Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3212 Sympathy

Chapter 3212 Sympathy

"Where is this?"

Walking out of the water temple, the masked girl was like a kite with a broken string, completely letting go of herself, looking at everything around her with incomparable novelty.

The bright eyes are full of curious light, just like a half-grown child.

Fang Yi was a little speechless, and he couldn't help but doubt in his heart. He doubted whether his decision was correct. The other party would really be obedient and won't cause trouble for him?

However, since it has already been released, it has no choice but to give up!

"Put away your extra curiosity. Not far ahead is the Sea of ​​Thunder, which is also the target of the army of gods and demons this time. I am blamed for not warning you. If something happens, I will not be able to protect you."

Fang Yi said coldly, bringing the ugly words to the fore.

But it's a pity that the mask didn't listen at all, and said instead: "Don't you have a water temple? At worst, if there is danger, let's hide in and keep them safe."

The masked girl took it for granted, without the slightest sense of self-consciousness as a captive.

Those who don't know may think that the two are very close.

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth couldn't help twitching, but he didn't have it in the end, because it was a waste of time.

He just said: "Remember what I told you, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yi stopped talking to the masked girl, moved quickly towards the Sea of ​​Thunder.

"Hmph! Make you proud, who is afraid of whom!!" Looking at his back, the masked girl snorted softly, with a sly gleam in her eyes, and kicked her legs, and quickly chased after him.


"Tsk tsk! As expected, it's the Sea of ​​Thunder. It's not even close, but the surrounding area is already covered with thunder. It's incredible!!"

On the outskirts of the Sea of ​​Thunder, dense thunderstorms fell in the void like drizzle, tearing apart the space, swimming like a dragon and snake, looming, and filled with an aura of destruction everywhere.

It was the first time for Fang Yi to come here, and his face could not help but look a little dignified.

However, the masked girl had a novel look on her face, she didn't take these thunders seriously at all, instead she seemed to have found some novelty.

Fang Yi couldn't help but glanced at her, doubting his decision even more in his heart.

After a pause, he said: "The Sea of ​​Lei Ze is extremely dangerous, the army of gods and demons is not far away, for the sake of safety, you should hide for the time being!"

Safety is naturally one aspect, another aspect, Fang Yi obviously thinks it's troublesome, he doesn't want to spend all day with a girl who has to be on guard all the time, it's too troublesome.

However, the masked girl finally came out, so how could she agree to go in.

Hastily said: "I don't!! Didn't you ask me to contact the disciples of the Ice God Palace? The army of gods and demons is here, such a big movement, the disciples of the Ice God Palace will definitely come to investigate, then..."

There was obviously some truth in these words, Fang Yi had no choice but to keep silent.

The two shuttled through the thunder for a while.

"and many more!!"

Suddenly, Fang Yi paused and stopped.

"What's wrong?" the masked girl asked hurriedly.

"The army of gods and demons is approaching, not far ahead. After a while, without my order, you must not run around without authorization." Fang Yi glanced at the masked girl rather severely, and warned.

The masked girl curled her lips, looking very bored, and said, "Don't worry! I won't go anywhere, so I'll just follow you and look at the head office?"

"Really, isn't it just some declining army of gods and demons, don't you need to be so nervous."

The masked girl muttered, with a look of disdain on her face.

Fang Yi felt speechless.

But then I was relieved, who told the other party to be the daughter of the Ice Queen, who had a high vision, and even the gods and demons were not in their eyes.

"Tsk tsk!! The thunder here is getting denser and denser, is the army of gods and demons really ahead?"

All the way forward, the masked girl clicked tut, and there was a hint of suspicion in her tone.

Don't blame her, because the thunder in the surrounding space is getting more and more terrifying. The thick thunder strikes down from time to time, which makes people jump in fear. Even if Fang Yi shuttles through it, he dare not be too casual. Not Fang Yi.

However, the power of thunder is extremely overbearing, it can not only injure the body, but also severely injure the soul.

If he was accidentally struck, although Fang Yi couldn't be hurt, his soul would be shaken, and it would be somewhat exhausting, so there was no need for that at all.

If Fang Yi is like this, can you imagine those ordinary soldiers of the army of gods and demons?

This is also the reason why the masked girl is suspicious.

But soon, the two found the reason, and saw not far ahead, an army of gods and demons with fierce aura was moving forward slowly amidst the thunder.

The terrifying aura of gods and demons enveloped the entire army, and the ordinary power of thunder turned into nothingness before it fell.

Moreover, in front of the army, there are still many warriors of different shapes. They are restrained and pushed forward step by step to explore the way for the army of gods and demons. A pair of coke, or dust, is extremely tragic.

"What an army of gods and demons, they actually..., it's simply too hateful."

The masked girl clenched her fists, her teeth itching with hatred.

Fang Yi was a little surprised by this scene. These people and the masked girl were not relatives, but the masked girl was angry about it. At least it shows that her nature is not bad, maybe she is just playful.

One must know that even oneself, having seen all kinds of killings, has already become numb to it.

But the masked girl..., this was really beyond Fang Yi's expectation.

The tone has also become a lot gentler, "These gods and demons are doing everything for the hope of the so-called gods and demons, and the sea of ​​Lei Ze is extremely dangerous. This is the periphery and the depths. I am afraid that these people will die Absolutely."

what! !

When the masked girl heard the words, her small face turned pale, and she said, "How can these people do this? Since you are looking for something, why do you implicate other people?"

"And there are many old and weak women and children inside."

The masked girl gritted her teeth. At this moment, she didn't have the ghost-like appearance before, but she was full of anger.

Fang Yi glanced at her to confirm that it was not an act, and he became more and more certain in his heart that this must be the young lady who was locked in the ice and snow world by the Snow Queen and hadn't experienced much danger from the outside world. Such a young lady may be playful, willful, Unruly, but not bad at heart.

Just like Hua Lianer in the past.

There is even a hint of chivalry.

Sure enough, the next moment, the masked girl said earnestly: "Otherwise, shall we help them?"

"Help?" Fang Yi snorted lightly, and glanced at the masked girl, how can I help?With such an army of gods and demons, how could it be possible to save people with the strength of two people?

What's more, this is still the Sea of ​​Thunder, even if they can be saved, they can't get out.

Moreover, the snake man has not been found yet!


(End of this chapter)

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