Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3196 Successfully erased

Chapter 3196 Successfully erased


The real dragon roared, oppressing the world, and the terrifying meaning of destruction was like a flood.

However, those two groups of black shadows are obviously not ordinary people. Just kidding, they are the imprint of the Divine Sense of the Great Sun Emperor. Thanks to the fact that this is in the Water God Temple, if it is outside, the Great Sun Emperor has already noticed it. It only takes one thought, and it can be seen that with the will of the two war kings, the real dragon will be expelled and destroyed.

Even obliteration is not impossible.

But at this moment, the two groups of black shadows have completely lost contact with the Great Sun Emperor, just like two leaves of duckweed, strong is strong, but it is not impossible to erase.

As long as there is enough time, it will be eliminated little by little, and it will be natural if there is no supplement.

However, it is not certain whether the two war kings can hold on.

You must know that the battle at this moment is in the souls of the two, and every collision will bring great trauma to the souls of the two.

If it weren't for the countless golden lights surrounding them, like warm sunshine, the two war kings might have been unable to hold on long ago.

Even so, the expressions of the two war kings were extremely painful.

His face twitched from time to time, pale and bloodless.

"Bold, who are you, how can you be presumptuous in front of me."

Under the entanglement of the real dragon of destruction, the two groups of black shadows gradually revealed a look of fear, because they could not get any supplements. On the contrary, Fang Yi could get a steady stream of supplements, coupled with the horror of destruction, Rao The two shadows also had to be afraid physically and mentally.

"Hmph! It's not your turn to worry about who I am, so what if your bodies are here? Let me die!!"

The Destroyer Dragon spit out words, his whole body was no longer pitch black, but a fiery red light burst out.

The raging flames began to evaporate, destroying the real dragon, and in an instant, it turned into a fire dragon.


The pupils of the two black shadows couldn't help changing, and there was a hint of joy faintly, because the meaning of destruction was too terrifying. At this moment, the meaning of destruction disappeared, and it was replaced by an endless sea of ​​flames. Nothing special, at least, far less terrifying than the feeling of destruction that they felt.

Involuntarily, the two shadows looked at each other, as if Fang Yi was at the end of his rope.

Almost at the same time, two groups of black shadows seized this excellent opportunity and attacked Fang Yi like lightning.

"Evil dragon, die!!"

The two groups of black shadows shot like lightning, transformed into thousands of illusions, and directly turned into two jet-black long knives, slashing down with an unrivaled aura.

In the direction of the long knife, everything seems to split apart automatically, invincible.

The two long knives, one front, one back, one left and one right, completely blocked the fire dragon's retreat, as if they wanted to completely chop the fire dragon under the knife, and an extremely pleasant and ferocious smell could be sensed from the blade.

It seemed that those two groups of black shadows had already foreseen the fate of the fire dragon.

However, at this critical moment, there was a hint of disdain and a sly gleam in Huolong's deep eyes.

When the two long knives fell into the sea of ​​flames, a trace of transparent flames began to evaporate around them. Although the flame seemed extremely weak, it was extremely firm, as if it would not be affected in the slightest even if the Three Realms collapsed.

And that sea of ​​flames, feeling the flames, seemed to come alive.

The entire sea of ​​flames rose suddenly, and the transparent flame spread instantly, completely enveloping the two long knives in it.

"What's going on, this..."

The two long knives trembled sharply, as if they were facing a great crisis. In an instant, they turned into two black shadows again, their faces full of fear.

"Fire of Chaos?'s impossible!!" The two groups of black shadows wanted to escape as if they had seen a ghost, but unfortunately, the surrounding area was completely covered by a sea of ​​flames, and it was impossible to escape. .

There was a piercing scream, heart-piercing.

good!The transparent flame is naturally the fire of chaos, and everything in front of him was carefully planned by Fang Yi.

After isolating the perception of the Great Sun Emperor, it is not too difficult to erase these two marks. Although they are powerful, Fang Yi is not a vegetarian, and grinding them can kill them.

The only thing to pay attention to is to try to avoid damage to the two war kings.

If it is clear that there is a battle between chariots and horses, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the two war kings. Even if the brand is erased, it may take endless years for the two war kings to restore it.

But it was different at this moment. Fang Yi pretended to be a poor donkey, and then led two black shadows into the sea of ​​flames. They were incinerated in one fell swoop, which would undoubtedly minimize the damage to the two war kings. Blessing, that is even more worth mentioning.

ah ah! ! !

In the sea of ​​flames, two groups of black shadows collided recklessly, but unfortunately, it was like a cage.

They grinned ferociously like demons from hell, and watched Fang Yi gnash their teeth, "Little thief, the Japanese seat will definitely kill you."

With this final unwilling sound, the two groups of black shadows also turned into fly ash and completely dissipated between the sky and the earth.

At the same time, above the endless void of Wangyue Gorge, a stalwart man in a golden robe and a crown seemed to have sensed something, his pupils shrank sharply, and he was furious, "Who? Go to the imprint of this seat, this seat will definitely find you."

As he said that, his sharp eyes swept directly into the depths of the Moon-watching Gorge, as if he was about to charge.

But at this moment, another stalwart figure galloped towards him, blocking in front of him.

"Should I call you the Great Sun Emperor, or the Myriad Illusory God and Demon?"

"Breaking through Wangyue Gorge like this, your Excellency may not underestimate me at Wangyue Bay!" The stalwart figure was dressed in a white robe, like a king who ruled the world, aloof.

"Mingyue Pavilion Master! It's you! Have you finally appeared? Forget it! I will deal with you first today, and then go find that person."


As soon as the Emperor of the Great Sun finished speaking, the majestic giant palm slapped away fiercely, like a mountain jump, and a shocking battle was staged.


On the other side, in the Water God Temple, the pale faces of the two warlords finally regained some blood, and their expressions showed extremely excited expressions. Everything that happened to their souls naturally could not escape their perception, and the brand marks were wiped off. Going, already made them so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

The next moment, they opened their eyes at the same time, and Fang Yi's figure appeared in front of them almost at the same time.

There was already a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if nothing had happened.

However, the sense of freedom from the depths of the soul made the two of them overjoyed.

"Many... Thank you Mr. Fang for your help. Don't say thank you for your great kindness. The two of us will keep our promise. From today on, we will not say that Mr. Fang will follow the lead, but as long as it does not violate the will of the two of us, we can do anything for you." Mr. Fang solves it."

The once high-ranking Daoist, the king of the two wars, couldn't help lowering his head at this moment, and bowed respectfully to Fang Yi.


(End of this chapter)

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