Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3338

Chapter 3338

The expressions of the people in Wangyue Gorge could not help but change greatly, and their expressions were horrified.

Especially the officers and soldiers of the New Moon Collar.

Looking at his lord, who was about to die under the shadow of the terrifying sword, his face became extremely pale, and he wanted to help, but it was obviously impossible with his strength.

what! !

At this moment, even Fang Yi himself could not help but change his pupils drastically.

The power of the Sixth Layer of the Great Dao has completely exceeded his expectations. Although he was fortunate enough to witness the domineering of the Sixth Layer of the Great Dao in Taisui, he did not really fight these people. It was the woman in purple who blocked him. everything.

At this moment, he is really facing the sixth level of the Great Dao.

However, this incomparable power contains several avenues, so tyrannical as him, he actually feels unable to move, as if the god of death is approaching.

Fortunately, he was well prepared, and his figure transformed in an instant, becoming extremely transparent.

At the same time, a series of bright sword shadows followed.

Countless ice lotuses bloomed, and a huge ice and snow space instantly shrouded Fang Yi. The terrifying sword shadow, under this ice and snow space, suddenly slowed down a lot, as if it was hindered by something.

At the same time, one after another figures also appeared, they were all the powerhouses from the Ice God Palace.

"It's you again!!"

Daoist Wuwang was furious, as if sparks were about to erupt from his pupils, but he didn't see the woman in purple, so he couldn't help being stunned, and said with a sneer, "Why? Venerable Zilian didn't come? It's up to you people, Also trying to block this seat? It's just a dream."

The hopeless Daoist was full of contempt, as if he didn't pay attention to the group of people.

In fact, he does have such qualifications.

Although these Ice God Palace powerhouses are not weak, they can even be said to be very powerful, but after all, compared to ordinary people, they are not worth mentioning in front of them.

It was the ice and snow space that gave him some resistance.

And this is exactly what Fang Yi needs. Naturally, he doesn't think that he can compete against so many strong men.

Just kidding, but a hopeless Daoist is enough to crush him, let alone the Earth Temple and the Great Leiyin Temple.

The purpose of his coming here was just to lure away the crowd.

Therefore, at the moment when the ice and snow space condensed, while his demeanor changed, his whole body turned into a water arrow, and shot out fiercely, piercing the sky.

There was also a provocative voice.

"It's up to you, old man, if you want to be trapped in the fairy sword in your next life!"

shuttle! !

The water arrow transformed by the Tao of Water was about to disappear into the sky, and the Wuwang Daoist was dragged by the ice and snow space for a moment, and it was already too late.

Don't think it's just a moment, but for the strong, it's enough to escape.

"Bastard!!" Daoist Wuwang jumped into a rage.

On the other side, Cangming God General's expression darkened, and he shouted: "Boy, come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, do you really think that the general waiting for others is nothing?"

Just hearing the sound of shouting, the huge space instantly became turbulent.

A huge stone hammer came out of nowhere, as if condensed out of thin air, and smashed towards the shooting water arrow.

not good! !

I knew it wasn't that easy.

Fang Yi's heart sank, he felt an extremely dangerous aura approaching, and he didn't care about it immediately. The way of water erupted, and the terrifying divine power was like a rushing wave, even shaking the entire water temple violently.

Yes!At this moment, Fang Yi didn't hide it anymore, and even borrowed the terrifying power of water in the water temple.

After all, that is a strong person at the sixth level of the Dao, and one bad thing is the elimination of life and death.

How can I care so much at this time.

and so……


Cang Mingshen will obviously notice something, his pupils shrink sharply, revealing a greedy look.

They had guessed a long time ago, but guesses are guesses after all. At this moment, they really felt that aura. Don't ask how they knew, as the twelve generals under the command of Mother Earth, they have a great deal of respect for Mother Earth. The artifacts of the earth temple, they all have something.

And the Temple of the Five Elements came from the same vein, and this similar breath escaped their feeling.

Immediately, the stone hammer also became more ferocious, like a sky crashing.

Boom! !

The two terrifying energies collided together, and Fang Yi's figure was blasted out like a cannonball, and blood mist sprayed out.

Fang Yi only felt that his internal organs seemed to have been displaced.

This is because his regular body of water ignores all objects to attack, but he can't ignore the attack of regular power, and the torrential power of earth still makes him seem to have walked through the gate of hell.

This is him, if he were replaced by any other Dao Yizhong, he might be killed on the spot.

This is due to his strength, which he benefits from his strong defense.

Regardless of the physical body condensed by the three major temples, tempered by the fire of chaos, coupled with the power of the rules of water, he survived, otherwise...


God General Cangming obviously also noticed something strange, and a hint of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Just when he was about to attack again, suddenly, Fang Yi's flying body turned into countless water droplets, heading in all directions and in different directions.

This is? ?

The group of Tongtian Temple disciples and others who came quickly were undoubtedly stunned on the spot.

The countless water droplets were not something they could distinguish at all, and they were all stunned on the spot, at a loss for what to do.

Rao is the general of Cang Ming, a look of uncertainty and horror flashed in his eyes, because at this moment, in his induction, Fang Yi almost turned into the rule of water.

Those countless water droplets, it seems that each one is not him, but in fact, each one is.

Because at this moment, Fang Yi is the rule of water in this sky.

"Master of the rules!" Cang Mingshen general blurted out, his eyes filled with horror, such a low-level master of rules is almost unheard of, no wonder he made such a fuss.

groan! !

However, at this moment, a shocking dragon chant came, and countless water powers transformed into a regular dragon, roaring towards Cangming God General.

At the same time as him, countless water droplets flew towards the sky.

At such a moment, Fang Yi naturally wouldn't get entangled with these people, because that would be death.

So with the help of the water temple's power, he flew away directly, as fast as lightning.

Don't look at all of this as if it was slow, but in fact it all happened between lightning and flint, so that the crowd didn't know what happened.

Everyone was still stunned, completely unaware of what was going on.

Even if the hopeless Daoist hadn't broken through the ice and snow space, Fang Yi had already disappeared into the world like lightning, accompanied by his provocative voice, "You are nothing more than that, what are the three major forces, the sixth level of the avenue, This lord will cut you all under the sword in the future."

The presumptuous voice echoed in the world, making everyone from the three major forces gnash their teeth in anger.

"Bastard! Do you think you can leave today! Where can you escape!!"

Wuwang Taoist broke through the ice and snow space with a sword, and chased after him.

God General Cangming went after him first.

As for the others, needless to say, the Moon Gap, which was still bloody just now, has become extremely deserted in an instant, leaving only the astonished expressions on everyone's faces.


(End of this chapter)

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