Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3195 2 battles

Chapter 3195 Two Battles

kill kill kill! !

Endless shouts of killing filled the sky and the earth, and the surrounding area of ​​Wangyue Gorge was already submerged by the dense army of gods and demons, and it seemed to be in danger.

"Miss, it seems that we can't hold on anymore, what should we do?"

The blood-red eyes of the giant red bird showed a hint of horror and incredulity.

Obviously, the tyranny of the army of gods and demons exceeded his expectations. The scene before him was unexpected. The army of gods and demons is so vast and unstoppable. If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before Wangyue Gorge falls.

The bright eyes of the masked girl are also a bit dignified at the moment, as if she is thinking about a countermeasure.

"Not urgent!"

She shook her head slightly, "Isn't this the person who still has the sons of gods and demons, why haven't they seen them?"

Although the group came together, Wang An had already gone to gather other people who came one after another around Wangyue Gorge, so they separated from them.

Of course, strictly speaking, it was the masked girl who couldn't bear it and was eager to understand the situation here, so she left first.

"They? I'm afraid it's enough."

The giant red bird snorted softly, as if it had seen through Wang An and the others.

The masked girl's eyes moved slightly, and she subconsciously glanced at the giant red bird, her heart was like a mirror, that son of gods and demons just wanted to use the power of Wangyue Bay to severely damage the temple of gods and demons.

If Mochizuki Bay can show a strong force, a force that can compete with the Temple of Gods and Demons, then they will definitely take action and inflict heavy damage on the Temple of Gods and Demons.

However, in the current situation, Wangyuewan is retreating steadily, and it is impossible for them to show up and stand up for Wangyuewan.

So... everything depends on Yuewan's own strength.

"Hmph! What about Mingyue Pavilion? Isn't it amazing? So why..." The giant red bird snorted softly, with a slight hint of contempt.

On the battlefield, the army of gods and demons also swept away with overwhelming momentum, unstoppable.

Seeing that Mochizuki Gorge is about to fall.


Suddenly, at this moment, above the nine heavens, came an indifferent voice, as if without a trace of emotion, it was extremely cold.

At the same time, in the void, a ripple also rippled, centering on the battlefield, spreading throughout the void in an instant, and strange runes appeared in the ripples, which was incomparably miraculous.

Those runes are extremely peculiar, and they are arranged in different patterns one after another, as if they contain some kind of great truth.

In the end, those many patterns are combined into a magnificent picture, covering the entire Wangyue Gorge, which is extremely spectacular, like a stroke of magic.

"What a shocking array!!"

The masked girl's eyes lit up, and the bright light burst out, revealing incredible.

Although the big formation in front of her was not something she could see through, but just this magnificent picture made her deeply understand what kind of big formation it was, and she couldn't help but feel some expectations in her heart.

Looking forward to the performance of this big formation, how amazing it will be.

In fact, not to mention her, even the endless army of gods and demons couldn't help but stop at this moment, looking up at the void, looking at the big formation, with different expressions on their faces.

But without exception, they are all full of wonder and incredible.


Above the nine heavens, that icy voice sounded again, like a death sentence.

kill kill kill! ! !

Accompanied by this sound, endless shouts of killing came from the formation, like a flash flood, and the entire formation also changed accordingly, densely packed soldiers gushed out of it and merged with the formation, as if turning into one One after another, strange runes have changed in thousands of ways.

In an instant, the two armies collided violently, and a wanton killing followed.

"Is this the real strength of Mochizuki Bay? Sure enough, it's worth watching!"

The red giant bird's pupils are round and round, and it looks like it's ready to move. The masked girl is similar, with an intriguing smile on the corner of her mouth.

"What a moon-watching bay, it really lives up to its reputation. This is enough for the Temple of Gods and Demons to drink a pot. Send an order to get the soldiers ready to give the Temple of Gods and Demons a head-on blow at any time."

In another void, several domineering figures were looking at all of this, with ferocious smiles drawn on the corners of their mouths.

One of them was suddenly Wang An.


Compared with the fierce battle outside, inside the water temple, it seemed relatively calm.

Although the faces of the two war kings were pale at the moment, bean-sized drops of sweat rolled down from their foreheads from time to time, and their whole bodies were trembling slightly, but no matter what, it seemed that there was not much movement on the surface, but inside...

In the depths of their souls, it is another scene.

A real dragon of destruction with teeth and claws is roaring wantonly, with a terrifying meaning of destruction, as if it wants to devour everything.

But before destroying the true dragon, there were two groups of black shadows. The two groups of black shadows changed constantly, changing endlessly, as if sensing the existence of the destroying true dragon. Finally, the two groups of black shadows turned into two figures, respectively The difference between the Holy Armor Warlord and the Fairy Warlord is that they are still shrouded in thick black mist, giving people a sense of evil.

"Destroy the True Dragon!!"

The two figures recognized the Destroying True Dragon in front of them, and their pupils couldn't help changing drastically.

The True Dragon of Destruction is one of the three true dragons, representing the meaning of destruction, and the meaning of destruction ranks extremely high in the Three Thousand Ways.

It is the same for the body and the soul. Perhaps, regardless of the body and soul, as long as there is a little bit of destruction, there is nothing to hide. This is also Fang Yi's confidence in daring to remove the soul brand for the two.

Because the soul brand is also a kind of soul power, the meaning of destruction can also be erased.

Even if it belonged to the Great Sun Emperor, it is not impossible to wipe it out bit by bit without the support of the Great Sun Emperor.

And the two figures in front of them are the result of the illusion of imprints planted deep in their souls.

"Presumptuous, get out of here."

The two groups of black shadows sternly shouted, and the terrifying black mist also swept in, like the arrival of night, as if to completely swallow the Destroyer Dragon.

However, the True Dragon of Destruction did not back down at all, and faced the two groups of black shadows head-on, the terrifying meaning of destruction also spread, and everything it passed was annihilated and turned into nothingness.

Although the aura of the True Dragon of Destruction was not as good as that of the two groups of black shadows, the aura of destruction was incomparable between the two.

As soon as it was touched, it seemed to be burned, and it turned into fly ash little by little.

How can it be?

The faces of the two groups of black shadows changed drastically, and at the same time they became extremely vigilant, not daring to face the destructive intent head-on, and fell into a fight, extremely excited.

In the outside world, the faces of the two war kings also became paler and paler, and sweat dripped down like rain.

Whether those two marks can be finally eliminated depends on the battle.


(End of this chapter)

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