Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3211

Chapter 3211

"Not bad! I didn't expect that there is such a paradise in here. It's really interesting."

In the water temple, in the dense jungle, this was originally the place where the spirits of plants and trees lived. However, after entering the moon-watching bay, all the spirits of plants and trees that are stronger have been scattered all over the moon-watching bay. Therefore, those who stay here at this moment are more or less the spirits of plants and trees who have just enlightened, or even not yet enlightened.

And the masked girl, as if she had discovered a new world, was amazed at these spirits of vegetation.

From time to time, I grab one or two to tease, so happy.

But this undoubtedly hurt those spirits of plants and trees, but it was a pity that they were not opponents in the fight, and they couldn't run away, so they could only let the masked girl play around.

No, Fang Yi was alarmed.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yi couldn't help but frown, with a hint of anger emerging faintly.

He is not a person who is sympathetic, nor is he a person with overflowing sympathy. If it weren't for the fact that the other party had some kindness for him and joined in to exchange Ji Wuxian with the Ice Queen, he would not talk to the masked girl at all.

Not to mention letting the masked girl mess around here.

These spirits of plants and trees are all his reserve army. As time goes by, they will definitely become his loyal subordinates in the future, so...


His angry voice exploded like thunder, exuding an extremely majestic aura.

An invisible coercion also swept away, like a mountain, crushing the girl completely immobile, and her small face turned pale in an instant.

" bullied me!!"

The girl in the mask was obviously frightened by this drink, and she took a few steps back, but, unexpectedly, she began to cry after that, it was real crying, tears were streaming down , looking extremely sad.

While crying, he was still yelling: "You actually bullied me, I must tell my mother... woo woo woo!!"

Fang Yi originally wanted to scold him a few words, but he was a little dumbfounded when he was teased like this.

The brows couldn't help but knit together.

What's the matter?The dignified Ice Queen's daughter, who alone has the strength in the middle of the legend, but being scolded like this, she looks like a wronged child?

This... This really gave Fang Yi a headache.

He even felt a sense of guilt, as if he couldn't beat the Ice Queen, and he came here to trouble the opponent's child, bullying the younger.


The masked girl was still crying, maybe seeing that Fang Yi didn't respond for a long time, she couldn't help but secretly glanced at Fang Yi, a sly gleam flashed in her bright eyes, but her expression was still extremely wronged.

"Enough!" Fang Yi finally became impatient.

After all, he is not a cruel person, the masked girl is acting like a child at this moment, how could he be able to do it.

However, he still said in his mouth: "These spirits of grass and trees are just enlightened, and they are very fragile. You can't stand your troubles. You should think about how to contact your parents and tell you everything. Let her exchange this gentleman's wife." !"

Fang Yi snorted coldly. Naturally, he didn't have much hope for the so-called exchange.

If the Ice Queen really knew that her daughter had been arrested, she probably wouldn't negotiate any conditions at all, and came to her directly.

And this is exactly what Fang Yi wants.

Although the Ice Queen is powerful, Fang Yi has nothing to fear today, not to mention, Ji Wuxian is still in the opponent's hands, even if he is not an opponent, he will not back down.

He even wanted to tell the other party through this incident that he may not have come here now, but in the near future, he will definitely rescue Ji Wuxian.

This is a signal.


The masked girl still looked aggrieved, mumbling in her mouth.

However, this is true. She has been locked in the Water God Temple, and how can she contact the Ice Queen without even being able to see half of her body.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning, he was thinking about how to deal with the other party, but the masked girl had already spoken first, and said, "Why don't you let me out first? Don't worry, I don't think I will tell other people that you have water. About the temple."

"If I really wanted to do that, I would have done it long ago, don't you think?"

"Besides, I, a disciple of Ice God Palace, heard about the change in Mochizuki Bay, and came here. Maybe I can help you, right?"

The girl in the mask changed her face as soon as she said that she changed her face. She was crying and crying before, but in an instant she looked like a ghost, looking at Fang Yi frankly.

Fang Yi naturally wouldn't believe her nonsense, but one thing is true, that is, trapping the other party in the water temple is still not a solution. At that time, the masked girl may be fine, but those spirits of plants and trees may be...

Moreover, without letting the other party out, it is indeed impossible to contact the people from the Ice God Palace.

As for the fear of leaking news about the Water Temple?

forget it!Today, Fang Yi really doesn't worry much anymore, and, as the masked girl said, the news that she was about to leak the water temple has already been leaked, and she won't wait until today.

As for why, it may be because the Snow Queen wants to take it for herself, or for other reasons.

But these are not important, the important thing is to deal with the masked girl now.

That's it!

After pondering for a while, Fang Yi finally made up his mind. The one who has a grievance is the one who owes the debt, and the one who has a grudge against him is the Ice Queen. It is impossible for him to take out his anger on the other party's daughter?

Fang Yi can't do such a thing, so, it's better to let the other party go, and it's a waste of time to be trapped in the water temple.

"It's not impossible to want to go out, but if you escape, I will plant a brand in your soul. During this period of time, you must listen to me and find a way to contact the people in the Ice God Palace so that you can get away with it." They spread the news and exchanged this gentleman's wife."

After making up his mind, Fang Yi said so.

As for planting a soul mark, it was actually just a means for him to scare the masked girl. Fang Yi didn't bother to control such a junior.

What's more, the other party was kind to him, he just didn't want the other party to make trouble for him.

However, what he didn't expect was that the masked girl was generous, as if she agreed without even thinking about it.

You know, for warriors, planting a soul brand is a big deal, because from then on, one's life is equivalent to handing over to the other party's hands. Which warrior who has been branded is not ashamed, and his heart is alive. Despair, how can there be someone like the masked girl who doesn't take it seriously at all?

Fang Yi couldn't help being taken aback by this, a little astonished, as if he had heard it wrong.

But looking at the serious look on the masked girl's face, he knew that he had heard correctly. Then, the masked girl's brain was probably flooded.


(End of this chapter)

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