Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3218 Fierce Battle

Chapter 3218 Fierce Battle

"What's going on? Thunder Dragon? Why is there a Thunder Dragon here?"

The crowd turned pale with shock, their pupils stared round, filled with unbelievable light.

The Sea of ​​Lei Ze is deserted, and the previous snake man was a bit unexpected, but now there is an extra thunder dragon, which undoubtedly shocked everyone. More importantly, the thunder dragon in front of him seemed extremely horrified. His breath is like the ruler of this world.

It surpasses all sentient beings, and everything is insignificant compared to it.

The beautiful eyes of the masked girl also brightened, revealing a fiery light.

good!Seeing such a terrifying brontosaurus, instead of showing the slightest bit of fear, she looked surprised, like a child discovering a novelty.

People are completely speechless.

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth couldn't help twitching, but soon his eyes stayed on the thunder dragon.

Because of the thunderstorms all around, the appearance of the thunder dragon completely turned the entire void into a pool of thunder. Countless dense thunderbolts fell from the sky, and the lightning flashed, shining brightly in the dark void.

Moan! !

Thunder Dragon roared, his bright moon-like eyes coldly scanned the crowd, revealing a deep anger.

And like a god of death, to be stared at by him is like falling into an abyss.

That army of gods and demons was extremely domineering before, but now they saw the thunder dragons, one by one, like frightened quails, standing still, their eyes full of fearful light.

"Strange!!" Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly said, it was a snake man before, and now, a thunder dragon popped out suddenly. Are those snake people related?

Also, how powerful this thunder dragon is, this terrifying aura makes even Fang Yi feel extremely palpitating.

But today, what can make Fang Yi palpitate, no doubt, is at least above the Dao.

Coupled with the terrifying thunder all around...

Fortunately, Fang Yi's doubts didn't last long, because the Thunder Dragon had already roared towards him, packed with overwhelming anger, like a giant beast completely mad.

Accompanied by thunderstorms all around, countless lightning flashed down, like a torrential rain, an army of gods and demons died under this dense thunder, countless casualties, injuries, and miserable howls followed. .

The scene seemed to have completely turned into hell.

Do not!Perhaps it is more appropriate to say that Thunder Prison, those gods and demon soldiers who were hit were either smashed to pieces, or turned into a coke, which was too horrible to look at.

The army of gods and demons also retreated steadily, not daring to confront the Thunder Dragon head-on.

Just kidding, although there is only one thunder dragon, this dense thunderbolt is enough to crush thousands of troops.

Fang Yi was also amazed when he saw it. The thunder dragon's dominance was obviously beyond his expectations, and it was even more powerful than the average Daoist.

Not to mention the masked girl, her eyes were fiery, and she looked like she was just sitting and watching the show.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout, like thunder on the ground, and the eardrums of the shaking crowd went numb.

Seeing the source of the sound, a golden light suddenly appeared, like the rising sun, illuminating the whole earth in an instant, and a bright golden figure also followed, accompanied by the sound of thunder, and the overwhelming evil spirit, suddenly it was the god and demon The leader of the army, Thunder God Demon.

At this moment, the Leisha God Demon is like a god, full of evil spirits, densely covered with thunder, accompanied by a strong smell of blood.

It turned out that in his palm, there was another snake man pinched by him.

Do not!Strictly speaking, it was not one, but half, because the snake man held in his hands had only half of his body, his face was distorted, and he was obviously suffering from great pain.

Blood splattered all the way, like a sudden rain of blood.

Moan! !

Thunder Dragon obviously also sensed the arrival of Leisha God Demon, roaring upwards, his huge pupils were full of angry light.

"Evil animal! Don't obediently suffer death!!" Thunder God and Demon yelled like thunder, and with a stride, the whole world seemed to sink, and the monstrous evil spirit also permeated the sky, sweeping around like a storm .

Dao powerhouses gather one more avenue and control one more rule every time they advance.

There is a world of difference between the two.

This is the case with the so-called first-order and first-heavy heavens. With this level of strength, it is extremely difficult to take every step. In the entire Three Realms, there may not be too few people with great avenues, but those who can condense several avenues are definitely not counted. many.

As for the God and Demon of Leisha, they control the two ways of Leisha, in other words, they are also the powerhouses of the second level of the Dao.

Looking at his application of the two rules, it is obvious that they have reached an extremely high level, and I am afraid that it is not just as simple as the second level of the Dao.

At least it has been a while since I reached this level.

Such a strong person, to be honest, Fang Yi is not yet an opponent. With his strength, he may be able to barely deal with the first level of the Dao, and with the help of the Immortal Trapping Sword, he may be slightly better.

But if it is against the second-tier powerhouse on the road, then there is an [-]% chance that Fang Yi will not be the opponent.

Of course, although they are not opponents, it is not easy for Leisha Shenmo to win Fang Yi.

And that thunder dragon was obviously not a good stubble. It roared wantonly against the thunder god and demon, and its huge body was also crushed. It was like a huge thunder sweeping across the sky, and the whole space collapsed instantly, like the end of the world. generally.

"Well done!! You don't know how to live or die! Get down on this seat!!"

Seeing this, the Leisha god and demon angrily scolded, and with a giant palm thrust out, the monstrous evil spirit mixed with thunder, engulfed the thunder dragon like a tsunami.

The Thunder Dragon didn't give in at all, roaring recklessly, engulfing the power of the sky, the two extremely powerful men collided violently like this, the world was shaken by it, and the void sank.

Some soldiers of the army of gods and demons who couldn't escape in time were immediately engulfed by this wave of air and turned into countless fragments.

The scene was full of blood and flesh, which was a doomsday-like scene.

Even though she was a girl with a complexion, her pretty face couldn't help turning pale. Obviously, she had never experienced such a bloody scene before.

Fang Yi is not surprised, as the daughter of the Snow Queen, she must be pampered, and has never seen such a bloody scene, let alone, who is the Snow Queen?Who else could put her in such a situation?

Boom! ! !

The world was shattered inch by inch, and the confrontation between the two superpowers was like the end of the world.

However, it is much more than that.

Just when Fang Yi was about to watch a good show, terrifying auras came from all directions, accompanied by endless screams of killing.

I saw that suddenly it was a powerful snake man.

Although their number is not as large as the army of gods and demons, each of them is extremely powerful, and with the help of these thunders, they come and go like lightning, appearing like ghosts and ghosts, making people hard to guard against, far from being comparable to the army of gods and demons.

Therefore, although the numbers are huge, the battle is extremely fierce.


(End of this chapter)

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