Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3337 Fierce Battle

Chapter 3337 Fierce Battle

Wangyue Gorge, the master of Mingyue Pavilion and the forgotten old man did not leave after all, just because this is the place where Mingyue Pavilion has guarded for endless years, so leaving here is always unwilling.

The atmosphere was also extremely depressing, and countless Mingyue Pavilion disciples knew what was going to happen next.

Not to mention the Master of the Mingyue Pavilion.

However, this is the responsibility of Mingyue Pavilion.

Boom! !

The sky in the distance was filled with darkness, and terrifying energy was like endless dark clouds, overwhelming the sky.

The vast void instantly became pitch black.

"It's coming so fast!"

There was a touch of horror and helplessness in the old man's old eyes.

As for the other Mingyue Pavilion disciples, their faces were full of horror. The Tai Sui Star battle had already been spread, and they knew exactly what kind of opponent they were facing. For them, it was equivalent to sending them to death.

But for this home they have guarded for endless years, even if they die, they cannot leave.

In the billowing energy, terrifying figures gradually emerged, like peerless gods, facing the crowd of Mingyue Pavilion in front of them, they seemed to have not seen them, crushing them all the way.

The corners of the mouth showed a strong playful look.

Looking at the eyes of the crowd below is like looking at ants.

Who would talk nonsense to ants?

Obviously, there was no need for these people to talk too much with Mingyue Pavilion, and they directly crushed them, and they were unparalleled in domineering.

The Master of the Mingyue Pavilion and the Forgotten Old Man were also trembling with anger. In the past, how could they have been ignored like this, but today...

"Bold, who is coming, the important place of Mochizuki Bay..."

The Master of the Mingyue Pavilion couldn't help shouting sharply.


But before he could finish his words, a louder, thunderous voice came first, causing the entire void to collapse.

"If you want to survive, find that kid, otherwise, the whole Moon Moon Bay will be buried with him."

"I really want to see where he can hide."

The voice continued to sound, full of killing intent and irony.

The huge Mochiyue Bay may look good to other people, but in the eyes of Dao Liuchong, it is undoubtedly not worth mentioning.

"Why do you need to be aggressive, he hasn't come back, so what if you destroy Mochizuki Bay? Under such circumstances, do you think he will come back?"

The forgotten old man also let out a long sigh at this time.

The reason is very simple, everyone understands that under such circumstances, Fang Yi's return is completely death.

So, how could he come back?

How can Wuwang Taoist and others not understand, but this is the direction Fang Yi left in the end, and this is Fang Yi's base camp. In the case of Fang Yi's trace, it is undoubtedly the best choice to destroy this place .

What's more, these ants are not worth mentioning in front of him, who would care about the life and death of a group of ants?

"Then you can only blame him, get out!!"

The hopeless Daoist scolded angrily.

He just waved his hand casually, and a terrifying power swept away in an instant, like a rushing wave.

Bang! !

A muffled sound followed, and the Forgotten Old Man flew out like a kite with a broken thread, with blood in his mouth like a pillar.

what? ?

Even though they had expected the domineering of the coming person, when they actually saw this scene, everyone couldn't help but change their faces, as tyrannical as the forgotten old man, he was so vulnerable in front of the other party.

In this way, isn't it a joke for my group to stop here?

Block the opponent's footsteps?is it possible?

At this moment, everyone felt that their legs were not in control, and they couldn't help shaking.

"A bunch of scumbags, kill them!!" The powerful men in Tongtianguan seemed a little impatient, and they swept over one by one, surrounded by huge waves.

In an instant, Wangyue Gorge turned into a slaughterhouse.

All kinds of miserable howls came, heart-piercing.

Facing such a strong man, no matter how unwilling Mingyue Pavilion disciples are, they can only swallow it with tears in their eyes.

Some warriors who came with them seemed to be a little bit unbearable when they saw this scene. Even Shi Ji couldn't help clicking her tongue with a look of pity on her face.

Of course, that gaze is like seeing a slaughterhouse, if there is much mercy, it is not.

More banter.

"Bastard! You are looking for death!!"

Seeing that Wangyue Gorge had turned into a piece of Shura hell, suddenly, an extremely angry voice came, accompanied by the sword energy soaring into the sky.

Brush! ! !

Four bright sword shadows cut down the sky, and several people were killed on the spot in an instant.

"Boy, you are so brave, you dare to show up!"

The hopeless Daoist shrank his pupils, revealing his killing intent.

The others looked at each other in disbelief. Obviously, no one thought that Fang Yi would dare to come here at this time. Isn't this a gift?

yes!That voice could not be someone else, it was Fang Yi.

He rushed all the way, originally intending to lead these people to the Sea of ​​Lei Ze, that huge black hole.

Unexpectedly, these people came so fast that they almost didn't catch up.

Fortunately, there is still time, otherwise, the whole Mochizuki Bay will be destroyed because of him. Although he is not from Mochizuki Bay, he doesn't have much affection for this starry sky, but no matter what, this starry sky makes him grow stronger quickly Get up, so, he can't, and he doesn't want to see this piece of starry sky disappear because of this.

"It's the lord!!"

In Wangyue Gorge, there are still many disciples of the New Moon Collar. Seeing Fang Yi appearing at this moment, for some reason, they have an inexplicable self-confidence, which even they themselves find inconceivable.

Just kidding, who is the other side?That is the powerhouse of the three major forces of Tongtian Temple, Earth Temple, and Great Leiyin Temple.

No one dares to say that they have confidence in these three major forces.

And they, just seeing Fang Yi appearing, have an inexplicable self-confidence after all.

Not to mention them, even Pavilion Master Mingyue and the others had a strange feeling, maybe it was because Fang Yi's performance in the video of Taisui Star's battle shocked them, or maybe it was because Fang Yi was at this moment. Dare to show up.

However, all this is just their opinion.

For Wuwang Daoist and Cangming God General, it is completely different.

The pupils of the two are full of killing intent at the moment, if there is any difference, it is that the corners of Wuwang Daoist's mouth are more ferocious, as if he hates Fang Yi to the bone.

As for Cangming God General, in comparison, he was a little more curious and surprised.

"Boy, since you're here, then leave your life to this deity!"

The Hopeless Daoist obviously couldn't wait. In fact, the moment Fang Yi appeared, the huge sword in his hand had already been cut off, and the bright sword shadow was like a huge ax that opened up the world, tearing everything apart.

Although Fang Yi is powerful, he is no more than the first level of the Dao, which is undoubtedly a world of difference from the Hopeless Daoist.

Faced with this sword, he obviously didn't dare to take it hard.

Just kidding, that would be fatal.

However, under the sword shadow of Wuwang Daoist, even if you want to hide, it is not so easy. When the sword shadow falls, the surrounding space has been completely blocked, like a piece of iron.

Seeing that the terrifying sword shadow was about to fall.


(End of this chapter)

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