gods and demons quickly spread throughout Mochizuki Bay.

Not surprising, after all, this is related to the life and death of Mochizuki Bay, and it is related to everyone.

The atmosphere in Mochizuki Bay also became extremely tense and depressing.

Although everyone is full of confidence in Mingyue Pavilion, the gods and demons are the kings of the gods and demons, and Wangyue Bay is just an insignificant place in the gods and demons.

If the gods and demons are determined, it will undoubtedly be a catastrophe for Mochizuki Bay.

But in the face of this disaster, these people have no choice, because Mochizuki Bay is their last shelter, and the only way to survive is to fight. Therefore, the entire Mochizuki Bay is full of righteous indignation, and the enemy is approaching.

Crescent collar is no exception, and it is even busier.

Because those idle fighters are eager to find a powerful protection at this critical moment.

The New Moon Territory may be far inferior to the Gods and Demons, but in Mochizuki Bay, it is one of the last choices now, so...


"Young master, during this period of time, the strength of my New Moon Territory has been on the rise, and I don't know how many times stronger than before..."

In the main hall, Wu Yue, Yun Zhonglong and others are reporting the changes in the New Moon Territory during this period.

In fact, Fang Yi didn't have much interest in this at all. However, the invasion of the gods and demons was imminent. At this critical moment, he had to show up occasionally to give the people below some confidence.

Although he himself didn't have much confidence in the invasion of the gods and demons, after all, it was the existence that dominated the gods and demons mountain, which was different from the past.


Fang Yi nodded, and after he had finished his response, he asked again: "What about the Great Sun Dynasty? What happened to them recently?"

Strange to say, since the last battle, the Great Sun Dynasty has been unusually calm and not causing trouble, and the Mingyue Pavilion has also not launched an attack on the Great Sun Dynasty. Everything is like the calm before the storm.

"Master Hui, the Great Sun Dynasty went uncharacteristically and did not take any action, but..."

Wuyue paused for a moment, and said again: "However, there are rumors in the Mingyue Pavilion that the Great Sun Emperor and the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion once fought, and finally the Great Sun Emperor was slightly inferior."

"It may be because of this that the Great Sun Dynasty has been immersed."


Did the Great Sun Emperor fight against the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion?And the Great Sun Emperor is slightly inferior?

If it was before, Fang Yi might not have doubts, but after learning the true identity of Emperor Da Ri, everything has yet to be verified.

That is one of the seven gods and demons of the Gods and Demons Palace. As the overlord of the Gods and Demons Mountain, the gods and demons can be ranked among the seven gods and demons. Its strength can be imagined, I am afraid...

But that's right, if the Great Sun Emperor is just one of his shadows, it may not be impossible, but just one shadow is already so amazing, doesn't it further explain the extraordinaryness of the Myriad Illusory Gods and Demons?

"I don't know what Mingyue Pavilion is thinking. Didn't it mean that the Great Sun Dynasty has an affair with the Gods and Demons? This is an excellent opportunity. Wouldn't it be a coup to disintegrate the Great Sun Dynasty in one fell swoop?"


Yun Zhonglong and the others shouted, obviously, they didn't want to miss this opportunity.

The Great Sun Dynasty has been dominating for a long time, and the number of people offended is countless. Who would not want to take advantage of this golden opportunity?

It's just a pity that Mingyue Pavilion didn't move. Others are so courageous that they don't dare to touch the brows of the Great Sun Dynasty, even the New Moon Territory. Those super strong people need endless years of precipitation.

It simply cannot be remedied overnight.

However, Fang Yi understood that the Mingyue Pavilion was left alone by the Great Sun Dynasty.

Because most of the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty were creatures from Mochizuki Bay, not gods and demons, they were just deceived.

Once the true identity of the Great Sun Emperor is exposed, it will naturally be self-defeating.

However, as a powerful man in the Dao realm, how easy is it to grab his handle and win the trust of the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty?

Instead of this, it would be better to wait for the gods and demons to come and let them show their feet. At that time, wouldn't it be much easier for Mingyue Pavilion to subdue them together?

With the enemy at hand, the Great Sun Emperor will inevitably make a choice.

It's just that Fang Yi doesn't know what Mingyue Pavilion will think when the initiative is handed over to the opponent, but Fang Yi has never been such a person.

"Spread it out, saying that Emperor Da Ri is one of the seven great gods and demons of the gods and demons. The wolf ambition of the Gods and Demons Hall has already placed everything in Wangyue Bay. In order to wait for the arrival of the gods and demons, the inside should cooperate with the outside, Take Mochizuki Bay in one fell swoop."

what? ?

Hearing Fang Yi's words, Wu Yue, Yun Zhonglong and the others all changed their expressions drastically.

One by one, they looked at Fang Yi in disbelief, as if they wanted to confirm whether what Fang Yi said was true or not.

However, Fang Yi did not respond to them at all, and continued: "At the same time, he incited the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty to make them clearly aware of their situation, and not to be sinners in Moon Bay."

Fang Yi's eyes were sharp, like a falcon, shining with a captivating light.


Everyone responded in unison, not daring to neglect in the slightest.


(End of this chapter)

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