Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3179 No one is allowed

Chapter 3179 No one is allowed

Several people retreated one after another, and the hall was empty, only Fang Yi was left.

However, Fang Yi did not practice with his eyes closed as usual, but instead looked at something in the void with his sharp eyes, shining like thunder, as if he could penetrate everything.

"Lord of the New Moon? It really lives up to its reputation!"

Suddenly, in the silent hall, an unexpected voice sounded.

The voice is flat, but it has a condescending taste, as if the king above all living beings overlooks the common people.

Accompanied by this sound, a faint ripple also rippled in the hall, and a stalwart figure also appeared, and the majestic aura permeated, making him seem to be the king of this world, extremely bright, People dare not look directly.

However, Fang Yi was naturally an exception.

Because from the beginning to the end, he has been ignoring that figure, and there is not much change on his face.

If I had to say yes, it would mean that the eyes became more and more fierce and dignified.

"Mingyue Pavilion?"

Fang Yi spoke subconsciously.

"That's right! This seat is the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion!" The visitor reported himself, and stared at Fang Yi with a pair of sword-like eyes, as if he wanted to see how Fang Yi would change.

But unfortunately, from Fang Yi's face, he did not see the slightest fear, or even jealousy, and he was still as calm as before.

good!That figure was none other than the world-famous Master of the Mingyue Pavilion.

At this moment, the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion was looking at Fang Yi with a complicated expression. It was indescribably weird. Maybe even he didn't expect that the person in front of him was the existence that caused the Great Sun Dynasty a headache, and repeatedly caused the Great Sun Dynasty to suffer.

"You killed the Heavenly Martial King?"

The Master of Pavilion Mingyue paused, but still asked a question in a playful tone.

unbelievable?Or try.

"Is it not possible?" Fang Yi asked back, his expression remained the same as before, as if it didn't matter to him who came.

In fact, Fang Yi is not very clear about how strong the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion is, but he does not feel much hostility from the other party. Moreover, with his current strength, he is more than confident enough to protect himself, so he naturally uses it to protect himself. No fuss.

What's more, with the current situation in Moon Bay, I'm afraid...

"Interesting! To be able to kill the Heavenly Martial King and hit the Liuhe Envoy with the cultivation base of the legendary nine realms is really extraordinary."

"It's just that the Great Sun Dynasty suffered such a big loss, how do you think they will retaliate against the New Moon Territory?"

The Master of the Mingyue Pavilion asked again, his tone was still a little playful, and he looked a little superior.

Not surprisingly, he is a strong Daoist after all, and he is not comparable to those who have just entered the Daoist. Naturally, he will not pay too much attention to Fang Yi, a legendary Ninth Realm.

In fact, if it wasn't for Xinyue's victory and Fang Yi's defeat of the Tianwu War King, he wouldn't be here today at all.

"You talk too much nonsense!"

However, unexpectedly, Fang Yi was a little impatient, and said directly.

These words undoubtedly made him startled, and his face couldn't help turning cold, a flash of anger flashed, and he scolded: "You are the first one who dares to talk to me like this."

At the same time as he spoke, a terrifying coercion also swept out from his body, like mountains, which made people unable to breathe. The surrounding spaces burst and collapsed one after another, which was extremely terrifying.

If this were an ordinary person, I am afraid that his body would have been smashed to pieces.

Just kidding, the majesty of the Dao, and the majestic Mingyue Pavilion Master, is it so easy to provoke?

However, Fang Yi is not a soft persimmon either, let the terrifying coercion sweep over, ripples rippled from his body, the coercion was like a stone sinking into the sea, it didn't have much effect at all effect.


The master of Mingyue Pavilion couldn't help shrinking his pupils. Obviously, everything in front of him was beyond his expectation.

"It seems that this seat has underestimated you. It's just a mere Ninth Stage of Legend, but..." Pavilion Master Mingyue said, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, as if he couldn't help but want to make a move.

But soon, he shook his head slightly, and the violent breath gradually subsided.

The words in his mouth also became: "That's right! Sure enough, there are no worthless men under the fame, and the defeat of the Tianwu War King is not wronged."

Just that brief touch of breath just now, the master of Mingyue Pavilion, Fang Yi, undoubtedly had a deeper understanding of the strength.

"I'm here this time, I want to ask you a few questions, I hope you can answer them truthfully, do you have any relationship with the gods and demons?" The master of the Mingyue Pavilion didn't talk nonsense, maybe because he found out that Fang Yi was talking nonsense. What a waste of time.

Or maybe he lost his patience too.

At the same time as he was asking, his eyes became extremely sharp, sharper than before, making people afraid to look directly at him.

It seemed that if Fang Yi answered wrongly, he would be doomed.

However, Fang Yi still acted like a normal person, and said lightly, "Yes!"

Hearing this, Pavilion Master Mingyue's eyes became sharper again, as if he was on the verge of an attack, and the terrifying aura surged around him, making people shudder.

"What's the matter?" he asked again.

"Haven't you found out yet?" Fang Yi asked without answering.

These words had a faint taste of contempt, which made the master of Mingyue Pavilion feel cold. Naturally, Mingyue Pavilion had already found some of them, but these things could not explain the problem, so...

However, Pavilion Master Mingyue did not continue to ask this question, but instead said: "You have entered the Abyss of Oblivion and retained your memory, have you not?"

Many people know about Fang Yi's entry into the Abyss of Forgotten. Most of the people in the Forgotten Land back then knew about it.

However, there are not many people who know that Fang Yi retains memories.

It should be said that no one knows.

If I had to say yes, it was probably the battle with the Tianwu War King. Fang Yi's own words faintly revealed such a meaning. The Dark Moon Sage King based his inference on this, and the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion may be similar.

And this also proves that these forces pay attention to the Crescent Territory.


Fang Yi didn't hide anything, he admitted it generously.

After receiving this affirmative answer, the pupils of Pavilion Master Mingyue couldn't help but brighten. Originally, Fang Yi thought that the other party would ask about the Abyss of Forgotten and his own experience.

Unexpectedly, Pavilion Master Mingyue didn't do this, but the gaze he looked at Fang Yi became a little different.

"You are a human race, not a god-and-demon race, aren't you?"

Pavilion Master Mingyue asked an inexplicable question.

"Naturally!" Fang Yi raised his head and glanced at the other party in surprise.

"Then, if the gods and demons invade, which side will you choose?" Pavilion Master Mingyue asked again, and the light in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"I won't choose either side." Fang Yi replied after pondering for a moment.

This answer obviously did not satisfy Pavilion Master Mingyue, and even anger flashed in the other party's eyes, but Fang Yi's next words made him stunned.

"Whether it's the gods and demons or whoever, this is the New Moon Territory, where I belong, and no one is allowed to trample on it."


(End of this chapter)

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