Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3217 Thunder Dragon

Chapter 3217 Thunder Dragon

"Just leave like this?"

The masked girl also had a look of astonishment, as if she hadn't recovered yet.

The snake man came and went very quickly, from hearing the sound to fleeing, it took only a moment. However, the team of gods and demons suffered heavy losses, almost completely annihilated.

Other teams of gods and demons rushed to the surrounding area one after another. After understanding the situation, they all looked alert.

But unfortunately, those snake people have long since disappeared.

Not to mention them, even Fang Yi was uncertain about the whereabouts of these snake men, because the surrounding area was densely covered with thunder, and they blended into the thunder without showing any traces, as if they had become one with these thunder, which was extremely strange.

"Why not Xiaoxiao, get the hell out of me!!"

The army of gods and demons was furious, shouting, wanting those snake men to show up.

But unfortunately, the surrounding area was very quiet, as if nothing had happened, and those snake people seemed to not exist at all.

If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, Fang Yi might have doubts, but the fact...

"Tsk tsk! If there really are snake people, and they are so cunning, is it true that they are related to the Pangu clan?"

The masked girl pursed her lips at this moment, and seemed to glance at Fang Yi intentionally or unintentionally, obviously testing Fang Yi's reaction.

However, Fang Yi's face didn't look too different, it was still as plain as before, but slightly dignified. Although it was just a glimpse just now, Fang Yi could see the appearance of the snake man very clearly, even the aura on them , also in Fang Yi's induction.

But the more this happened, the more puzzled Fang Yi was, because he didn't notice anything special about those snake people.

It seems that they are just some ordinary monsters, not worth mentioning.

However, their last lightning escape technique was extremely mysterious, which made Fang Yi doubtful whether these snake people were really related to the Pangu clan?

It seems that in order to figure this out, they must be found.

Boom! !

While Fang Yi was pondering, there was another sound of fierce fighting in the distance.

"It's those snake people!!"

I don't know who was shouting, the nearby gods and demons all swarmed towards that direction, but unfortunately, before they approached, the snake man had already disappeared, leaving only a mess, and the corpses of a few gods and demons. corpse.

Not only that, a similar situation was staged in this entire minefield, and the army of gods and demons was repeatedly attacked and suffered a lot of losses.

Obviously, these snake people have already sensed the arrival of the army of gods and demons, but they did not choose to confront directly, but to fight.

"Tsk tsk! These snake people are really cunning. Relying on the thunder here, the army of gods and demons is in trouble. This time there is a good show!" The masked girl looked like she was watching the excitement, her eyes were burning .

Fang Yi was also a little surprised. The army of gods and demons was injured, which was naturally something he was happy to see.

But the army of gods and demons is obviously different, each one is full of killing intent.

The monstrous aura of gods and demons also permeated the air.

The gods and demons team was re-divided into a relatively large team. As a result, the success rate of the snake man's sneak attack was also greatly reduced.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, has always been just a bystander, and was not in a hurry to make a move.

Because he wanted to see what happened to these snake people and whether it had anything to do with the Pangu clan, but unfortunately, after observing them during several battles, he didn't find anything unusual.

These snake people seem to be some ordinary monsters, but they just happen to live here.

Moreover, their strength is not too strong, and they are obviously not as good under the fierce attack of the army of gods and demons.

Fortunately, their identities are strange, and with the help of this minefield, they are able to do a job with ease.

Although the army of gods and demons is tyrannical and domineering, they can't help it, because the army of gods and demons not only has to guard against them, but also always resists the thunder of this world.

And these snake people don't need it, they shuttle through the thunder like a fish in water.

"How is it? How are you observing? Are they from the Pangu clan?" The masked girl seemed to see through Fang Yi's thoughts, looked at Fang Yi playfully, and asked.

Fang Yi didn't answer, but frowned slightly, because he wasn't sure either.

Seeing this, the masked girl immediately curled her lips and said, "What's the point of guessing, just grab one and ask if it's enough?"

She said it lightly, just grab someone and ask?These snake people are so weird, as if they are one with these thunderbolts, how to catch them?

Moreover, once the attack is made, the army of gods and demons is bound to be alarmed, and then...

Of course, Fang Yi is not afraid of the army of gods and demons, but once he is detected, the army of gods and demons will definitely not let him go, and it will be troublesome if he wants to inquire about anything, so...

Moan! !

At this moment, another roar sounded from the depths of the Thunder Sea. The sound had sounded before, with a strong sense of warning. The difference was that this time it was full of endless anger.

Click! ! !

The surrounding thunder also seemed to have a sense, splitting down one after another, like raindrops, tearing apart the space.

I don't know how much more violent than before.

what happened?This thunder? ?If not, is there anyone else who can control it?

Fang Yi was taken aback. The roaring sound suddenly rang out, and the surrounding thunder erupted. This was obviously not a coincidence, but the nature of the sound, which had a great impact on the thunder in this area.

But this is the Sea of ​​Thunder. The thunder is not controlled by anyone, and it is densely covered in the void. It has never been heard that there are powerful creatures here that can control everything.

But that voice couldn't be faked at all.

The masked girl obviously also noticed this, her eyes were surprised, and she even looked at the source of the voice with a hint of eagerness to move.

"What is that? It feels so powerful, the thunder around here seems to come alive."

yes!The thunder all around suddenly became extremely active, as if it had come alive completely, wantonly tearing apart the space.

The army of gods and demons also showed shock, and everyone's eyes were vigilant.

But then, they flocked away.

Just kidding, they chopped mountains and mountains along the way, and no one could stop them. They were attacked by the snake man before, and they were suffocated. Now they heard the roar, how could they hold it back.

Moan! ! !

The roaring sound became more and more intense, the surrounding void thundered violently, and countless thunders fell down, tearing the entire void apart.

Anything approaching, under this dense thunder, all turned into endless dust.

As powerful as an army of gods and demons, they couldn't help but stop at this moment, not daring to move forward.

"Look! What's that??"

Suddenly, someone in the army of gods and demons screamed, and saw a huge monster churning from the dense thunder.

It is covered with thunder. In this dense thunder field, if you don't observe carefully, you may not be able to find it. It is suddenly a huge thunder dragon. With just one glance, one can't help but have the urge to worship.

It is like the ruler of all things over all living beings.


(End of this chapter)

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