Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3189 Sweeping the Universe

Chapter 3189 Sweeping the Universe

The speaker was a middle-aged man in golden armor among the three great war kings. His eyes were sharp, and they landed on Fang Yi like an eagle. He stared straight at Fang Yi, making people feel pain all over his body.

"Lord Shengjia, yes! He is the Lord of the New Moon."

Behind the middle-aged man, a Liuhe envoy jumped out eagerly.

The eyes looking at Fang Yi were also full of resentment, as if he wanted to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

"Legend Nine Realms? You killed Tianwu?"

Another man in white with a misty breath also spoke, with a hint of disbelief between his brows, if it weren't for the obvious facts, I'm afraid he would never have believed that this legendary nine-level warrior in front of him could actually behead the Heavenly Martial King, this is simply unbelievable .

And this white-clothed man needless to say, is the fairy war king among the three war kings.

The four war kings, except the Tianwu war king who had already been beheaded, are all here now, and their eyes are all on Fang Yi. If it were an ordinary person, they would be scared to death.

However, Fang Yi looked straight into the eyes of the three war kings like a normal person.

"Wangyue Gorge is urgent. As a member of Wangyue Bay, don't tell me that you want to take advantage of the fire."

Fang Yi looked at the group of people indifferently, his words were sharp, and his eyes were like a knife.

The expressions of the group of people couldn't help but become a little weird.


Aware of this change, Fang Yi couldn't help but feel moved. If these people really came for Wangyue Gorge, they would definitely not react like this if they wanted Moon Bay to be destroyed.

At this moment, their expressions seemed to be forced, and there was something unspeakable.

At least, some people do.

"Bold, it's your turn to point fingers in the matter of our Great Sun Dynasty. Just in time, you killed Tianwu and severely injured our soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty. Both new and old grudges are resolved today. Take your life!"

Shenwei Zhanwang didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and it seemed that he couldn't hold it anymore at this moment.

He yelled loudly, and the giant palm slapped fiercely. The terrifying power, like a rushing wave, poured towards Fang Yi.

Whoa! !

The energy is like a tide, sweeping the world, this palm, Shenwei Zhanwang doesn't seem to hold back at all.

Maybe it was because of Fang Yi's strength, or maybe it was because he was eager to kill Fang Yi and didn't give Fang Yi a chance at all.

If this were replaced by the normal Ninth Legendary Realm, even if he didn't die on the spot, he would be severely injured.

However, Fang Yi is naturally not comparable to ordinary people. Just when the palm was about to fall, a ripple rippled in front of him, like water patterns, isolating everything, and that palm was like a stone sinking into the sea.

Uh! !

The pupils of the Shenwei Battle King shrank, and an inconceivable person flashed past.

The Holy Armor King and Fairy King also had incredible expressions on their faces. It seemed that they had finally recognized Fang Yi's strength until now.

Although it seemed that Fang Yi didn't make a move, the ripples contained a lot.

It also made the three war kings clearly realize that the reason why the Tianwu war king was defeated was definitely not as simple as an accident, and it had nothing to do with the dark moon sage, but a manifestation of the opponent's true strength.

"What a New Moon Lord, it seems that I have underestimated you."

"That's good! Let me first come to experience how amazing you are."

At this time, the Holy Armor King suddenly yelled, and at the same time as he spoke, his figure was like lightning, and he was already attacking and killing Fang Yi.

The golden armor all over his body made him turn into a golden thunderbolt, tearing apart the sky.

good guy! !

Fang Yi's complexion couldn't help sinking. Although he is confident in his strength and is not afraid of the general Dao realm, there are three Dao realm and countless Legendary realm powerhouses standing in front of him. With so many people, even if he And the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to be an opponent.

But things have come to this point, and we have to take one step at a time.

Immediately, he had no choice but to meet him head-on.

However, what Shenwei Zhanwang said next made his face pale, "The business is important, I don't care about it so much, everyone rushes up, kill this kid first and then talk about it."

After the Shenwei Battle King finished speaking, his figure also shot like a lightning bolt, completely disregarding the morals of the world, bullying the less with more.

what! !

Fang Yi hadn't changed much yet, when Lin Zhonghu heard it, his whole face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Just kidding, in such a situation, I'm afraid it won't be any better if it is replaced by anyone, because it is completely waiting to die, and there is no possibility of any luck.

Even Fang Yi was the same, his face was ashen, there was no way to beat him.

Fortunately, just as he was about to retreat, there was a sound of killing shouts in the distance, and endless cyan energy gathered from all directions, like a blue ocean, and countless spirits of plants and trees also appeared.

This is Fang Yi's army of grass and trees. In his spare time, these army of grass and trees are all in the Water God Temple.

After entering Mochizuki Bay, some of them scattered around.

After the Wangyue Gorge incident, although the Xinyue army did not come, but just in case, and to understand the situation here as soon as possible, many grass and tree troops still came here to gather.

"Huh? People from Mingyue Pavilion? No!!"

Shenwei Zhanwang was startled at first, then his face was furious, and he looked into Fang Yi's eyes, as if sparks were about to burst out.

There is no doubt that he recognized the army of grass and trees.

"Hmph! I don't know, little thief, but you and these spirits of plants and trees want to block the footsteps of me and others? It's simply overpowering, kill them for me, and leave none behind." Shenwei Zhanwang burst into anger Flame, like a peerless demon king.

There was an aura of destructiveness in the shot, which was incomparable.

kill kill kill! !

And the group of soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty behind him seemed to be crazy at this moment, full of killing intent.

The two armies fought together in an instant, shouting and killing, and a battle that was not expected was staged like this.

However, in Wangyue Gorge not far from here, in the endless void, another shocking battle is also taking place at the same time. Countless armies of gods and demons swarm like locusts, smashing through everything.

Wherever he passed, it could be said that corpses lay across fields, and people were devastated.

The masked girl overlooked all of this, her bright eyes showed a hint of surprise, as if she never expected that the battle before her eyes would be so tragic.

The same goes for the giant red bird, with a slightly dignified expression, and said: "The army of gods and demons is so powerful, it seems that Wangyue Bay is going to be very dangerous."

As if to confirm his words.

On the battlefield, Wangyuewan side was retreating steadily, and it seemed that it was out of support. The army of gods and demons was like a broken bamboo. Wherever it passed, no one could stop it, like a truly invincible army sweeping across the wasteland.

I don't know what will happen if the army of the sons of gods and demons joins the battle, if not...


(End of this chapter)

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