Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3205 The Light of Hope

Chapter 3205 The Light of Hope

There was nothingness in front of his eyes, countless corpses piled up like a mountain, and blood flowed like a river.

Mochizuki Bay has already fallen.

The army of gods and demons was like a broken bamboo, marching all the way to the depths of Moon Bay, and the sporadic Moon Bay strongmen left on the battlefield all showed despair.

However, in the face of such a situation, who can change what?

Fang Yi can't do it, and neither can everyone, even the master of Mingyue Pavilion.

At this moment, he was overlooking the desolate battlefield, his expression was a little lonely, and there was a hint of sadness and helplessness.

The same is true for Fang Yi, looking at the broken world in front of him, his expression is unprecedentedly dignified.

The fall of Wangyue Gorge, for Wangyue Bay, is equivalent to opening up, completely exposed in front of the Temple of Gods and Demons, and letting others slaughter them. It is not necessary to think about the future of Wangyue Bay, it must be full of wars.

The creatures of Mochizuki Bay will surely usher in the most difficult time.

"Master!! I finally found you!!"

At this time, a familiar and extremely urgent voice came, suddenly it was Lin Zhonghu.

However, at this moment, Lin Zhonghu was in a bit of a panic, covered in blood and scars, but fortunately none of them were vital, but it seemed a little scary and not fatal.

Seeing Fang Yi appearing, he hurried up to greet him, his expression extremely excited.

"Are you okay?" Fang Yi nodded slightly as a response.

"Don't worry, my lord, it's just a few skin traumas, I can't die, but these army of gods and demons..." Lin Zhonghu couldn't help but glanced around as he said, he seemed a little bit aggrieved, and his teeth were gnashing loudly.

"Don't worry! It's just a loss. Moon Bay is still big, and there will be opportunities to get it back in the future."

Fang Yi said coldly, his expression also looked a little cold.


Lin Zhonghu couldn't help but choked when he heard the words, as if he didn't understand why.

Perhaps in his view, Moon-watching Gorge has already fallen, and the entire Moon-watching Bay has been placed in front of the Temple of Gods and Demons, and is slaughtered by the Temple of Gods and Demons, so what is there to talk about getting it back?

Not only him, but also the surviving soldiers could not help looking at him with deep curiosity.

"What does Lord Fang mean by that?" At this time, another clear and slightly weak voice came, and I saw Lan Lingyue crawling out of the ruins, covered in blood, even worse than the tiger in the forest .

Fortunately, there was finally a life left.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't you ask your Pavilion Master first?" Fang Yi glanced at the silent Pavilion Master Mingyue.

The Master of the Mingyue Pavilion has been looking down at the ruins without saying a word. Only when Fang Yi saw it, did he also look at Fang Yi.

As for the others, they were even more puzzled when they heard Fang Yi's words, and looked at the two of them together.

"What does Lord Fang mean by these words? Ask the Pavilion Master? I don't understand very well, please explain clearly!!" The strong Wang Yuewan couldn't help asking, but the Pavilion Master Mingyue didn't speak, so they naturally didn't dare to ask more questions, but Asking Fang Yi is different.

Although the New Moon Territory has also gained fame during this period, it is obviously not worth mentioning compared to the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion.

"Since you want to know, let me tell you!"

Fang Yi looked directly at the master of the Mingyue Pavilion, and continued: "The big formation guarding the Moon Gorge is extraordinary. Although the power it showed before is already extremely powerful, but based on my comprehension of the formation, it is by no means its limit."

"But the truth is, that large formation couldn't stop the army of gods and demons..."

What's the meaning? ?

Everyone was puzzled when they heard this. Does this mean that the Mingyue Pavilion did not exert the greatest power of that large formation?

Can't, or do it on purpose.

If it's the former, it's fine, if it's the latter, it's so intriguing, and everyone's eyes can't help but look at Pavilion Master Mingyue, as if waiting for his reply.

The Master of the Mingyue Pavilion also looked at Fang Yi quite unexpectedly, neither admitting it nor denying it, just staring at Fang Yi blankly, as if waiting for Fang Yi to continue talking, to see what Fang Yi could see Come.

"You don't need to think too much, with the strength of the Temple of Gods and Demons, it is only a matter of time before Mochizuki Bay is broken."

"Instead of defending here and sacrificing in vain, it is better to let them enter the moon-watching bay. The moon-watching bay has a vast star field. Even if the army of gods and demons is invincible, they will have no skills at all. When the time comes, they will be defeated one by one. Presumably, this is the master's plan! "

Fang Yi looked at the master of Mingyue Pavilion and continued.

This is naturally not his random speculation.

From the appearance of the dark moon sage to saying that Wangyue Gorge could not hold, he had already understood this point.

If Mingyue Pavilion really decided to fight to the death with the army of gods and demons in Wangyue Gorge, when calling on the forces of Wangyue Bay, they would never miss the New Moon Leader.

There is also the Dark Moon Tower, which has never appeared from the beginning to the end.

The appearance of the Dark Moon Sage has already shown that there is a certain relationship between the Mingyue Pavilion and the Dark Moon Tower. Even if this is put aside, the Dark Moon Tower is hidden in a corner of Wangyue Bay, and they will not sit back and watch the invasion of the Temple of Gods and Demons.

But in fact, the Temple of Gods and Demons couldn't help invading, and it was so easy to break through Wangyue Gorge, that can only explain one problem.

It was Mingyue Pavilion who released the water on purpose, otherwise, it would never have been so easy.

Just kidding, Mingyue Pavilion has ruled Wangyue Bay for so many years, how can it be so simple?

The reason why Mingyue Pavilion released the water was that the Temple of Gods and Demons was indeed too powerful, and if they fought head-on with it, the casualties would inevitably be heavy.

Instead of this, it would be better to let them enter the moon-watching bay and swim slowly, but it would be more likely to win.

Of course, this is thinking on the bright side, and it is not impossible that there are bad possibilities. For example, if Mingyue Pavilion was bought by the Temple of Gods and Demons, it may not be the entire Mingyue Pavilion, but just a certain person.

Or maybe, in Mingyue Pavilion, some people also want to know what the hope of the so-called gods and demons left by King Suiyue is.

and so……

"You are really smart!!" The master of Mingyue Pavilion stared at Fang Yi with sharp eyes like a knife, and then, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, outlining an intriguing smile.

"I hope that in the future, you and your New Moon Territory will not disappoint this pavilion master and all the creatures in Mochizuki Bay."

After the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion finished speaking, his eyes shifted from Fang Yi to other people, and he continued: "Lord Fang is right! The fall of Wangyue Gorge is not because the army of gods and demons is invincible, but the arrangement of the master of the pavilion. .”

"The army of gods and demons is coming fiercely, and they are determined to win. In this case, we don't have to fight them head-on, so this battle can't explain anything."

"Whoever can survive to the end is the real winner. Keep your spirits up, because the real battle has just begun."

The Master of the Mingyue Pavilion glanced at everyone, and finally said.

Everyone heard that there was a glimmer of hope in the originally dim eyes.

And Fang Yi's eyes became deeper and deeper.


(End of this chapter)

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