Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3200 1 Sword

Chapter 3200 One Sword

"Did you sense him?"

The masked girl pondered, then asked.

The giant red bird was also taken aback, but quickly shook its head, "Miss Hui, not yet. Didn't the news say that the New Moon collar has not been summoned?"

"That's not necessarily true. Although he was not summoned, it doesn't mean he won't come. Strange!"

The masked girl was slightly disappointed, but then her bright eyes turned to the battlefield again.

But in the arena, the shocking formation was already shaking, and the endless howls came, piercing the heart.

That army of gods and demons was like Shura from hell, with a terrifying aura.

When they meet at one place, the aura of gods and demons stirs up the situation in the nine heavens. Nothing can resist and collapses one after another. The army of gods and demons is worthy of the existence that once shocked the three worlds in this world, making the three worlds frightened by it.

In the face of such an army, even the Dao Realm is powerless.

What's more, there are many powerful people in the army.

At the very least, there are a lot more than the Wangyue Bay side. If it weren't for that big formation, Wangyue Gorge would have already fallen.

Of course, even so, I'm afraid it won't last long.

Because in the center of the formation, the stalwart white figure gradually collapsed under the attack of the crowned man, Emperor Dari.

Yes, compared to the Great Sun Emperor, the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion is obviously inferior.

Do not!Perhaps it shouldn't be said like this, but it should be said that compared to the Myriad Illusionary Gods and Demons, the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion is not afraid at all when it is only the Emperor of the Sun, a separate shadow, but if it is the Myriad Illusory Gods and Demons, then it is different.

"Little thief Mingyue, you can't stop my army of gods and demons today, so hurry up and capture them, otherwise, the army of gods and demons in this seat will surely flatten Wangyue Gorge."

The Great Sun Emperor shouted like thunder, shaking the heavens and the earth, shaking them to the ground.

"Stop talking nonsense, just show what you have!"

The Master of the Mingyue Pavilion said coldly, the murderous intent in his pupils was overwhelming.

"I don't know how to live or die. Over the past countless years, my God and Demon Palace has never invaded Wangyue Bay. Is it true that my God and Demon Palace can't take down Wangyue Bay? I don't know what it means. Today, Wangyue Gorge will be destroyed, kill me!!"

With the order of the Great Sun Emperor, the army of gods and demons rushed towards the formation like overwhelming mountains and seas.

The aura of gods and demons united into one piece is enough to shake the heavens and the earth.

Let that shocking formation break apart bit by bit.

"Sage Lord Dark Moon is right, Wangyue Gorge can't hold it anymore." Lin Zhonghu, who was galloping, witnessed all this with his own eyes, his face became extremely pale, and his pupils were about to split.

He also looked extremely depressed.

Because in the face of all this, they can't do anything, even Fang Yi is the same, before such a majestic army of gods and demons, he may be able to kill some soldiers of gods and demons, but, to stop the army of gods and demons, but Totally impossible.

"Then... that is the Great Sun Emperor, is he really a Myriad Illusionary God??"

The Divine Mighty Battle King also followed closely. Seeing the Great Sun Emperor in the formation, his whole body was filled with the aura of gods and demons, and a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

He had some guesses about the identity of the Great Sun Emperor, but witnessing nature with his own eyes was another matter.

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

Lin Zhonghu was clearly in a state of disarray, and it was no wonder that no one who saw such a big battle would be able to calm down.

"Play by ear, don't get involved in those strong men. As for me, I really want to know how great these people are." Fang Yi's face was slightly dark, and when he finished speaking, his whole body was like a lightning bolt Like, shoot towards the center of the formation.

In the center of the big formation, all the first-class powerhouses were fighting against each other. With Lin Zhonghu's strength, he naturally couldn't join them.

Lin Zhonghu still had this bit of self-knowledge, gritted his teeth, and flew to another part of the battlefield.

"Hahaha!! What Mingyue Pavilion, you talk about hype, so it's nothing more than that, a bunch of trash, let me die!"

In the center of the formation, a general of gods and demons with a body several feet away, with a ferocious face, like a demon from hell, stared at his opponent, several strong men from Wangyue Bay, one of them was Lan Lingyue.

At this moment, Lan Lingyue's body was already covered with blood, her face was as pale as paper, and she was extremely embarrassed.

And her three companions were similar.

Being beaten back by that burly general of gods and demons, it seemed that his life was in danger at any time.

It's not that they are weak, in fact, most of their cultivation bases have reached the legendary nine realms, and the weakest have also reached the legendary eighth realm, but unfortunately, that burly general of gods and demons has already gathered the Dao, and is a genuine Daoist. By.

In front of the Dao powerhouse, no matter how many legendary realms there are, they are nothing but a bunch of numbers.

After all, not many people can leapfrog to fight like Fang Yi and Wu Chi.

Even Wu Chi can barely handle it, and it is still impossible to challenge him, but Fang Yi is naturally a different kind.

His various chances and coincidences made him what he is today.

"Arrogance, you evil thieves, don't be complacent, I, the strong man of Moonwatching Bay, will definitely drive you out of Moonwatching Bay." Lan Lingyue grinned, blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and a trace of ferocity was outlined on her pretty face. color.

At the same time as he spoke, he completely ignored it, and strenuously attacked and killed the army of gods and demons.

It seems that it is ready to fall at any time.

The same goes for her companions, all of them have firm eyes, like devout believers.

"Hahaha!! I don't know what it means, a bunch of trash, ants shaking the sky, die!!" The god and devil general smiled cruelly, and the giant palm fell down like the sky falling.

If the smash hit directly, not to mention a few people would be smashed to pieces, I'm afraid it would not be much worse.

This is not difficult to see from the ashen and desperate faces of several people at this moment.

However, just at this moment, when several people were extremely desperate, a bright cyan sword shadow appeared from nowhere, as if appearing out of thin air, and fell directly towards this area, towards the terrifying giant palm.

The incomparable aura caused everything under the sword's edge to be torn apart one after another.

Even the terrifying giant palm was no exception, it cracked little by little, and finally broke directly, splitting into two.

As for the demon general, as if he hadn't reacted yet, he stared blankly at his giant palm that was held up high. Half of the palm had been cut off, and blood swarmed out, instantly staining his entire arm red.

what? ?

Not to mention Lan Lingyue and his party, all of them looked at this scene with blank expressions, as if they had seen a ghost.

Obviously, they never dreamed that at this time, there would be a helping hand, and they could cut off the palm of the army of gods and demons in front of them with a single sword.

What kind of strength is this?And why this cyan sword light gave her a feeling of deja vu.

Is it possible...

Lan Lingyue's bright eyes moved, showing a hint of excitement.

Sure enough, the next moment, a familiar figure stepped forward. He had white hair and blue robes, and his clothes fluttered. He walked in the formation, like a peerless emperor who surpassed all living beings.


(End of this chapter)

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