Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3201 Killing

Chapter 3201 Killing

"Lord of the New Moon!!"

Others obviously recognized Fang Yi and blurted out.

And that general of gods and demons had a furious face, just joking, as a generation of gods and demons, a dignified Daoist, half of his palm was cut off by someone, and the person who made the shot was only at the legendary nine realms, how could this make him Not angry, the anger in his chest seemed to burst.

"Ignorant child, you are so bold, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but there is no way to hell, but you want to break in, you want to die!!"

Hearing the angry reprimand of the army of gods and demons, the majestic aura of gods and demons in his body suddenly erupted like a volcano.

Go straight to Jiuxiao.

And his huge body also rolled straight towards Fang Yi.

Horror is the invincible spirit of the gods and demons, destroying everything, especially the generals of the gods and demons are even more terrifying when they are so angry.

Lan Lingyue couldn't help but her expression changed drastically, she wanted to remind her, but she still didn't speak.

In fact, there is no need at all, because Fang Yi has already stepped forward.

bang bang bang! ! !

The heavy footsteps sounded like mountains pressing down on everyone's hearts, as if falling into the abyss little by little.

Even the monstrous aura of the gods and demons seems to be suppressed, and the arrogance of the generals of the gods and demons is the same. When they climb to the peak, they are suppressed. stand up.

At the same time, his heart was full of disbelief, because he never dreamed that a mere legendary Ninth Realm could suppress him.

This made him unacceptable no matter what, and the anger in his heart was even worse.

"Little thief! Who are you? I have underestimated you!!"

The general of gods and demons shouted like thunder.

While speaking, a long knife appeared in his hand out of thin air, and suddenly, a monstrous killing intent swept out, like a space storm, raging the world.

"It's a pity, you shouldn't touch my brow, die!"

As the general of the gods and demons said, the long knife in his hand fell down directly, as if opening up the sky, cutting down the sky, the terrifying knife glow split the whole world into two, dragging a long crack, extending straight towards Fang Yi.

What a domineering knife! !

Seeing this, the faces of the crowd all changed greatly, and Lan Lingyue naturally did the same, her pretty face turned pale.

However, she has seen Fang Yi's domineering before. Although she was a little nervous, she was a lot too worried, but there was something indescribable, that feeling...

As if something was missing from memory.

"Look!! Miss, that's..."

On the other side, the giant red bird overlooked the entire battlefield, and seemed to have noticed the situation here, with a gleam of surprise in its blood-red eyes.

"It's him!" The masked girl's eyes also brightened, showing a strong look of joy, she even took a step subconsciously, but then took it back, maybe she felt that the current situation was wrong, or something else.

"Didn't it mean that the New Moon collar was not summoned? Why did he..."

The giant red bird was a little surprised.

The masked girl didn't take it seriously, and said: "Knowing that there is something going on here, it's no wonder he didn't come. If it's you, he will recognize you. Enter the ice and snow space!"

This! !

The giant red bird was obviously reluctant, and said in its mouth: "No need! After many years, he may not be able to recognize me, and, leaving only the young lady alone, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? Miss Paiben can't handle it? Even if that's the case, isn't there him?"

The masked girl said indisputably, quite savagely.

"Okay!" The red giant bird nodded helplessly, and turned into a fiery red light, disappearing in place out of thin air.

The masked girl, after pondering for a moment, slowly moved towards this side.

"Little thief, you... who the hell are you? But the mere Ninth Realm of Legend, unexpectedly..."

On the battlefield, the pupils of the general of the gods and demons shrank sharply, and they were full of horror. Although it was only two short confrontations, Fang Yi's strength had already taken him by surprise. It was definitely not a combat power that should belong to the legendary realm. , but the facts are beyond doubt.

This makes him neither curious nor frightened.

"Are you surprised?"

Fang Yi snorted coldly, and naturally he didn't intend to talk nonsense with these people. As his mind turned, the Immortal Trapping Sword fell down instantly.

The resplendent and unparalleled sword light, like a lightning from the Nine Heavens, destroys everything.

Rao was the general of the gods and demons, and he couldn't help but turn pale with shock at this moment. At first, he thought that he had overestimated Fang Yi, but in the end, he still found that he still underestimated Fang Yi.

This sword clearly gave him an extremely dangerous aura, as if the god of death was approaching.

A legendary warrior of the Nine Realms was able to make him feel this way. If he hadn't been there, he would not have believed anything told him, but everything in front of him, especially the bright sword, was so amazing. It is true, and there is no room for refutation.

"Trapping Immortal Sword!!"

The masked girl who was galloping forward could not help but brighten her bright eyes when she saw this sword, and blurted out.

She naturally recognized this sword, because as early as in the Tongtian Tower, when Fang Yi obtained the Immortal Trapping Sword, she was also in the Tongtian Tower. In the end, Fang Yi was able to escape because of the help of Aunt Zi in her mouth. Therefore, It was no surprise that she recognized the sword.

However, other people may not be. They looked at the sword one by one, dumbfounded.

Perhaps no one thought that a legendary Nine Realm powerhouse could strike such a domineering sword.

That sword directly separated the heaven and the earth, making the sun and the moon darken.

The face of the god and demon general was also full of despair, as if falling into an abyss.

"No!!" He howled unwillingly, the energy in his body erupted in an instant, vowing to block that sword.

It's a pity that that sword cut through thorns and thorns all the way, and nothing that blocked him could shake him a little bit. Even the entire avenue gathered by the army of gods and demons, the terrifying divine power, all collapsed under that sword. In the end, together with the general of gods and demons The body also collapsed together.

Turned into endless dust, dissipated between heaven and earth.

What? ? !

At this moment, the huge battlefield seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence, and the crowd all showed horror, as if they had seen a ghost.

It's no wonder, who would have thought that a generation of Dao powerhouses would be killed in this way?

The most terrible thing is that the one who killed him was a legendary martial artist. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would believe it?

The huge crowd, one by one, seemed to be turned into stone sculptures.

Even the Emperor of the Great Sun and the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion, who were in the fierce battle, were also taken aback. It is basically impossible to kill a strong man of the Dao at this level, and it is not bad to be seriously injured, because such a strong man, Leaving aside strength for the time being, he is already considered immortal.

How easy is it to kill it?

That is Fang Yi, who can't help but possess the Immortal Trapping Sword, one of the Four Great Immortal Swords, and understand the way of destruction.

Compared with other people's destructive power, I don't know how much stronger, so he has the ability to kill the strong generals.

Of course, it is only limited to those of the weakest Great Realm, as for the others...

For example, the Great Sun Emperor, who is glaring at Fang Yi angrily at this moment, is probably...

(End of this chapter)

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