Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3206

Chapter 3206 Three Dangerous Places

"My son, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life. Most of the soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty, after learning the true identity of the Great Sun Emperor, many of them have surrendered to us, and the remaining ones have also joined other forces."

The Lord of the New Moon, the Holy Armor King and the Fairy King, led a group of generals from the Great Sun Dynasty, standing in the hall.

Above the main hall, Fang Yi's eyes swept over everyone one by one.

Among them, there were even some generals of the New Moon Commander, who sensed Fang Yi's eyes and felt a little scared.

However, Fang Yi naturally didn't care about it, and said in his mouth: "Very good! No matter what kind of grievances you have with the Crescent Leader and this lord in the past, from today onwards, it will be cancelled, and it doesn't matter whether you really belong to the New Moon Leader or not. My lord, during the period of the invasion of the Temple of Gods and Demons, you can unite with the New Moon Territory."

"Because we have a common enemy, the gods and demons."

"Once the gods and demons are repelled, whether to go or stay, I promise that I will not interfere."

Fang Yi's loud voice resounded in everyone's heart.

The originally dignified expressions of the crowd undoubtedly stretched a lot, and everyone was gearing up.

Even the King of the Two Great Wars couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

The reason why the two made such an oath that day was naturally because they had won Fang Yi's trust. Of course, they were not treacherous people, but Fang Yi's cultivation was only at the legendary Ninth Realm, allowing two powerful Daoists to obey their orders. How much makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

If Fang Yi achieves the Dao, it may make them feel more at ease.

Fang Yi naturally saw through this.

Moreover, as a strong Daoist, he has his own pride, and Fang Yi will not interfere too much, and said: "Although you have temporarily surrendered to my lord and the New Moon collar, you still obey the orders of the two war kings, and Same as ever."

"My lord and you have only one goal, and that is the gods and demons."


Fang Yi's words undoubtedly won the favor of most people.

Once a part of the Great Sun Dynasty, the Great Sun Dynasty was invincible. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the overlords in Mochizuki Bay. They naturally have their own pride.

It is obviously not an easy task to ask them to willingly submit to a force that was once weaker than them.

If it weren't for the invasion of the Gods and Demons Palace, the imminent disaster, and the announcement of the Mingyue Pavilion, revealing the true identity of the Great Sun Emperor, these terrifying people would be hard to tame.

Of course, Fang Yi didn't care too much. These ordinary soldiers could only play a limited role. What he cared more about were the two war kings. Having two war kings in command would undoubtedly be of great benefit to the New Moon Leader.

Everyone in the main hall retreated one after another, leaving only the two war kings and Fifth Moon Yun Zhonglong and others.

"My lord, the gods and demons are invading Wangyue Bay on a large scale, how should my New Moon Territory respond, please give me your instructions!" Yun Zhonglong asked at this time.

The invasion of the gods and demons is an unstoppable fact.

The most urgent task at the moment is naturally to find a way to deal with it, otherwise we can only sit and wait for death.

Of course, you can also choose to surrender and become a prisoner of the gods and demons, but if that is the case, then life and death will be all in the mind of the gods and demons.

In the disintegrated Great Sun Dynasty, it is said that many people surrendered to the Gods and Demons, and continued to follow the Great Sun Emperor, serving as a saddle for the Gods and Demons.

This point also made the two war kings hate it.

"Where is the army of gods and demons at this moment? What did they do along the way?" Fang Yi paused and asked.

"Young master, after the gods and demons entered Wangyue Bay, they did not rush to continue to expand. Instead, they repaired for a few days, gathered some remaining forces of the Great Sun Dynasty, and then divided into three groups and continued to move forward."

Yun Zhonglong quickly replied.

What?Divide the troops into three groups?Fang Yi frowned, showing a hint of doubt.

The eyes of the others lit up, because the entire army of gods and demons was too powerful for Wangyuewan to be defeated at all.

But if the troops are divided into three groups, the strength will naturally be greatly reduced. In this way, as long as they specialize in one route, it is not impossible.

Even Fang Yi was a little moved. The reason why Mingyue Pavilion didn't stick to Wangyue Gorge was because it was waiting for this day?Because Wangyue Bay is extremely vast, no matter how many gods and demons there are, as long as they enter it, it will be a drop in the ocean. At that time, it may not be impossible to swim slowly and look for opportunities.

But now, as expected, the army of gods and demons began to disperse. This is indeed an opportunity.

"Do you know what their goals are?"

After pondering for a moment, Fang Yi asked again.

"This..." Yun Zhonglong's face froze, he shook his head and said, "Master Hui, I don't know yet, but my subordinates have already obtained their marching track, please see..."

As Yun Zhonglong said, he waved his big hand, and a projection appeared in the hall out of thin air.

On the projection is a map of the star field. There are three teams on the map of the star field, like three long snakes, moving in three different directions.

As soon as possible, the marching speed of the three teams is extremely fast, but compared to the huge map of the star field, it is undoubtedly too difficult to deduce their destination.

Fang Yi couldn't help but frowned.

When it came to the Holy Armor King, he seemed to have discovered something, and his expression became a little dignified.

"How?" Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

Before the Holy Armor King opened his mouth, the Fairy King said: "There is nothing special about these three routes. If there is something, it is that they lead to the three dangerous places of Moon Bay. Cheng, their goal is the three dangerous places of Mochizuki Bay?"

Hearing this, Fang Yi's expression froze, and Yun Zhonglong and the others' eyes brightened.

"Yes! It must be, their goal must be the three dangerous places."

The so-called three dangerous places of Mochizuki Bay are the Abyss of Forgotten, the Sea of ​​Lei Ze, and the Realm of Nothingness.

Needless to say, Fang Yi is more familiar with the Abyss of Oblivion than anyone else, because he has entered it once and has retained his memory. I am afraid that no one knows it better than him.

And the Sea of ​​Thunder, compared to the Abyss of Forgotten, is much more terrifying. The Abyss of Forgotten just loses memory and gets lost in it. The real death rate is not high, but the Sea of ​​Thunder is the real sea of ​​death. Earth, the Paradise of Death.

Around Mochizuki Bay is an endless thunderstorm area, and only Mochizuki Gorge can pass through completely.

The Sea of ​​Lei Ze refers to this area. Of course, the outside world cannot enter this area at all, because it is courting death.

But inside Mochizuki Bay, there is an area where thunder is not too dense, you can enter it, it is said that inside, the way of thunder is particularly strong, and those who understand the way of thunder enter it to practice, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, in the history of Wangyue Bay, there have been many strong people who have entered it, and it is good to practice!Adventure worth mentioning!

However, there were very few people who were able to come out, and the reputation of Lei Zezhi's sea gradually spread.

As for the realm of nothingness, it is relatively ordinary, but it has a little more mystery. It is a huge void space, in which there is nothing, just like a vacuum in the universe, but it is often reported that someone saw palaces one after another. floating in it.

And if you really explore, you can't find anything. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is a dangerous place, because it is not dangerous there.

Just relatively mysterious.

However, the world has also put it together with the Abyss of Forgotten and the Sea of ​​Lei Ze.


(End of this chapter)

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