Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3216 Strange Snake Man

Chapter 3216 Strange Snake Man

In front of it, the army of gods and demons had already penetrated into it, and the light blue thunder fell, revealing an endless breath of destruction.

A large army of gods and demons disappeared in it in an instant, and it was extremely shocking.

Fortunately, these light blue thunders are only mixed among the countless thunders, and the number is relatively rare. Otherwise, no matter how strong this army of gods and demons is, it may not be able to cross this area.

Even so, the army of gods and demons suffered heavy losses.

Naturally, Fang Yi didn't dare to be careless, and stepped into it carefully. Although his physical body was domineering, under the light blue thunder, he only felt startled and palpitating.

And the masked girl is also much more honest and careful.

However, this kind of caution gradually relaxed as it deepened without any accidents.

"What's going on? Why is there nothing here?"

The masked girl looked around impatiently, looking very unhappy.

In fact, not to mention her, Fang Yi is also extremely depressed. The Sea of ​​Thunder seems to be a sea of ​​thunder. Apart from that, there is nothing, not even the shadow of half a living being, let alone a sea of ​​thunder. What snake people.

Of course, in such an environment, I am afraid that no living beings can survive.

It's no wonder it's so barren.

It's just that he was a little disappointed, because Fang Yi still wanted to find those so-called snake people and see if he could find news about the Pangu clan from them.

But right now it seems...

After going deeper into an unknown distance, Fang Yi reckoned that he should have entered the core area of ​​the Sea of ​​Thunder, and the surrounding blue thunder became more and more dense, instead of falling down, the entire space was plunged into a kind of blue. In hallucination.

And the army of gods and demons came all the way, and they have already suffered heavy losses, especially when they arrived here, the dense blue thunder made it impossible for them to march in the large army.

"Everyone listens to the order, and a group works separately to look for suspicious things, but remember not to be too far away, and keep responding at any time."

At this moment, the Thunder God Demon suddenly gave an order.

Obviously, for them to gather together like this, it is undoubtedly difficult to find the so-called hope. Only by looking separately can there be a glimmer of hope.

Everyone keeps a certain distance from each other and can respond to each other, so the safety can also be greatly guaranteed.

But this made Fang Yi frown.

"What should we do now? Who are we following?" the masked girl couldn't help asking.

"No one will follow!" After pondering for a while, Fang Yi finally chose a direction at will and followed. Having a squad will do just fine.

Pay attention to their movements at any time, and you can know the general situation of the army of gods and demons.

On the contrary, it is less regrettable to be separated from the main force.

When the masked girl heard about it, her eyes lit up, she looked at Fang Yi curiously, and asked, "You are not a god and demon, do you also want to obtain the secret left by the King of Time? Or, do you have another purpose?"

The masked girl stared at Fang Yi as if she had seen through Fang Yi.

Fang Yi couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, remembering the other party's identity, even the three supreme laws are clear, maybe...

Dang even paused for a while and asked, "Do you know the Pangu clan, one of the top ten god clans in ancient times?"

"What? Pangu tribe??"

When the masked girl asked, doubts flashed across her face, but she nodded and said, "I know, that is one of the most powerful races in ancient times. It was born with thunder and is called the son of the god of thunder. A place called Lei Ze."

wait!Razer? ?

The masked girl looked around, as if she realized something, looked at Fang Yi in disbelief, and asked, "You don't think it's the Sea of ​​Lightning Ze, do you? That Lightning Ze is in Kunlun, not the Mountain of Gods and Demons."

"Of course not. However, there are rumors of snake people in the Sea of ​​Thunder. They live in this area with a human head and a snake body."

Fang Yi replied.

"Really?" The masked girl's eyes brightened, as if she had discovered something novel.

"It's just, why are you looking for the Pangu clan?" The masked girl asked a little puzzled.

Fang Yi didn't answer, because there was no need for that, it was a long story, and it seemed that he couldn't allow him to answer right now, when a roar suddenly came from the depths of the Sea of ​​Lightning ahead.

The voice was like a dragon's chant, with a strong sense of warning.

"What's going on? There is a demon clan here? Could it be the snake man you mentioned?" The masked girl's eyes brightened, ready to move.

In such a Jedi, it is undoubtedly a novelty to meet other creatures.

Even Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and as soon as he moved, he left quickly.

"Hey! Wait for me!!"

The masked girl yelled, and hurriedly chased after her.

Boom! !

As it approached, there was a sound of fierce fighting ahead, but, in this desolate sea of ​​Lei Ze, how could there be people fighting?

One side is the army of gods and demons, what about the other side?

While thinking about it, everything in front of him appeared in Fang Yi's perception, and he saw an army of gods and demons fighting fiercely with a group of cultivators with human heads and snake bodies.


Fang Yi's pupils lit up, and there were indeed snake people in Lei Zezhi Sea, but are these snake people related to the Pangu clan?Looking at them, they don't seem to be very powerful, and their bodies don't have any supernatural power. Could it be...

"Kill!!" Among the snake people, the leader was a black-faced man. Thunder flashed in his pupils, and his figure was nimble. He walked between heaven and earth like a thunder.

It is hard to guard against, extremely weird.

There were not many people in that team of gods and demons, and the appearance of these snakemen was obviously premeditated, and they completely suppressed the team in the first place.

Several gods and demons fell into it in an instant.

But soon, the surrounding gods and demons team also noticed the strangeness here, and rushed over quickly.

But at this moment, the leading black-faced snake man shouted, "Back!"

As soon as the word retreat came out, the group of snake people melted into the surrounding thunderbolts like thunderbolts, and disappeared without a trace, which was extremely strange.

"What a thunder escape technique." Seeing this scene, Fang Yi couldn't help shrinking his pupils. If he hadn't practiced wind and thunder escape and had a certain understanding of thunder escape, I'm afraid he really thought he was dazzled and thought that these snakes Man is simply an illusion transformed by thunder.

But in fact, each of them is a living existence.

Moreover, he was extremely smart, knowing that the army of gods and demons was powerful, he did not dare to confront them head-on, and only after the army of gods and demons separated, he suddenly launched and defeated them one by one.

From this point of view, every move of the army of gods and demons, even their own movements, is probably already under their surveillance.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi became more and more curious about these snake people.


(End of this chapter)

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