Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3188 Are you the New Moon Lord?

Chapter 3188 Are you the New Moon Lord?

"Young master, will the Great Sun Dynasty really make a move?"

Lin Zhonghu said with some worry.

Because once this is the case, the entire Mochizuki Bay will face a catastrophe, an irreparable catastrophe.

Fang Yi nodded, and then shook his head again, as if he was a little uncertain. He was not sure whether the Great Sun Dynasty would make a move, because there was almost no doubt about it. He had already sensed the people of the Great Sun Dynasty. Liuhe messenger.

What he wasn't sure about was what Mingyue Pavilion would do to deal with it.

Although Mingyue Pavilion is powerful, it undoubtedly still looks a little small in front of the Temple of Gods and Demons.

It is even more difficult to face the Temple of Gods and Demons and the Great Sun Dynasty at the same time.

Of course, the vast majority of the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty were creatures from Mochizuki Bay, and it is probably impossible for them to abandon Mochizuki Bay.

Therefore, even if the Great Sun Dynasty will make a move this time, I am afraid that it will be a very small part of the Great Sun Emperor's cronies.

However, those who can become the confidants of the Great Sun Emperor must undoubtedly be the strongest among them, which is why Fang Yi is uncertain.

"That's it!"

Fang Yi sighed softly, since the meeting is just in time, he might as well give Wangyuewan a helping hand.

It just so happened that some army of plants and trees were scattered in this area, if there is anything, they might as well let them take action.

Seeing Fang Yi's arrangement, Lin Zhonghu calmed down a little bit. He saw that they attached great importance to Mochizuki Bay. It's not surprising that this starry sky is their habitat after all.

kill kill kill! !

At this time, in the distance, the sound of endless killing shouts suddenly came from the sky.

The thunder was rolling, the sky was shaking, and the whole world seemed to be doomsday.

"Not good! The army of gods and demons has launched an attack."

Lin Zhonghu's complexion changed drastically, and a cold light burst out in his pupils, revealing a peerless fierce light.

"It's coming so fast!!" Fang Yi's pupils also shrank, and his figure moved, trying to speed up his pace, but then, he couldn't help but stop.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Lin Zhonghu couldn't wait to see what happened, and asked quickly.

"I'm afraid the Great Sun Dynasty couldn't bear it anymore. I didn't expect them to be so impatient." Fang Yi turned around, and his sharp eyes swept towards a certain void in the back, as if they could penetrate everything.

What?Great Sun Dynasty? ?

Lin Zhonghu gritted his teeth. Just now, the two of them concluded that the Great Sun Dynasty would definitely make a move. As a result...

The battle ahead has just started, and the Great Sun Dynasty is already impatient. This is completely without any scruples. When the other forces in Mingyue Pavilion and Wangyue Bay are like air?

How could Lin Zhonghu not be angry?Even Fang Yi's pupils flickered coldly.

The shouts of killing and shouting are getting louder and louder, which means that the battle ahead has become more and more fierce. The situation between the two sides is still unknown, but with the strength of the Temple of Gods and Demons, Mingyue Pavilion may...

If something happened in the rear, then the consequences would be even more unimaginable.

The most unbelievable thing is that they haven't seen any defenses from Mingyue Pavilion in the past four weeks.

Could it be that Mingyue Pavilion is no longer able to deal with the Great Sun Dynasty?This possibility cannot be ruled out, after all, what they are facing is the Palace of Gods and Demons.

Or maybe, Mingyue Pavilion is unable to divide its forces, and is waiting for the Great Sun Dynasty to show its fox tail, and then make a desperate fight?

Fang Yi was not sure either.

Originally, he was already preparing to leave, but at this moment, it was obviously not the time, because in that piece of nothingness, there was a monstrous energy sweeping towards this side. It seemed that there were quite a number of people, and the aura was extremely powerful.

Lin Zhonghu also gradually noticed it, and his expression changed drastically.

"These wolf ambitions, are they really going to collude with the Temple of Gods and Demons, and don't even want their own home?"

Lin Zhonghu cursed angrily, furious.

It's a pity that his anger couldn't solve any problems at all. The sound of rolling thunder swept over, and the terrifying energy broke through layers of space, engulfing it like a huge wave.

And in that huge wave, a powerful man came down like a god, wrapped in a monstrous aura.

"It's the mighty battle king!"

Lin Zhonghu blurted out, his face was full of horror.

In the first battle that day, Shenwei Zhanwang came in person, and Lin Zhonghu naturally recognized him at a glance. Besides, the envoy of Liuhe was also among them.

However, the Liuhe envoys were behind, and in front of them, there were two other men with powerful auras, who were no less than the Shenwei War King.

"Could it be that they are Holy Armor Warlords and Fairy Warlords??"

Lin Zhonghu's voice had already become a little trembling.

The four war kings of the Great Sun Dynasty, except for the Tianwu war king who had been killed by Fang Yi, the other three war kings gathered together. What is the purpose of this?

Fang Yi's pupils could not help shrinking sharply, and he was horrified. Originally, he thought that even though the Great Sun Emperor was related to the Temple of Gods and Demons, most of the other people under him had nothing to do with it. The Four Great War Kings should also be kept in the dark of.

After all, the Hall of Gods and Demons shouldn't be like this if several Daojing people are dispatched at once, and that person may not be too high-profile.

And it is impossible for Mingyue Pavilion to be unaware.

Therefore, in Fang Yi's mind, most of these war kings were native creatures of Moon Bay, but they were subdued by the Emperor Dayi one after another. Even if there was something wrong, there was no more than one at most, and more than two were nothing. up.

But now, all of them are gathered at once. This is to completely cut off Wangyuewan's livelihood.

"Sir, what should I do?"

Lin Zhonghu's palms were sweating at the moment, he was obviously weak, and his teeth were chattering.

Just kidding, with his cultivation base of the legendary eighth realm, facing three great masters and countless powerhouses at the same time, this can hardly be described as death.

Fang Yi's face also became extremely ugly.

Although he is full of confidence in his own strength, and he is not afraid of facing the powerful ones, what about the three strong ones?There are also Liuhe envoys, as well as countless warriors in the legendary realm, which cannot be countered by one person at all.

However, it has never been Fang Yi's style to back down when things come to an end.

Therefore, he took a big step and walked straight towards the group of people.

Lin Zhonghu was trembling all over, and felt that his legs were a little out of control, but he still gritted his teeth and followed him resolutely.


On the opposite side, Shenwei Zhanwang and his party could not help shrinking their pupils when they noticed Fang Yi and the two coming towards them.

"Lord of the New Moon!!"

The envoy of Liuhe blurted out Fang Yi's identity in one word, his eyes still shone with fear. Obviously, the last battle brought a lot of shadow to these people.

But soon, they recognized the situation now, and the corners of their mouths became ferocious.

"He...he is the Lord of the New Moon, and Lord Tianwu was killed by him. Kill him to avenge Lord Tianwu."

They were all shouting, each with a murderous intent.

And the pupils of the three leading war kings couldn't help shrinking slightly when they heard the words, they shone with a strange light and exuded a violent aura.

"You are the New Moon Lord?"


(End of this chapter)

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